Re: تحليل عسكرى روسى شيق لما يجرى بالعراق معتمد على معلومات استخبارية ( يوم (Re: Yassir7anna)
فى أحدث تقرير للمخابرات الروسية : 29 قتيل وجريح وتدمير 6 دبابات للعدو على أيدى المقاومة العراقية نيوز أرشيف ( قسم الترجمة ) : قال تقرير عسكري تعده المخابرات الروسية يومياً عن سير العدوان الأمريكي البريطاني على العراق إنه في صباح اليوم السبت حشدت قوات الغزو على ساحة المعركة حول بغداد 20 ألف جندي وضابط ، و200 دبابة و 150 آلية عسكرية وأكثر من 250 طائرة هليوكوبتر ، في طريق العودة لتأمين الطريق بعد توارد معلومات تفيد بأن الجنرال تومي فرانكس قائد القوات المركزية الأمريكية يعتزم زيارة هذه المنطقة في الساعات القادمة . وفي الساعة السابعة مساءاً دمرت طائرة من طراز أباتشي فوق سماء بغداد كانت في مهمة عسكرية. أما في الناصرية فقد قامت قوات التحالف بـ 800 طلعة جوية في محاولة لضرب المقاومة العراقية لكنها لم تفلح وقامت القوات العراقية بهجوم مضاد مما أدى إلى تراجع قوات التحالف مئات الأمتار بعيداً عن الناصرية ،متمركزة في موقعين فقط ، وكانت خسائر قوات الغزو تدمير القوات العراقية لقوات التحالف خلال هذه المعارك 4 ناقلات جنود ، وثلاث قتلى وعشرة جرحى وفقدان جنديين ، بينما الخسائر في الجانب العراقي غير متوفرة . ويبقى الوضع العسكري العام في الناصرية هو عدم قدرة القوات الأمريكية على التقدم صوب الناصرية وتحت وطأة التراجع الغير منظم وقال تقرير المخابرات الروسية إن موقعين أمريكيين شنا هجمات مضادة على بعضهما البعض بالمدفعية الثقيلة مما أدى إلى مقتل وإصابة 10 جنود من مشاة البحرية الأمريكية على الأقل بعد ست ساعات من المناوشات بينما كانت الخسائر في الجانب العراقي "استشهاد" 20 وجرح 40 في هذه المعارك . أما في منطقة الفاو فقد تحركت القوات البريطانية 4 كيلو مترات إلى اليسار نحو الطريق المؤدى إلى البصرة ، وتم إسقاط طائرة بريطانية بالإضافة إلى تدمير دباباتين بواسطة الألغام الأرضية وقتل على الأقل جنديان بريطانيان وجرح أربعة آخرون . وفي منطقة ما حول مطار البصرة استمرت المناوشات بين القوات البريطانية والقوات العراقية فأصيب جندي وتم أسر اثنين آخرين بينما الخسائر في الجانب العراقي يصعب الحصول عليها الآن . وقد فشلت كل المحاولات البريطانية برغم حشودها في مواجهة المقاومة العراقية . وعلى صعيد الأوضاع في البصرة قال القرير إن القوات الأمريكية البريطانية حول هذه المنطقة غير كافية لتنفيذ أية محاولة للوصول إليها فهي تحتاج على الأقل لتنفيذ هذه المهمة فرقتين وخمس كتائب بالمدفعية الثقيلة ، خاصة وأن القوات الموجودة منهكة وفاقدة التركيز بسبب المقاومة العراقية الشرسة والتكتيكات الفاشلة المنتظرة لتمرد شعبي يحسن ظروفها خاصة وأن كل التقارير تفيد بارتفاع معنويات سكان البصرة خاصة وأن الصورة السيئة للحصار الذي تضربه القوات الأمريكية والبريطانية يذكرهم باللاجئين الفلسطينيين الذين تركوا بيوتهم بلا عودة . وفي هذه الحالة تكون المراهنة الأمريكية والبريطانية على سكان البصرة فاشلة ومراهنة خاسرة . مصدر الخبر : أرشيف الأخبار ...www.newsarchive.info
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Re: تحليل عسكرى روسى شيق لما يجرى بالعراق معتمد على معلومات استخبارية ( يوم (Re: Yassir7anna)
تقرير السبت 29 مارس
During the past day the situation on the US-Iraqi?sesid=1 front remained largely unchanged. The US is continuing reinforcing the attack group near Karabela for a thrust toward Baghdad. By the morning of March 29 up to 20,000 coalition?sesid=1 troops were massed in the area of Karabela. This forces includes up to 200 tanks, 150 artillery systems and more than 250 helicopters. The order for the attack will be given by the coalition?sesid=1 commander Gen. Tommy Franks, who, according to intercepted radio communications, will personally inspect the troops during the next several hours.
