علاج مرضي القلب وأيضا الكلي مجانا بالسعودية
Subject: علاج مرضي القلب مجانا Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 19:11:27 -0900
The hospital has announced that it's going to help with God's grace, in the treatment of patients with heart diseases ........
The Complete treatment including the Operation, Transport & Accommodation ....
The hospital will also assist patients who live outside the country, to obtain the v isa or Entrance Permit ,to get inside the country
So please if you know any person,living inside or outside Saudi Arabia (maximum-60 years of age) , in need for any heart disease treatment and cannot afford the treatment expenses.... .
:THEN PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO CALL 0096638826666 Press 3 If you hear the automated voice ------------ -- Direct numbers 0096638014145 0096638014444
Medical reports of the case and a copy of the passport can be faxed , in attention to Miss/Dina, on fax number 0096638018013
The information regarding the Free heart disease treatment, in SAAD SPECIALIST HOSPITAL , is 100% TRUE ! It has been confirmed!
So please do announce this information to as many people as you can & do not hesitate to forward this message via e-mail or sms !! for you might Save a life & hence get the reward of saving many lives ! And if anyone s a v ed a life , it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind .