Sept. to Nov. Call for Volunteers in South Sudan
Sept to Nov. Call for Volunteers in South Sudan Dear my fellow South Sudanese. Women the most , I’m ones again pledge your professionalism. Both gender. AED/USAID would like you to transferee your technical know how, and experience to South Sudanese none professionals, be part of the CPA in the GOSS Ministries, and places of institutions, (Ministry of Education) Health and the people . It does not matter where you were born or where you come from in South Sudan, it does not matter where you want to volunteer, either being in the whole region you chose or specific areas. Professionals from the area mention by the organization are wanted gravely in any where in South Sudan, either being Warab states, Western Eqautoria States, Eastern Equatoria States, Upper Nile, should have this opportunity to volunteer to help the people in the region build South Sudan. Help your people. According to AED/USAID programs for South Sudan, you have a choice to chose where you want to volunteer. Please go here and respond immediately. http://cit.aed.org/forecast_sudan_application.htm. As I have said previously that : The only place to meet you is through the South Sudanese forums, both in Diaspora and at home. Act now. Just think again. You did not chose to be in Diaspora as you have been now, not to make money only, but think about Kajo-Keji, Benteu, Rumbek, Awiel, Yei Minyori Village and so many others regions that I did not mention. Transferee your knowledge to South Sudan at home,. In the near future, We will never again be Arab slaves………………….. again. Would you like this to happen…… again. NO. educating your people is the priority, that is transferees you skills to South Sudan. Why do you thing the United States Government approved (USAID) a little budget to promote some programs like AED/USAID in South Sudan? This is for the first time according to the history of Africa. It is because of your future, and the future of your people, the South Sudanese, time in the history of the country will tell, read my lips. Act now. If you have no time please ask those you know to joint, ask those you think will be able. Go here by clicking this website. http://cit.aed.org/forecast_sudan_volunteer_educ.htm Fianaly women you have write to Carolyn Garber. If you think you want to talk about the issue please write me at [email protected] or Admin@[email protected] I will be alerted. If you want to talk to me personally as the other wrote me, and I had to call them back about the program I will appreciate that. How ever please for more information contact: Carolyn Garber, Project Manager Diaspora Skills Transfer Program for Southern Sudan Academy for Educational Development 1825 Connecticut Ave., NW Washington, DC 20009 [email protected] phone: 202/884-8706 / fax: 202/884-8425 Regards Lomoro M Francis Sr. [email protected] Or [email protected] or [email protected]
Re: Sept. to Nov. Call for Volunteers in South Sudan (Re: PLAYER)
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Academy for Educational Development (AED) present an exciting opportunity for the Southern Sudanese Diaspora to return to all 10 states in Southern Sudan and the three transition areas to help in homeland rebuilding
Volunteer now to pass on your skills in education, health care, English, public administration, technology/computer systems, administration and finance, information, library science, civil engineering, and more with the
Diaspora Skills Transfer Program for Southern Sudan
Use your skills to train others. AED is currently recruiting applicants with academic credentials and work experience for these and other task assignments designed to build the capacity of the health and education sectors in Southern Sudan
Advisors in Non-formal or Adult Education at GOSS, state and local level Ministries of Education Health Sector Volunteers, Trainers and Advisors in clinical or administrative : Doctors and Nurses Specialized medical practitioners Mental Health professionals Public health/epidemiology specialists Laboratory or medical technology Medical records administrators Health care administration and management English Teachers at State, County or Local level Ministries of Health and/or Education Trainers in Computer and Information Technology, State Ministries of Health and Education Advisors on Management and Organizational Development, State Ministries of Health and/or Education Advisors on Administration and Finance, State Ministries of Health and Education Advisors on Educational Planning and Evaluation, State Ministries of Education Advisors on Civil Engineering and Construction, State Ministries of Health and Education Advisors on Vocational and Technical Education, State Ministries of Education Librarians or Library Science Advisors for the State Ministries of Education Volunteers receive round-trip airfare, extensive training, medical insurance, a monthly stipend, living expenses, as well the opportunity to reconnect with friends and family, and give back to the community and homeland.
Program information, application packets, requirements, and detailed task descriptions are available on our website: http://cit.aed.org/forecast_sudan.htm
Apply now to depart in September or October or November 2006
Questions? Please contact the Diaspora Skills Transfer Program staff at AED.
John Thon Majok Carolyn Garber
Program Associate Program Manager
[email protected] [email protected] for more Info call
202/884-8961 or 202/884-8706
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