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05-07-2007, 00:38 AM

Sabri Elshareef

تاريخ التسجيل: 12-30-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 21142

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
ساركوزي رئيسا لفرنسا

    the French presidential election with 52.7% of votes, according to projections from TNS-Sofres Logica CMG for TF1, RTL and FRANCE 24. His opponent, Socialist candidate Ségolène Royal trailed behind with 47.3% ballots.

    The 52-year-old conservative has promised to spur the country’s economic growth through tax cuts and market-based reforms. Maintaining a tough stance on immigration, he is in favour of skills-based selection for legal migrants, tougher rules of entry for their families and deportation for illegals.

    Sarkozy was elected mayor of the Paris suburb of Neuilly in 1983. Since Jacques Chirac's re-election in 2002, Sarkozy has been a dominant force in French politics. The president made him interior minister and he also served briefly as finance minister.

    A combative interior minister, Sarkozy famously said that he would clean out the “racaille,” or rabble, in the suburbs. His language during the 2005 riots in France's suburbs riled many. His blunt remarks and desire for “selective immigration” have led many of his critics to accuse him of pandering to the electorate of far-right leader Jean-Marie Le Pen.

    The son of an exiled Hungarian aristocrat and grandson of a Greek Jew, Sarkozy was born in 1955 in Paris.

    Victory speech: 'There is only one France'

    President-elect Sarkozy pledged to reach out to all French people after his election victory on Sunday. "To all those French who did not vote for me, I want to say that beyond political battles, beyond differences of opinion, for me there is only one France. I want to tell them that I will be president of all the French," he told supporters in Paris. He added that "now is the time for me to give back to France what France has given to me."

    He pledged his committment to Europe, saying "tonight France is back in Europe."

    Sarkozy also said that the United States could rely on the friendship of France.

    World Reactions

    US President George W. Bush telephoned Sarkozy to congratulate him on his victory in Sunday's presidential election.

    Italy's centre-left Prime Minister Romano Prodi warmly congratulated French presidential candidate Nicolas Sarkozy on his "handsome victory" in Sunday's elections. "Dear Nicolas, I would like to offer you my most sincere, friendly and affectionate congratulations for your handsome electoral victory and for your appointment to the presidency of the French republic," he said in a message reported by ANSA news agency.

    EU Transport Commissioner Jacques Barrot cheered Nicolas Sarkozy Sunday on his presidential election victory, as well as French voters for turning out in such great number.

    European Commission President José Manuel Barroso said that he was confident that Sarkozy would play an important role in the EU.

    Avi Pazner, a spokesperson for the Israeli government, said he believes that Sarkozy's policies for the Middle East will be balanced.
    Royal concedes defeat in election:
    Sarkozy's Socialist rival Ségolène Royal, regional president of the western province of Poitou-Charentes, had hoped to become France's first woman president. She emerged a year ago as a contender for the Socialist nomination, against the wishes of party leaders. She won the party’s nomination in November 2006 despite internal opposition. She alone was considered to have the charisma to face Sarkozy.

    Royal, speaking to her supporters after the election result, said she hoped "the next president of the republic will accomplish his mandate for the service of all French people."

    Socialist European deputy Pierre Moscovici said Royal's defeat was a "a defeat for all Socialists." Former Socialist Prime Minister Laurent Fabius said on TV network France 2 that the Socialists' flag had fallen with Royal's defeat.

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    [32] reactions :

    Sunday, May 6, 2007

    By CT Blake- USA

    A disaster for France. Sarko is a divisive figure, and will turn out to be poison to the French Republic. As far as the Socialists- they need to pick their candidates better. Royal was a weak candidate from the beginning, and never was able to overcome her weak campaigning style. They should have won this election, and a better candidate would have.

    Sunday, May 6, 2007

    By Tato

    Welcome President Sarkozy - the world culture is at risk and it needs the leadership of men of character.

    Sunday, May 6, 2007

    Reunification of the Allies
    By DThomas

    The Conversion and the reaction of the western population is practically complete with right wing governments in US,CANADA,AUSTRALIA,FRANCE, with honorable mentions to
    germany,UK and italy
    it is not a coincdence that these results have been occuring.
    the landscape of the world is going to change. whether for better or for worse?

    time will tell........

    Sunday, May 6, 2007

    By Anthony

    A new charismatic man for a new revolution after 26 years of wasted opportunity. Now het going and make a difference. Royal only had the weapon of fear and dread that shge hoped would scare the voters. Sarkozy never scared the voters who have entrusted him to lead with his obvious energy, charisma and ideas. Now is the time for France to lead again in Europe, the world and stand up again. It had gone to sleep under Chirac and Mitterand. Merci Sarkozy - vale Royal.

    Sunday, May 6, 2007

    Congratulations on a huge electoral turnout
    By Seo Catháin

    Well there it is a huge turnout of up on 80% so one reads- and you have gone for Nicholas Sarkozy. Go gradual or go deeper into reform? Well it looks like reform as been your choice. Its great that you had contrast of choice. In Ireland we go to the polls in the general elections on May 28th but our choice is last contrasting between left and right with much common agreement. It would have been great to see the first female President of France and a mould to be broken where equality in the high office is the norm. But I guess economically Sarkozy seems the better choice-deep reforms apparently are needed for France to improve. His policies seem more dynamic than Royale.And one hears half his cabinet will be female, as should be representing the populational ratio. Next best thing to a Female President if so. Congratualions France in your decision and best wishes to your President Elect in implementing economic dynamism that will improve your standard of living and life choices. Hopefuly reforms are calmly achieved!

    Sunday, May 6, 2007

    Wait for the Violence
    By William Carter

    Bad news for France, this man will destroy the social system. Now wait for the trouble to start.

    Sunday, May 6, 2007

    Sarkozy win, good news, bad news
    By Jim

    Sarkozy's victory is good, because the people of France will now get a chance to experience the full benefit of a free-market society. If Sarkozy succeeds with his ideas, France can enjoy the benefits of longer work weeks for less pay, more outsourcing of jobs, lower hourly wages and great capital gains for those that are already wealthy. Others will be left behind. America's current downfall in the last 10-15 years is now what France can look forward to emulating.
    The good news is that I think it is easier to dump your leaders then it is here in America. Were still trying to get rid of ours. I hope the people of France do not fall for these kind of a better society through more work promises again!
    Jim in Oregon

05-07-2007, 01:19 AM

مجاهد عبدالله

تاريخ التسجيل: 11-07-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 3988

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: ساركوزي رئيسا لفرنسا (Re: Sabri Elshareef)

    الأمريكان وحتى نهاية عهد بوش ضمنوا القرار الأوربي لصالحهم

    خالص الود صبري

05-07-2007, 07:55 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 07-31-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 13702

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: ساركوزي رئيسا لفرنسا (Re: Sabri Elshareef)

    الفرنسيون أسقطوا اليمينى لوبان قبل ذلك..

    ولكن منذ ذلك التاريخ جرت مياه كثيرة تحت الجسر..
    مما أدى الى فوز ساركوزى الان.

    سيبكى المسلمين والعرب والأفارقة كثيراعلى عهد شيراك..
    جزاء مافعلت ايديهم من عنف وتطرف ومعارك الحجاب وهلم جرا..

    هذا جزاء استهتارهم بالقيم الأوربية.

    تحياتى أستاذ صبرى الشريف.

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