خلال اليوم الماضي بقيت الأمور كما هي القوات الأمريكية واصلت الهجوم على كربلاء للتقدم بإتجاه بغداد . بصباح 29 مارس حشدت قوات التحالف ( الصليبي) 20,000 جندي في منطقة كربلاء . هذه القوات شملت 200 دبابة 150 مدفعية و 250 مروحية هوليكبتر . الأوامر ستعطى للقوات بالهجوم من قبل الجنرال توم فرانكس الذي سيقوم بجولة تفقدية لقواته في الساعات القادمة حسب ما تم إلتقاطه بالراديو .
Around 1900hrs yesterday an Apache attack helicopter crashed. Intercepted radio communications show that the helicopter was heavily damaged in a combat mission. The helicopter's pilot lost control during landing and the helicopter crashed, causing serious damage to another helicopter that landed earlier.
بالأمس حوالي الساعة السابعة تحطمت طائرة أباتشي هجومية. تعرضت لأضرار بالغة نتيجة مهمة عسكرية حسب ما تم إعتراضه من الإتصالات. الطيار فقد التحكم أثناء الهبوط وإصطدم بطائرته بإحدى الطائرات الرابضة مما ادى إلى أضرار جسيمة بالطائرة الرابضة . قوات التحالف فشلت لحد الآن بأخذ الناصرية بالرغم من الأوامر الصريحة و 800 هجوم عسكري بالطائرات .. كل المحاولات تحطمت على صخرة الدفاع العراقية ( أحلى أحمد جميل ) .. بعد 24 ساعة من الهجوم المتواصل نجح التحالف بالتقدم بعض مئات الامتار في قطاعين قرب الناصرية و بخسارة 3 حاملات جند .. مالا يقل عن قتل 3 جنود مارينز برصاص القناصة والمدفعية .. وجرح وفقد 2 في العمليات .. ومقتل 10 عراقيين ..
The coalition?sesid=1 troops have so far failed to take An-Nasiriya? despite of the categorical orders from the command and more than 800 combat missions by the strike aircraft. All attempts to break through the Iraqi?sesid=1 defense were met by Iraqi?sesid=1 counterattacks. After 24 hours of fighting the coalition?sesid=1 troops only managed to advance several hundred meters in two sectors near An-Nasiriya? at the cost of 4 destroyed armored personnel carriers, no less that 3 Marines killed by sniper and mortar fire, 10 wounded and 2 missing in action. The exact Iraqi?sesid=1 losses are being determined.
الأمريكان فشلوا ايضا في التقدم قرب النجف .. مع كل هجوم للتحالف تعرضوا لوابل كثيف من المدفعية العراقية .. في آخر اليوم قام العراقيون بهجوم مضاد إرجع التحالف 1.5- 2 كيلوميتر للخلف .. لم يجرح او يقتل احد من المارينز .. بعد 6 ساعات من تبادل القصف أحتفظ الطرفين بمواقعهما .. بلغت خسائر العراقيون هنا 20 قتيل و 40 جريح ..
The Americans have also failed to advance near An-Najaf?. Every coalition?sesid=1 attack was met by massive artillery barrages from the Iraqi?sesid=1 side. Later during the day the Iraqi?sesid=1s mounted a counterattack throwing the US forces back by 1.5-2 kilometers. No fewer than 10 Marines were killed or wounded. After exchanging fire for six hours both warring sides remained in the same positions. Iraqi?sesid=1 losses in this area are estimated to be 20 killed and up to 40 wounded.
في منطقة البصرة أستطاع البريطانيون أجبار خطوط الدفاع العراقية على التقهقر دون تحقيق سيطرة كلية على شبه جزيرة الفاو .. تقدم البريطانيون مسافة 4 كيلومتر على الطريق السريع تجاه البصرة .. يشير إعتراض الإتصالات إلى إسقاط العراقين لمروحية بالإضافة إلى تحطم دبابتين و APCs بفعل الألغام الأرضية .. تم قتل جنديين بريطانيين وجرح 20 وأسر 15 جندي بريطاني بواسطة العراقيين ..
Near Basra the British?sesid=1 troops pushed the Iraqi?sesid=1 defense lines on the Fao peninsula but were unable to capture the entire peninsula. The British?sesid=1 advance was a maximum of 4 kilometers from the highway leading to Basra. Radio intercepts show that in this attack the Iraqi?sesid=1s shot down a British?sesid=1 helicopter. Additionally, two tanks and one APCs were destroyed by landmines. At least 2 British?sesid=1 servicemen were killed, around 20 were wounded and 15 were captured by the Iraqi?sesid=1s.
إستمر تبادل إطلاق النار حول منطقة مطار البصرة .. حطم العرقيون APC وجرحوا 2 من الجنود بينما صعب تقدير خسائر العراقيون ولكن المعلومات المتوفرة ترجح قتل 20 من المليشيا و القوات العراقية نتيجة القصف الجوي والمدفعي ..
Exchange of fire continued in the area of the Basra airport. The Iraqi?sesid=1s destroyed one coalition?sesid=1 APC wounding two coalition?sesid=1 soldiers. The Iraqi?sesid=1 losses are difficult to estimate, but available information suggests that up to 20 Iraqi?sesid=1 soldiers and local militia members might have been killed in the air and artillery strikes.
كل محاولات البريطانيون فشلت لإحداث ثغرة من جهة شط العرب .. القادة البريطانيون أعلنوا عجزهم عن إقتحام البصرة دون تعزيز قواتهم على الأقل بلواءين وخمسة كتائب مدفعية .. لذلك فقد قاموا بتعديل وادخال بعض التكتيكات الدفاعية حتى لا يتم خسارة المزيد من الجنود في مقابل تشديد الحصار على البصرة .. البريطانيون يواصلون الضغط على القوات العراقية في الفاو ..
All attempts by the British?sesid=1 troops to break through the Iraqi?sesid=1 defenses from the south along the Al-Arab? river have yielded not results. The British?sesid=1 command reported that it is unable to storm Basra with the available forces and will require no less than two additional brigades and at least five additional artillery battalions. Thus, to avoid further casualties the British?sesid=1 are adopting defensive tactics, while trying to maintain a tight blockade around Basra and trying to improve their positions with small localized attacks. The British?sesid=1 are also maintaining pressure on the Iraqi?sesid=1 positions on the Fao peninsula.
الحالة النفسية للسكان مازالت مستقرة .. السلطات العراقية أعلنت عن سماحها لمدنيين بالرحيل لكنهم رفضوا لكي لا يحدث لهم ما حدث للفلسطينيين الذين بعد نزوحهم عن وطنهم أصبحوا منبوذين في العالم العربي .. أهل البصرة مستاؤون جدا من الصور التي عرضها التلفاز للمناطق التي خضعت للأمريكا وأظهرت العراقيين يتقاتلون أمام شاحنات الغذاء .. أهل البصرة ينظرون لتلك الصور كمثال على المصير الذي ينتظرهم ..
The psychological levels among the city's residents, according to interviews, is far from critical. The Iraqi?sesid=1 military made several public announcements to the residents offering them a chance to leave the city. However, most of the residents do not want to leave, fearing the faith of the Palestinian refugees, who, after losing their homes, gained pariah status in the Arab world. Basra's residents were extremely depressed by the video footage aired by the coalition?sesid=1 command showing Iraqi?sesid=1s on the occupied territories fighting for food and water being distributed by the coalition?sesid=1 soldiers. The city's population views this as a sample of what awaits them if the Americans come...
في مطار في الكويت يتوقع الإنتهاء من تفريغ حمولة الفرقة الميكاتيكية الأمريكية الرابعة مع الأول من ابريل .. خلال الطيران الليلي أحد الطيارين طلب هبوط طوارئ دون معرفة السبب ..
At the Al-Kuwait? airport the unloading of the 4th Mechanized Infantry Division is continuing and is expected to be completed by the night of April 1. During a night flight one of the US military transport aircraft requested an emergency landing. What happened to the plane is still being determined.
حاليا تحاول قيادة التحالف معرفة أفضل طريقة لإستخدام الفرقة الرابعة ... الإنتشار الكامل للفرقة والدخول في الحرب يتوقع أن يأخذ 10 أيام .. مع ذلك فالحاجة العاجلة للتعزيزات العسكرية على مسرح المعركة يستدعي إدخال هذه القوات للمعركة حاليا هذا سيؤثر بالتالي على فعالية هذه القوة ..
Currently the coalition?sesid=1 command is deciding how better use the 4th Infantry Division. The complete deployment of the division?sesid=1 and preparations for combat are expected to take at least 10 days. However, the combat units require immediate reinforcements and it is possible that the [4th Infantry} Division will be joining combat in stages, as the units become ready. This will mean a considerable reduction of the Division's combat effectiveness.
أعد تقرير بواسطة القاعدة في الكويت عن الحالة النفسية لسير العمليات القتالية و تأثير الحرب النفسية للإعلام وجدوا أن حالة العراقيين أكثر إستقرارا الآن منه قبل إندلاع المعارك ويرجع ذلك للإخفاقات التي تعرضت لها القوات المتحالفة ..
A report was obtained, prepared by the Al-Kuwait-based? coalition?sesid=1 Psychological Operations Tactical Group for the coalition?sesid=1 Special Ground Forces Command. The report analyzed the effectiveness of the information and propaganda war. According to the report, analysis of the television broadcasts, intercepted radio communications, interrogations of Iraqi?sesid=1 POWs show that psychologically the Iraqi?sesid=1s are now "more stable and confident" that they were during the last days before the war. This, according to the report, is due primarily to the coalition's numerous military failures.
الحالة العصبية والإحباط الذي صاحب الأيام الأولى للحرب اوقد الروح الوطنية للكثير من العراقيين فشاهدنا العديد منهم يعود من الخارج للمشاركة في المعركة ضد قوات التحالف ..
"...Following nervousness and depression of the Iraqi?sesid=1s?sesid=1 during the first days of the war we can now observe a burst of patriotic and nationalistic feelings. ...There has been a sharp increase in the number of Iraqi?sesid=1 refugees, who left the country before the war, returning to Iraq. A "cult of war" against the US and the UK is now emerging among the Iraqi?sesid=1s...", the report states. Reverse translation from Russian?sesid=1&
المحللون يعتقدون بأن هذه المشاعر المتأججة عند العراقيون إن لم تتغير في ظرف السبعة أيام القادمة فسينتج عنه ظهور عقيدة المقاومة وسيصعب ذلك من اي نصر للقوات المتحالفة .. وكإستجابة لهذا التقرير قرر قادة العمليات " الدعائية " جمع كل المعارضة العراقية في مجموعة وتوزيع صور هم للإعلام الدولي ..
بالإضافة إلى إستخدام المعارضة إعمال دعائية في القرى العراقية تظهر صورهم كمستسلمين ونادمين ...
Coalition?sesid=1 analysts believe that if this attitude of the Iraqi?sesid=1s?sesid=1 is not changed within the next 7 days, a "resistance ideology" may take over the Iraqi?sesid=1 minds, making the final coalition?sesid=1 victory even more difficult. In response to this report the US Army Psychological Operations command decided to combine all Iraqi?sesid=1 POWs into large groups and to distribute the resulting video footage to the world media. A more active use of the Iraqi?sesid=1 opposition was suggested for propaganda work in the occupied villages. The same opposition members will be used to create video footage of the "repented" Iraqi?sesid=1 POWs and footage of the local Iraqi?sesid=1 population "opposing Saddam."
