احداث كجبار...بيان من الامم المتحدة

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09-04-2007, 06:47 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 04-17-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 3227

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
احداث كجبار...بيان من الامم المتحدة

    بيان صادر من الامم المتحدة /



    Press Release



    The Special Rapporteur on adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, Miloon Kothari, issued the following statement today:

    Geneva, 27 August 2007: "I am deeply concerned by the situation of the communities affected by the hydro-electric projects in the Merowe and Kajbar areas in the northern Nile valley in Sudan which has continued to worsen during the past two years.

    I continue to receive disturbing reports that large-scale forced evictions may be imminent in the Merowe area. The reports indicate that rising water levels of the Merowe reservoir have destroyed dozens of houses in the past weeks and may destroy many more, forcing residents out of their homes. The affected people have claimed that they received no warning that water levels would be raised and that no assistance from Government authorities has been forthcoming since their houses were destroyed. Last year, thousands of people in the Merowe area were relocated in similar circumstances which temporarily left them without food or shelter, and some remain homeless.

    While I am still in the process of assessing the development motives behind the projects, these cannot, according to international human rights instruments, under any circumstances, be planned and implemented without effective involvement of the affected populations and at the expense of the human rights of more than 60.000 people, including women, children and the elderly. In the present circumstances, moving forward with the projects given the opposition by the communities would lead to large-scale forced evictions and further violence. As recognized by the international community, forced evictions violate a wide range of human rights and large-scale evictions can only be carried out under exceptional circumstances and in full accordance with international human rights standards.

    Moreover, as opposition by the communities to the dams has grown, I have received numerous reports of violations of civil and political rights due to the government's response to community protests. These have included the shooting of unarmed demonstrators, arbitrary arrests of activists, and repressive measures against the press when journalists have attempted to cover the events.

    As previously communicated to the Government of Sudan (1), I strongly urge the authorities to fully comply with international human rights standards, and to consider the use of instruments and guidelines that have been developed to minimize the impact of these kinds of projects on the human rights of the populations, such as the "Basic principles and guidelines on development-based evictions and displacement" (2).

    I call upon all States that have invested in the Merowe and Kajbar dams, in particular China, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Abu Dhabi, the Sultanate of Oman and the League of Arab States (through the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development), to ensure that the implementation of the projects does not lead to violations of human rights including the right to adequate housing of the affected communities.

    I urge the companies involved in the projects, such as Harbin (China), Lahmeyer International (Germany), and Alstom (France) to put a halt to their activities until a full and impartial assessment of the impact on the human rights of the population is made. In this regard, I also strongly encourage that States, in particular China, Germany and France, ensure that the work of their national companies does not -directly or indirectly- negatively impact the human rights of the affected people.

    As an immediate step, in view of the reported rise in the water level and the possible flooding in the Merowe area, I urge the Government to take all necessary measures to ensure the safety and adequate housing of persons living in the area. I also urge the Government of Sudan to facilitate swift access for UN human rights monitors to conduct an independent eviction-impact assessment mission. Until the results of such impact assessment are made available, I call upon the Government to suspend the hydro-electric dam projects in Merowe and Kajbar.

    (1) See Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing, Summary of communications sent and replies received from Governments and other actors, A/HRC/4/18/Add.1,
    (2) The "Basic principles and guidelines on development-based evictions and displacement" are included as Annex I to the report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing, A/HRC/4/18

    مدحت عثمان(فريقنتود)

09-04-2007, 06:52 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 04-17-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 3227

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: احداث كجبار...بيان من الامم المتحدة (Re: nabielo)

    مشكلة سد كجبار تصل الى الامم المتحدة..


    المقرر الاممى لحقوق الانسان فى السكن الملائم يطالب السودان بحماية المجموعات المتأثرة بمشاريع السدود لتوليد الكهرباء

    صرح ميلون كوثارى Miloon Kothari المقرر الاممى الخاص بحقوق الانسان فى السكن الملائم The Special Rapporteur on adequate housing فى بيان له صدر بتاريخ امس 27 اغسطس 2007 انه منزعج جدا من اوضاع المتأثرين من مشاريع سدى مروى وكجبار فى شمال السودان والتى بدأت تتفاقم خلال العامين الماضيين.

