رسالة من النشطاء السودانين بولاية نورث كارولينا إلى المدعى العام لمدينة قرينزبورو
رسالة من النشطاء السودانين بولاية نورث كارولينا إلى المدعى العام لمدينة قرينزبورو بداءة مجموعات من النشطاء السودانين بالأعداد لتسير مظاهرة احتجاج ضد قدوم وفد الموءتمر الوطنى المسماه بمصلحة الأراضي إلى مدينة قرينزبورو خلال أيام and#1633;and#1638;وand#1633;and#1639; من هذا الشهر، وقد تم إرسال خطاب للمدعي العام بمناسبة حضور الوفد وأهداف الزيارة ، والتي تستهدف السودانين المقيمين بالولاية بالأساليب الفاسدة والغير قانونية لجمع أموالهم الهروب بها. نشطاء ولاية نورث كارولينا
Friday, December 6, 2013 Guilford County District Attorney Dear Doug Henderson, We are writing today to complain of the visiting representatives of the Sudanese government to the city of Greensboro, Raleigh, Durham, and many other cities in North Carolina on December 16th-17th. The plan of the representatives is to extort the American Sudanese decedents by offering them some bogus services to extract money from the poor communities in North Carolina. Using that money, they will supply the Sudanese government with weapons, bombs, jets, etc. to wipe out the population of the regions of Southern Khurdufan, Blue Nile, Darfur, and many more regions. The majority of the Sudanese decedents in North Carolina, which is over 20,000 people, came from Sudan because of the current genocide in Sudan to find a better life for their families. Also, they come because of the generous assistance of the state of North Carolina. The government of Sudan are targeting the poor people who are benefited by the welfare of the state. Mr. Henderson, we would like to remind you that there are sanctions against Sudan by the government of the United States. Even though there are sanctions, Sudan is still coming to the United States (especially the state of North Carolina) and they are getting away with it. The reason they are visiting our state is because they think we are defenseless, weak, and naive, which is not true. So, we are basically asking you and your authority to interfere with those affairs, and keep all communities in the state of North Carolina from any harm. Thank you for your time, effort, and concern towards the communities throughout North Carolina. We hope to work with you in the near future. We look forward to hearing from you. Sudanese-North Carolinian community activists, North Carolinian Sudanese Communities P.S. This letter will be sent to the following newspapers: Raleigh News and Observer Durham: The Herald-Sun Charlotte Observer Greensboro: The Business Journal Greensboro Carolina Peacemaker High point Enterprise Boone: The Mountain Times Winston-Salem Chronicle This letter will be sent to the major universities in North Carolina. If you have any questions, please contact me at 919-348-6580, and at my email, [email protected].