أظهر إعتراض المكالمات كذلك إستخدام المطارات الإسرائيلية في الغارات الليلية ضد العراق .. الطائرات المقاتلة تقلع بشكل يومي من قاعدة هاتزيرم و نافاتيم " Hatzerim " و " Navatim " الجويتين ولا تعود لنفس القاعدتين ولكنها تتجه للحدود الأردنية محافظة على صمت الراديو . " الإتصالات "
Radio communications intercepted during the last five days suggest that the coalition?sesid=1 is using Israeli?sesid=1 airfield for conducting night air strikes against Iraq. Combat aircraft are taking off regularly from the Israeli?sesid=1 Hatzerim and the Navatim airbases do not return to the same bases but fly toward the border with Jordan while maintaining complete radio silence.
ربما تكون هذه تمارين إسرائيلية ولكن إعتراض الراديو الروسي وكذلك وحدات الرادار يشير إلى كثافة الإتصالات القادمة من القاعدة الجوية الأردنية ومراكز الإتصال بالدفاعات الجوية خلال هذه الطلعات .. بالإضافة إلى تغيير نمط عمليات صواريخ الباتريوت لتعقب الرادارات المنتشرة في الأردن .. هذا يدل على أن القواعد الإسرائيلية تستخدم كمهابط او أن بعض وحدات التحالف موجودة هناك .. عادة ما تعمل طائرات اف 15 و A-4N الهجومية من قاعدة "Hatzerim" وقاذفة القنابل ف 16 من قاعدة " Nevatim " الجوية
Possibly these are just Israeli?sesid=1 Air Force exercises, However, Russian?sesid=1 radio intercept and radar units observe increased intensity of radio communications coming from the Jordanian air force and air defense communication centers during such overflights, as well as changes in the operating modes of the US Army "Patriot" tracking radars deployed in Jordan. This indicates the Israeli?sesid=1 airbases as used as forward airfield or that some of the coalition?sesid=1 air force units are based there. Normally the IAF F-15I fighter-bombers and A-4N strike aircraft operate from the Hatzerim airbase and the F-16 fighter-bombers operate from the Nevatim base.
الخبراء يعتقدون أن هذه القواعد الإسرائيلية تستخدم من قبل طائرات الشبح اف 117 والتي ترابط رسميا في قاعدة العيديد القطرية .. إستخدام هذان الموقعان يقلل من إحتمال تعرض الطائرة اف 117 للخطر بالطيران على طول االضفة اليسرى من الفرات بإتجاه تركيا لتجنب اي محاولة خطرة فوق العراق ..
Experts believe that these airbases may be used by the F-117 stealth bombers "officially" based at the Al-Udaid? airbase in Qatar. Using these two locations minimizes the risk to the F-117s by allowing them to fly along the left bank of the Euphrates (in the direction of Turkey) and to avoid the dangerous maneuvering over Iraq.
تحطم محطات الهاتف في بغداد لم يعرقل إتصالات الجيش العراقي .. ادركت قوات التحالف ذلك بعد تحليل كثافة الإتصالات العراقية ..
من أجل ذلك تم أمر USAF بتوضيف أقوى الإمكانيات التقليدية المتاحة من الذخيرة ضد أهداف إسترايجية محددة مسبقا .. هذا الهجوم سيبدء حالا قبل تجدد التقدم الأرضي
The destruction of the telephone stations in Baghdad did nothing to disrupt the communications of the Iraqi?sesid=1 army. The coalition?sesid=1 command acknowledged this fact after analyzing the dense Iraqi?sesid=1 radio traffic. Because of that the USAF was ordered to employ the most powerful available conventional?sesid=1 munitions against predetermined strategic targets. This attacks will be carried out immediately before renewing ground advance.