    وقال انه بدأ يتلقى باستمرار تقارير عن احتمال حدوث عمليات تهجير جماعية وقسرية وانها على وشك الحدوث فى منطقة مروى. كما ان التقارير تشير الى ان ارتفاع مناسيب المياه خلف سد مروى قد ادى الى تدمير العشرات من المنازل خلال الاسابيع القليلة الماضية كما انها قد تؤدى الى تدمير المزيد وتجبر السكان على إخلاء منازلهم . وقد ذكر المتأثرون من الفيضان بانهم لم يتسلموا اى تحذيرات من قبل السلطات الحكومية كما انهم لم يتسلموا اية مساعدات حكومية منذ ان دمرت منازلهم. وفى العام الماضى تم تهجير الآلاف من السكان المحليين فى منطقة مروى الى اماكن لا يتوفر فيها المأوى او الطعام بينما اصبح بعضهم بلا مأوى.

    وفى الوقت الذى اقوم فيه بتقييم الدوافع من وراء اقامة تلك المشاريع فان هذه المشاريع لا يمكن وحسب قوانين ومعاهدات حقوق الانسان الدولية وتحت اى ظرف من الظروف ان تخطط وتنفذ بدون اشراك السكان المتأثرين وعلى حساب الحقوق الانسانية لاكثر من ستين الف شخص من بينهم النساء والاطفال والمسنين. وفى ظل الاوضاع الحالية فان المضى قدما فى تنفيذ مثل هذه المشاريع والتى تجد معارضة من السكان سوف يؤدى تهجير قسرى لاعداد كبيرة ولمزيد من العنف. والمجتمع الدولى يعتبر التهجير القسرى انتهاكا صارخا لحقوق الانسان وان التهجير الجماعى لا يمكن ان يتم إلا فى ظل ظروف استثنائية وطبقا للمعاهدات والقوانين الدولية.

    ومع تصاعد المعارضة من قبل السكان للسدود فقد تسلمت تقارير عديدة عن انتهاكات للحقوق المدنية والسياسية بسبب رد الفعل الحكومى لإحتجاجات السكان المتأثرين. وقد شملت تلك الانتهاكات إطلاق النار على المدنيين العزل والإعتقالات العشوائية للناشطين واستعمال الاساليب القهرية ضد الصحافة عندما حاول الصحافيون تغطية تلك الاحداث.

    وحسب اخطارنا سابقا للحكومة السودانية:
    (1) إننى اشجع المسؤولين بشدة على الالتزام الكامل بالمواثيق الدولية لحقوق الانسان ومراعاة استعمال الضوابط والموجهات المتعارف عليها للتقليل من تأثير مثل هذه المشاريع على حقوق الانسان.
    (2) اننى ادعو الدول المستثمرة فى سدى مروى وكجبار وعلى وجه الخصوص الصين والسعودية والكويت وابوظبى وسلطنة عمان وجامعة الدول العربية ( من خلال المصرف العربى للتنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية) ان تتأكد من تنفيذ هذه المشاريع لن يؤدى الى انتهاك حقوق الانسان ومن بينها حق السكان المتأثرين فى السكن الملائم.

    (3) اننى احث الشركات العاملة فى تلك المشاريع مثل شركة هاربين الصينية (Harbin) وشركة لاهماير العالمية (المانيا) Lahmeyer International وشركة الستوم الفرنسية Alstom ان تتوقف عن اعمالها حتى يتم إجراء تقييم نزيه حول تأثير تلك المشاريع على الحقوق الانسانية للسكان. وفى هذا الصدد فاننى احث بقوة الدول خاصة الصين والمانيا وفرنسا على التأكد من ان عمل الشركات الوطنية التابعة لها لن تؤثر بطريقة مباشرة او غير مباشرة على حقوق انسان المتأثرين بالسدود.

    وكخطوة مستعجلة وفى ضوء التقارير التى تتحدث عن ارتفاع مناسيب المياه واحتمال حدوث فيضانات فى منطقة مروى فاننى احث الحكومة على ان تتخذ كافة الخطوات الضرورية لتوفير الحماية والسكن الملائم لسكان المنطقة. كما اشجع حكومة السودان على الإسراع فى تذليل مهمة مراقبى الامم المتحدة لحقوق الانسان لإجراء دراسات مستقلة وتقييم تأثير التهجير القسرى على السكان. كما اطالب الحكومة بإيقاف مشاريع توليد الكهرباء من خزانى مروى وكجبار.


    (1) See Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing,
    Summary of communications sent and replies received from Governments and
    other actors, A/HRC/4/18/Add.1,

    مدحت عثمان(فريقنتود)

09-04-2007, 07:00 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 04-17-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 3227

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: احداث كجبار...بيان من الامم المتحدة (Re: nabielo)

    Follow up of case SDN 200607, SDN 200607.1 and SDN 200607.2

    Geneva, 30 August 2007

    The International Secretariat of the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) received new information on the following situation in Sudan.

