ندوة عالمية هامة عن السودان في لندن
08:55 PM May, 25 2016 سودانيز اون لاين محمد علي ـ لندن-لندن-UK مكتبتى رابط مختصر
محمد علي ـ لندن
يسر جمعية الدراسات السودانية بالمملكة المتحدة وجامعة ساوس بلندن دعوتكم لحضور الندوة الهامة عن السودان، وذلك في قاعة بروناي بجامعة ساوس بلندن، يوم الثلاثاء 7 يونيو 2016م، من الساعة 6،45 إلى الساعة 8،30 مساء المتحدثون: بروفيسور إيريك ريفيس: مؤلف كتاب (التفاوض مع الشيطان)، أرشفة تاريخ السودان 2007 – 2012 بروفيسور بيتر وودورد: أستاذ سابق للسياسة والعلاقات الدولية .......... دكتور لوتز أويتي: أستاذ محاضر أول في القانون في جامعة ساوس .......... لمزيد من التفاصيل عن الندوة يرجى مطالعة النص الإنجليزي وستكون المحاضرات باللغة الإنجليزية. Hello, You are invited to the following event: THE INTERNATIONAL EMBRACE OF KHARTOUM: CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES FOR SUDAN... Event to be held at the following time, date and location: Tuesday, 7 June 2016 from 18:45 to 20:30 (BST) Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre SOAS, University of London, Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG United Kingdom View Map Attend Event Share this event: The Society for the Study of the Sudans (UK) and the Centre of African Studies of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, invite you to 'The International Embrace of Khartoum: Causes and Consequences for Sudan, Implications for South Sudan' by Professor Eric Reeves, Smith College, United States. Discussant: Professor Peter Woodward, Professor Emeritus, University of Reading. Chairperson: Dr. Lutz Oette, Director, Centre for Human Rights Law, SOAS. _____________________________________________________ Eric Reeves is a professor of English Language and Literature at Smith College, Northampton Massachusetts. He has published extensively on Sudan, nationally and internationally, for almost two decades. He is author of Compromising with Evil: An archival history of greater Sudan, 2007-2012 (September 2012). Peter Woodward was Professor of Politics and International Relations at Reading University, Berkshire, England. He is a former Lecturer in Politics at the University of Khartoum, Sudan. He has published extensively, including Crisis In The Horn of Africa: Politics, Piracy and The Threat of Terror; Sudan after Nimeiri (Ed): SOAS/Routledge Studies on the Middle East; US Foreign Policy and the Horn of Africa (US Foreign Policy and Conflict in the Islamic World). Dr. Lutz Oette is a senior lecturer in law at SOAS. In his recent work, particularly as the then Counsel at the NGO Redress (http://http://www.redress.orgwww.redress.org, he combined litigation, capacity building and advocacy, including the Project for Criminal Law Reform in Sudan (http://http://www.pclrs.comwww.pclrs.com. His current research focuses on constitutional reform and human rights in Sudan, and various aspects of the prohibition of torture and the right to reparation. He is co-author of Bantekas and Oette, International Human Rights Law and Practice (Cambridge University Press, 2013), second edition due July 2016. _____________________________________________
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