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Re: تحليل عسكرى روسى شيق لما يجرى بالعراق معتمد على معلومات استخبارية ( يوم (Re: Yassir7anna)
يسمع منك ربي من فوق سبع سموات
والله كل ما اكون محبط ومهزوم وبالفعل اصبت بمرض ضغط افقدني التركيز الا ان تقاريرك هذي تبعث فينا جميعا الامل نامل ان تكون حقيقة حاليا انا هجرت رؤية كل المحطات التلفزيونية
ومنتظر يوم القي في تقاريرك دي ان القوات الامريكية قد حزمت امتعتها راجلة الي واشنطون وقد تركت العراق بدماره فهذه الحرب يجب ان تقف بكل السبل
انشاء الله يا ربي تجيب موجة حر درجة الحرارة تصل 90
الناس ديل ما حا يقيفواالا علي انقاض مدينة الرشيد ومدن اخري كثيرة بس الا ربك رب الخير يساعدنا بالحر والكتاحة والله طير ابابيل قول آميييييييييييييييييييييين
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Re: تحليل عسكرى روسى شيق لما يجرى بالعراق معتمد على معلومات استخبارية ( يوم (Re: Yassir7anna)
عذرا نسيت سهوا تقرير يوم 5 ابريل
اليكم التقرير باللغة الانجليزية الى أن آتيكم بالنص العربي
ولكم العتبى
Russian military intel update: War in Iraq, April 5 05.04.2003 [22:07]
The situation on the US-Iraqi front is characterized by gradual reduction of American offensive activity. After the 3rd Mechanized Infantry Division tank forces had marched towards Baghdad and its vanguards reached the city from south and south-west, engineering fortification of their positions began, which indicates the end of the current stage of the campaign as well as the loss of offensive potential of American forces and necessity to rest and regroup. It is supposed that during the next two days the American command will attempt local strikes in order to improve and extend their positions on the south and, especially, south-west approaches to Baghdad (crossing the Baghdad – Samarra roadway) and begin bringing fresh forces from Kuwait.
As we supposed, during the last night Americans were moving 101st Airborne Division troops to help the 1st Mechanized Division that captured the airport of Baghdad yesterday morning. About 80 strike and transport helicopters and 500 marines were deployed there.
But all the efforts to reinforce the brigade with heavy armor failed as Iraqi started powerful artillery strikes at the transport routes and organized mobile firing groups on the roads. After reports about losing 3 tanks and 5 APCs on the route the American command had to pause the movement of the reinforcements by land.
Yesterday’s estimates of the forces concentrated here were overstated. After analysis of intercepted radio communications and reports of American commanders it was specified that at the airport there were only parts of the 1st brigade troops, up to 2 enforced battalions with the help of a self-propelled artillery division 3 thousand soldiers and officers strong, 60 tanks and about 20 guns.
Another battalion enforced with artillery crossed the Baghdad-Amman roadway and came into position at the crossroads to the south of the airport, near Abu-Harraib.
Soldiers of the 1st Mechanized Brigade spent almost all the last night in chemical protection suits, waiting for Iraqi to use their “untraditional weapons”. Apart from that, their positions were constantly shot with artillery and machine gun fire. The brigade commanders report that the soldiers are ultimately dead-beat, and are constantly requesting reinforcements.
About 10 armored units including 4 tanks were lost in this area yesterday. Up to 9 men were killed, about 20 wounded, at least 25 reported missing. Moreover, the status of a patrol group that didn’t arrive at the airport remains unclear. It is supposed that it either moved away towards Khan-Azad and took defense there or got under an ambush and was eliminated. It is now being searched for.
The losses of Iraqi were up to 40 men killed, about 200 captured (including the airport technical personnel), 4 guns and 3 tanks.
Currently American reconnaissance squadrons are trying to dissect the suburban defenses with local sallies.
At the same time, marine troops are approaching the south-east borders of Baghdad. Their vanguard units reached the outskirts of Al-Jessir and immediately tried to capture the bridge over a feeder of the Tigris, the Divala river, but were met with fire and stopped.