    New information

    The International Secretariat of OMCT has been informed by the Sudan Organisation Against Torture (SOAT), a member of the SOS-Torture network, of the release on 24 August 2007 from Dabak prison in the North of Khartoum of Dr. Mohammed Julal Hashim, University Lecturer, who was arrested on 15 June 2007 following the Kajabar Dam protest in Sudan’s Northern State and detained since then. Dr. Mohammed Julal Hashim was reportedly released after signing a statement whereby he agrees to refrain from participating in further political activities.

    The International Secretariat of OMCT welcomes the release of Dr. Mohammed Julal Hashim although it deplores the conditions of his release.

    Reminder of the situation

    On 13 June 2007 four persons were killed and nine other civilians were injured by the police and security forces in the Farraig village during a peaceful demonstration against the building of the Kajabar Dam in the area.

    According to the information, the four civilians who were killed are:

    1. Mr. Shaik Aldin Haj Ahmed (m), 25 years old, Farmer
    2. Mr. Mohamed Fagir Diab (m), 21 years old, High School student at Farraig
    3. Mr. Alsadig Salim (m), 40 years old, Farmer
    4. Mr. Almoiz Mohamed Abdelrahim(m), 21 years old

    The injured persons are:

    1. Mr. Sid Ahmed Osman Nori(m), Miskaila village
    2. Mr. Khairi Osman Ismail, Miskaila village
    3. Mr. Farag Abdelrahim Farag (m), Fad East Village
    4. Mr. Hamid Hamad Hamid (m), Kajabar
    5. Mr. Mursi Sid Ahmed (m), Kajabar
    6. Mr. Mohamed Mustafa (m), Jeddi village
    7. Mr. Osman Ibrahim(m), Farraig village
    8. Mr. Abdelrazig Yaqoub (m), Miskaila village
    9. Mr. Alfadil Mohamed Fagiri (m), Kajabar

    The injured civilians were reportedly admitted later to Dongola hospital for medical treatment.

    Following this event, the security and intelligence forces in Dongola reportedly arrested and detained four journalists namely, Mr. Alfatih Abdullah (Al-Sudani daily), Mr. Qazafi Abdulmotalab (Al-Ayam daily), Mr. Abuobaida Awad (Rai-Alshaab daily) and Mr. Abulgasim Farahna (Alwan daily) and three lawyers namely Mr. Emad Merghni Seed Ahmed (written Imad Mirghani Sid-Ahmed in urgent appeal SDN 200607), Mr. Alam Aldeen Abd Alghni (written Alam Eldin Abdelgayoum in urgent appeal SDN 200607) and Mr. Abd Allah Abd Alghume (written Ali Abdelgayoum in urgent appeal SDN 200607), on the late evening of 13 June 2007 at around 23:00, while they were passing by Dongola on their way to Kajabar dam area. While the four jounalists were all released from Kober prison on 20 June 2007, the three lawyers were only released on 19 August 2007 at 3 pm, allegedly after signing a document whereby they agreed to abide by certain conditions, namely to refrain from engaging in further political activities

    On 14 June 2007, the security forces in Khartoum detained a further five people, in connection with the same incident of Kajabar dam demonstrations. The Nubians in Khartoum were having a protest demonstration against the killing of their people in Northern Sudan. Security forces reportedly raided the house of a Nubian family, at mid-night on 14 June 2007, searching for a Nubian activist who had spoken on the same day to the BBC radio on the issue of Kajabar killings. He was not there at the time they raided the house but they reportedly arrested five persons present in the house. They detained them and took them into a security house at St. 57 Amarat – Khartoum, where they were subjected to interrogation and investigation on their relation to the Nubian Movement and the Anti- Kajabar Dam Committee.

    Among the five detainees was reportedly SOAT’s lawyers network member Mr. Yasir Mohamed Salih (42 years old- lawyer) who happened to be in the house that night. Mr. Yasir Mohamed Salih and other two detainees, namely Mr. Abdulkareem Makki Abdulkareem, a 22 years old student and Mr. Faisal Abdulrahman Nasr, a 48 years old private sector employee, were released on 15 June 2007 at 6:00 am. Two others persons remained detained namely, Mr. Ahmed Rumrum, a 40 years old lawyer and Mr. Raafat Hasan Abass, a 40 years old private sector employee but were then released on 16 June 2007 and 23 June 2007 respectively.

    Two additional individuals were reportedly also arrested following the protest and detained in Dabak prison, namely Mr. Osman Shammat, a driver arrested in Dongola on 13 June 2007, and Dr. Mohammed Julal Hashim. While Mr. Osman Shammat was released on 19 August 2007 at 3 pm (at the same time as the three above mentioned lawyers) allegedly after signing a document whereby he agreed to abide by certain conditions, namely to refrain from engaging in further political activities, Dr. Mohammed Julal Hashim remained in detention.


