المنــظمة السـودانـية لحـقـوق الإنـسان/تقرير عن دارفور

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01-29-2004, 03:03 PM

أحمد أمين
<aأحمد أمين
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-27-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 3371

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
المنــظمة السـودانـية لحـقـوق الإنـسان/تقرير عن دارفور

    المنــظمة السـودانـية لحـقـوق الإنـسان
    Sudan Human Rights Organisation

    Date: 28/01/04
    [email protected]

    Stop human rights violations in Darfur

    Press release

    The peace negotiations in Nivasha, Kenya between the government of Sudan and the Sudan Peoples Liberation Army (SPLA) have stopped for Eid; the talks will resume on the 17th of February to complete the final phases of negotiations which have been conducted in an atmosphere of hope and optimism. However, whether this non-inclusive agreement will generate a lasting peace is highly doubted by the Sudanese Human Rights Organisation (SHRO). Since there are unresolved conflicts elsewhere in the country which to date do not form part of this negotiation, this peace agreement falls short of achieving its main objective: a fair and lasting peace for all the people of the Sudan.

    As the Government of Sudan escalated the military operation against the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army in the western part of the country, we have received information that on Jan 26, 2004, the government army and the allied Arab militia - the Janjaweed – looted and burned the following villages in Bowa area, about 10km north of Kuttum town in Northern Darfur State.
    The villages are:
    1. Kanfa
    2. Jongo
    3. Mirindi
    4. Kursi
    5. Telego
    6. Abu Ja’ab
    7. Hilat Qarad
    8. Frangna
    9. Mayno
    10. Mayno Janoob
    11. Mayno Wasat
    12. Tormaise
    13. Najeelah Boose
    14. Hilat Koori
    15. Hilat Mulagat
    16. Hilat Karkara
    17. Hilat Baidah

    The villagers, who are black Africans - mainly from Fur, Tunjur, Zaghawa and Berti tribes - are left on open areas with no shelter, directly exposed to the sun during the day, and suffering from chilled winter temperatures at night. Additionally, we have been informed that the Janjaweed are not allowing the villagers to take refuge in the town, where they have relatives and they can receive aid. These actions are causing catastrophic consequences; those concerned are in dire need of humanitarian assistance.

    According to our source, since this area is very close to Kuttum town, the rebels have no control over it.
    Additionally, the refugees’ situation in Furnong, Sheka, and Fork areas is worsening day by day. No aid agency has been reported able to deliver any kind of assistance to them since 20th Jan 2004, when their villages were looted and burnt by the Janjaweed militias.

    The government of Sudan considers the ethnic groups mentioned above - including the Massalit tribe - as a potential rebel supporters. Since the outset of rebellion in March 2003, the government has widely and consistently targeted areas populated by its black African citizens in Western, Southern and Northern Darfur States. This has caused thousands to flee their homes to seek refuge in the neighbouring Chad; thousands of others have become internally displaced.

    The urgent attention of the international community is needed to put an end to the suffering of the people of Darfur. To this end, please contact the following officials without delay to demand that this situation should cease.

    His Excellency Ambassador
    Dr. H. Abdein
    SW1A 1DD
    Fax: 0207 839 7560

    His Excellency
    Mustpha Osman Ismael
    Po Box: 873
    Fax: (0024911) 779 383

    His Excellency
    Adv. Ali Mohamed Osman Yassin
    Fax: ( 0024911) 788 941

    Adv Yasir Sid-Ahmed
    Po. Box: 302
    Fax: (0024911) 779 173

    His Excellency,
    Lieutenant General, Omar Hassan Al-Bsheer
    Po. Box: 281
    Fax: (0024911) 783 223

    المنــظمة السـودانـية لحـقـوق الإنـسان
    Sudan Human Rights Organization
    146-154 Kilburn High Road
    London NW6 4JD
    Telephone: + 44 207 3287251 Extension: 311
    Fax: + 44 207 62 45002
    Email: [email protected]


02-02-2004, 10:12 AM

خالد الحاج

تاريخ التسجيل: 12-21-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 0

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: المنــظمة السـودانـية لحـقـوق الإنـسان/تقرير عن دارفور (Re: أحمد أمين)


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