الاستاذة/مني عوض خوجلي ترد على الاخ محجوب الذي تحدث عن حركة رمضان/ابريل1990

مرحبا Guest
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مكتبة برير اسماعيل يوسف(برير اسماعيل يوسف)
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11-12-2004, 02:20 AM

برير اسماعيل يوسف
<aبرير اسماعيل يوسف
تاريخ التسجيل: 06-03-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 4445

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
الاستاذة/مني عوض خوجلي ترد على الاخ محجوب الذي تحدث عن حركة رمضان/ابريل1990


    I read your comment on the martyrs in sudaneseonline and I would like to start replying to you by explaining one important point, that Ramadan/April movement was not like what you described, ‘just another military coup’. The group of the executed officers specially those with high military ranks have been working for the army for long time, they were the colleagues of martyr Fathi Ahmed Ali, and like him they believed in democracy, and were known for their support to democracy. The officers did not use the arms to defend themselves, and they could have done that, especially they had control of many of the military bases, but they did not want to shed blood.
    Another fact: some of these officers were supporting the April intifada and have worked with their seniors to listen to the Sudanese people's voices against the dictator military regime that ruled Sudan at that time.
    The issue raised in this statement was not only about the remembrance of the officers, which should be the duty of all democratic forces and Sudanese honrouble people, but it is also about the violation of officers’ human rights, the fact remains solid and clear, the officers did not face any trial, their families did not know about their execution in a proper and official way, families had to sit beside the radio to listen to the news about their beloved one’ execution. I hope you do not go through such experience and feel the same pain! Up to this minute, the location of the officers' collective grave is not disclosed to the families. Why do you think? Is it more torture to the families? Is it the fear of discovering more? One of the reasons in my personal opinion is that there are huge numbers of others who have been executed with the officers and the government does not wan

11-14-2004, 07:14 AM

برير اسماعيل يوسف
<aبرير اسماعيل يوسف
تاريخ التسجيل: 06-03-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 4445

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الاستاذة/مني عوض خوجلي ترد على الاخ محجوب الذي تحدث عن حركة رمضان/ابريل (Re: برير اسماعيل يوسف)


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