    OMCT wishes to thank all of the individuals and organizations that have taken action as a response to the urgent appeal. No further action is currently required on your part concerning this case.

    Geneva, 30 August 2007

    مدحت عثمان(فريقنتود)

09-04-2007, 07:20 AM

azz gafar
<aazz gafar
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-15-2007
مجموع المشاركات: 2123

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: احداث كجبار...بيان من الامم المتحدة (Re: nabielo)

    الحكومة تمارس سياسة التشريد فى منطقة امرى ،كما حدث فى العام الماضى قامت ادارة السد بقفل مجرى النيل لاجبار الاهالى على الهجرة حيث تم غرق أكثر من ثلاثة الف اسرة وهذه الاسر مكثت فى العراء لأكثر من ثلاثة اشهر ،وقامت السلطات بتعتيم الأعلام والصحافة وبعدها أضطر الأهالى الى الهجرة الى الصحراء .وحاليآ 2800 اسرة تسكن فى امرى القديمة لأن ادارة السد قالت هؤلا لايستحقوا لأنها اعتمدت على الإحصاء الذى تم سنة 1999م ، وقامت بإغلاق المدارس وكل الخدمات بالمنطقة مما اضطر الاهالى لفتح مدرسة بجهدهم الشعبى .
    بهذا نناشد الامم المتحدة بأن تقوم بزيارة امرى القديمة حتى تتضح الحقيقة الغائبة.

09-04-2007, 05:48 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 04-17-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 3227

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: احداث كجبار...بيان من الامم المتحدة (Re: nabielo)

    اولا: يبدو ان الحراك النوبى بدأ يجد الصدى فى الامم المتحدة وهذا امر طيب ويجب على النوبيين ان يطرقوا ابواب الامم المتحدة واوربا وامريكا بقوة..
    ثانيا: يجب ان يكون التنسيق كاملا وعاليا بين لجان الداخل والخارج وان يتزامن عمل اللجان بحيث تتم الاتصالات واللقاءات مع ممثلى الدول ومنظمات الامم المتحدة ذات الصلة والمنظمات الدولية والاقليمية الاخرى داخل وخارج السودان.. بمعنى ان تقوم لجنة الداخل ولجان الخارج باجراء نفس المقابلات فى توقيت واحد او متقارب لما لمثل هذا العمل من تأثير كبير..
    ثالثا: خلا تصريح المبعوث الاممى من اى اشارة الى مخاطر السدود على المدن والمواقع الاثرية النوبية وسوف نتصل به ليشمل اهتمامه هذا الجانب وبامكانه التنسيق فى هذا الشأن مع هيئة اليونسكو..
    رابعا: على ذكر هيئة اليونيسكو كنت قد طرحت عليكم جميعا ضرورة مقاومة ترشيح فاروق حسنى لمنصب مدير عام اليونسكو الذى سيخلو فى العام القادم ونبهت الى خطورة توليه للمنصب على النوبيين والآثار.. وسنبعث بمذكرة من لجنة واشنطن لإنقاذ النوبة ومناهضة سد كجبار خطابا فى هذا المعتى للسيد بان كى مون سكرتير عام الامم المتحدة بعد انتهائنا من مظاهرة النوبة امام البيت الابيض يوم 8 سبتمبر القادم.. ودعواتكم..

    نورى جليلة / نورالدين منان

09-04-2007, 11:16 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-04-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 39983

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: احداث كجبار...بيان من الامم المتحدة (Re: nabielo)


09-05-2007, 02:55 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 04-17-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 3227

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: احداث كجبار...بيان من الامم المتحدة (Re: nabielo)

    النشرة الدورية من المنظمة السودانية لمناهضة التعذيب -لندن

    Human Rights Alert: 4 September 2007
    New arrests of Kajbar dam activists

    SOAT expresses its grave concern over the new arrests of members of the Committee against the building of the Kajbar dam.

