حملة للتضامن مع متضرري الحرب ينظمها مركز كوش بغرب استراليا(بيرث)

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12-27-2011, 11:39 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 07-07-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 1386

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
حملة للتضامن مع متضرري الحرب ينظمها مركز كوش بغرب استراليا(بيرث)

    ينظم مركز كوش بغرب استراليا بالتضامن مع رابطة ابناء جبال النوبة ورابطة ابناء النيل الازرق حملة لدعم متضرري الحرب بالمنطقتين ونشيد بكل الحادبين دعم هذه الحملة وسيقام حفل خيري بمدينة بيرث وتحييه مجموعة فلكلورية من جبال النوبة وجنوب النيل الازرق . كما يساهم في الحفل الموسيقار والفنان عاصم الطيب وفرقة النيل العظيم بغرب استراليا وذلك في الاول من يناير2012 الذي يوافق الاحتفالات باستقلال السودان وتتواصل الحملة في جميع انحاء استراليا.نرجو من الجميع دعم هذه الحملة لتحقيق اغراضاها.

12-27-2011, 12:07 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 07-07-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 1386

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: حملة للتضامن مع متضرري الحرب ينظمها مركز كوش بغرب استراليا(بيرث) (Re: ABUKHALID)

    Quote: Who we are
    We are a group of musicians originally from Sudan. We have established The Great Nile Musical Group in 2001 driven by our belief that music brings people of diverse background together. Through music, we aim to promote harmony and showcase our culture to the wider Australian community.
    What we do
    We have been participating in several Sudanese, African and the wider community events, which gave us the platform to:
     promote cultural diversity among the Australian community through music and performance.
     use music, performance and celebratory events to promote positive culture, integration and harmony among the diverse ethnic groups in the Sudanese community in Western Australia.
    In 2010 we decided to expand our activities under the broad name, Kush Centre for Music, Culture, and Community Development Inc. The word Kush is derived from the ancient kingdom of Kush/Cush which was an ancient State located in North Eastern part of Africa centered on the confluences of the Blue Nile, White Nile and River Atbara in what is now the Republic of Sudan. It was one of the earliest civilizations to develop in the Nile River Valley. We adopted the name due to the fact that it highly resonates with our cultural background.
    The Great Nile Musical Group consists of members with diverse musical talent and continues to function under the umbrella organization, Kush Centre for Music, Culture, and Community Development.
    What we offer
    In the spirit of further showcasing our cultural tradition, we welcome invitations to various events. We are more than happy to participate at events and initiatives that celebrate cultural diversity through music.
    For further information, please contact Adil Ashami : 0422575241, El Hassan Haj Ali: 0422750685, Ahmed Gameredhin 0423350642 or email us on [email protected] .
    Who we are We are a group of musicians originally from Sudan. We have established The Great Nile Musical Group in 2001 driven by our belief that music brings people of diverse background together. Through music, we aim to promote harmony and showcase our culture to the wider Australian community. What we do We have been participating in several Sudanese, African and the wider community events, which gave us the platform to:  promote cultural diversity among the Australian community through music and performance.  use music, performance and celebratory events to promote positive culture, integration and harmony among the diverse ethnic groups in the Sudanese community in Western Australia. In 2010 we decided to expand our activities under the broad name, Kush Centre for Music, Culture, and Community Development Inc. The word Kush is derived from the ancient kingdom of Kush/Cush which was an ancient State located in North Eastern part of Africa centered on the confluences of the Blue Nile, White Nile and River Atbara in what is now the Republic of Sudan. It was one of the earliest civilizations to develop in the Nile River Valley. We adopted the name due to the fact that it highly resonates with our cultural background. The Great Nile Musical Group consists of members with diverse musical talent and continues to function under the umbrella organization, Kush Centre for Music, Culture, and Community Development. What we offer In the spirit of further showcasing our cultural tradition, we welcome invitations to various events. We are more than happy to participate at events and initiatives that celebrate cultural diversity through music. For further information, please contact Adil Ashami : 0422575241, El Hassan Haj Ali: 0422750685, Ahmed Gameredhin 0423350642 or email us on [email protected] .

    (عدل بواسطة ABUKHALID on 12-27-2011, 12:08 PM)


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