Re: إقتصاد الانقاذ والافقار الشامل (Re: أحمد أمين)
عزيزى أحمد أمين، شكرا لهذا البوست. و صلتنى هذة الرسلبة من أحدى الصديقات ، أرجوا أن تسمح لى ببوستها هنا ، لعل احد زوارك يمكنة المساهمة.
>A request for assistance from Professor Bjorn Jernudd, who is working on a very >interesting project...Direct responses to his email address below He writes: > I have tapes I recorded in Darfur of the languages Fur and Birgid in 1965. I hope they are still in listenable condition. (Birgid is no longer spoken.) I used a Uher portable reel to reel tape recorder in the field. The recordings should be transferred into digital format for archiving and annotated (which will of course be achieved by my work on them). My goals areto produce word-lists, publish annotated texts and write grammars, from this data. But I cannot find a reel to reel tape recorder. Can someone put me in touch with a library or other institution that you think would be interested in working with me on this project? The institution helps with the process of transferral and gets to keep the tapes (and a digital copy; as well as my field notes -- many of the Fur recordings are supported by written transcriptions in Fur by the speakers using Arabic script) and the fruits of my annotations. As I work along, I'd be happy to channel my publications through that supporting institution, too. Alternatively, do you know of the whereabouts of a Uher portable reel to reel tape-recorder of anno dazumal that works well? (Practical matters can be worked out, I'm sure.)
Thanks. Bjorn Jernudd Beijing tel. +86 10 8046-4591 [[email protected]]
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