    Between Monday 27th and Wednesday 29th August the following members of the Committee against the building of the Kajbar Dam have been arrested. Their names are:

    1. Mr. Nazmi Mohamed Hamid is a news reader of the Dongala Radio Broadcasting Station. He was arrested and is being detained in Dongola, the capital of the Northern Province (Wilaya).
    2. Mr. Nayif Mohamed Hamid is the brother of Nazmi Mohamed Hamid above. He was arrested and is currently detained in Dongola.
    3. Mr. Al Khatib Mohamed Elsir, an engineer was arrested and is detained in Dongola.
    4. Mr. Maisara Izzeldin Mohamed Munowar, from Amli Village, was arrested and is detained in Dongola.
    5. Mr. Rami Hassan Farah, arrested and detained in Karma.
    6. Mr. Faroug Nuri, a government employee of the Ministry of Finance in Dongola, arrested and detained in Dongola.
    7. Mr. Hisham Abbas was arrested in Wadi Halfa City while travelling to Egypt and is detained in Dongola.
    8. Mr. Daoud Suliman, a member of the Committee in Kerma. He was arrested and is detained in Karma.
    9. Mr. Isam Mohamed Fagir, a member of the Committee at Kerma was arrested in Karma.

    SOAT also expresses concern over the continuing intimidation exercised by the security apparatus through a number of “brief” arrests and detentions targeting members of the Committee. On the same dates a number of other members of the Committee were arrested and shortly after released. Their names are:

    Mr. Osman Ibrahim, the Secretary and spokesperson of the Committee, already arrested (see SOAT human rights alert 20 July 2007) and then released (see SOAT human rights alert, 20 August 2007), was among the new arrests which occurred between the 27 and 29 of August. He was rearrested in Dalgo, Mahas area and then released on bail.
    Mr. Ezzeldeen Idris member of the Committee in Firraig, was also arrested in Dalgo of the Mahas Area and later released on bail. He was the object of SOAT’s human right alert of 27 of July 2007 for being at risk.
    Mr. Abdel Hakim Nasor, a lawyer and member of the Committee was arrested in Dongola and later released. He was the object of SOAT’s human right alert of 27 of July 2007 for being at risk.
    Mr. Mamoun Abdel Aziz, a member of the Committee in Karma was arrested and then released in Karma when he handed himself to the security forces after they arrested his brother, Abdel Razig. They now have both been released.
    Mr. Samil Mohamed Samil, a citizen of Firka in the North, was arrested on Monday 27 August in Khartoum in Abu Adam City of the Jabel Aulia local council. He has now been released.

    Gravely concerned about the continuing intimidation and harassment of members of communities opposed to Kajbar Dam by Sudanese authorities, SOAT condemns the arbitrary arrests, detentions and harassment of these persons.

    Please write to the authorities in Sudan urging them to:

    1. Order the immediate release of all the detainees in the absence of valid legal charges, or if legitimate charges exist, bring them before an impartial tribunal and guarantee procedural rights at all times.

    2. Cease the harassment and intimidation of members of the Committee.

    3. Guarantee the respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms, including freedom of expression and association throughout Sudan in accordance with its constitutional obligations and international human rights standards.


    His Excellency Lieutenant General Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir
    President of the Republic of Sudan
    Office of the President
    People's Palace
    PO Box 281
    Khartoum, Sudan
    Fax: +249 183 782541

    Prof. Al-Zubair Bashir Taha
    Minister of Internal Affairs
    Ministry of Interior, PO Box 281, Khartoum, Sudan
    Fax: + 249 183 774339
    + 249 183 776554
    Dr Abdel Moneim Osman Taha
    Rapporteur, Advisory Council for Human Rights
    Khartoum, Sudan
    Email: [email protected]

    Human Rights Committee
    The Peoples Hall
    Omdurman, Sudan
    Fax: + 249 187 560950
    E-mail: [email protected]

    النشرة الدورية من المنظمة السودانية لمناهضة التعذيب -لندن

    مدحت عثمان(فريقنتود)

09-05-2007, 10:18 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 04-17-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 3227

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: احداث كجبار...بيان من الامم المتحدة (Re: nabielo)

    لأنك ، كجبارُ ، أنتِ لُبَاب الوطن
    فهل نكصوا ، حاشَ ، يا أجْبَلَ الَّطوْلِ
    فخرَ الفخار بأرض المحسْ
    رواسيَ نحن معاً
    لاتَ من خاذلٍ يرتكسْ
    ستبقى ، ونبقى ، ونرفع غصن النخيل سلاماً ونبقى
    وكجبار في القلب معنىً وحقّاَ
    وحبّاً وعشقاَ

    لمن كجبار قرباناً........... شعر صلاح دهب فضــــــل

    مدحت عثمان(فريقنتود)

09-06-2007, 02:43 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 04-17-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 3227

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: احداث كجبار...بيان من الامم المتحدة (Re: nabielo)

    فيديو حفل تابين الشهداء في نادي مشكيلة و ندوة نادي المحس يوم المجزرة في كجبار نت

    مدحت عثمان(فريقنتود)

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