Commander of the 1st Expeditionary Marine Squadron colonel Joe Dowdy was deposed yesterday morning. As was revealed, the colonel was deposed “…for utmost hesitation and loss of the initiative during the storm of An-Nasiriya…”. This way the coalition command in Qatar found an excuse for their military faults by that town. The “guilt” of the colonel was in his refusing to enter the town for almost 3 days and trying to suppress Iraqi resistance with artillery and aviation, trying to avoid losses. As a result, the command additionally had to move the 15th squadron of colonel Tomas Worldhouser there, who had to storm the ferriages for almost 6 days, with about 20 of his soldiers killed, 130 wounded and 4 missing. The 1st Expeditionary Squadron lost no men at An-Nasiriya, but 3 marines died, as were reported, “by inadvertency” and about 20 soldiers got wounded.
Despite the fact that marines were able to capture one of the bridges at the south outskirt of An-Nasiriya, the ferriage across the Euphrates is still risky. Fights in the city are going on. The American command has to cover the ferriage with a company of marines enforced with tanks and artillery, up to 400 soldiers and officers strong. Every column passing across the bridge gets shot by Iraqis from the left bank and the marines have to cover it by setting smoke screens and delivering constant fire. A brigade group of the 101st Airborne Division is engaged in the combat but is unable to break the Iraqi resistance. Throughout the day 3 men were wounded, 1 soldier reported missing.
In An-Najaf, after 3 days of gunning and bombardment the 101st Airborne Division marines were able to advance towards the center of the town and are now fighting in the market region.
It is reported that 2 marines were killed and 4 wounded. 1 APC was destroyed with a RPG. At the same time there arrived information that during the last night most of the garrison (up to 3 thousand Republican Guardians of the “Medina” Division) left the town on cars for Karbala. Only militia remained in the town, covering the withdrawing main forces and continuing to resist.
All the attempts of American marines to advance into Al-Khindiya failed. After 1 APC from the vanguard was knocked out and more than 20 RPG shots at the column, the marines withdrew at their original positions. 2 soldiers were wounded and evacuated rearwards. American intelligence believes that no more than a battalion of Iraqis are defending the town. Their resistance remains, despite that the town has already been under siege for 8 days.
Americans were unable to capture the left-bank part of Al-Hillah. The 82nd Airborne Division troops are only capable of keeping a narrow “corridor” – across the outskirt of Al-Hillah with the bridge over the Euphrates. There is constant shooting in the town. Throughout the day in this region the coalition lost 1 men killed and 4 wounded.
A similar “corridor” is kept by marines in the Al-Kut town. But there is information that allows us to suppose that Americans were pushed away from the town last night. Continuous requests of artillery and aviation support and coordinates transmitted to the artillery HQ indicate that the combat occurred in immediate proximity to the American positions. 4 times ambulance helicopters flew into this region, and there hasn’t still been a report from the commander of the marine group that defends this area, which may indicate that he hasn’t yet have full information about his units.
The situation at Al-Diwaniyah, where a heavy combat has been going on for 3 days, has become a little clearer. Currently all American forces have been pushed away from the town. Early morning an American helicopter was attacked. Its crew died. Another helicopter was shot down and had to land to the east from Karbala. Information about its crew is being obtained.
The overall situation in the central region of Iraq is characterized by gradual reduction of the coalition activity and change to active defense. But extraordinary dispersion of the ground forces, their fragmentation (the biggest group now contains up to 12 thousand troops) create advantageous preconditions for Iraqi counter-attacks, but the air superiority of the coalition severely complicate such projects. If, due to weather conditions, the coalition forces lose their air support, it may have very dramatic consequences.
At the south of Iraq the British advance on Basra is losing its strength as well and may already stop during the next two days. Currently the British have been unable to achieve any serious success on this direction, and fights are only occur at the outskirts of the city.
The British command had to admit that it had underestimated the strength of Iraqi resistance and was unable to reveal the structure and number of Basra defenders fully and operatively. Currently in the city and the Fao peninsula, according to the British data, about 5 thousand of regular Iraqi military forces are defending (parts of 51st Mechanized Division of general Khaled Khatim Saleh al-Hashimi) and up to 5-7 thousand volunteers and militiamen. At the same time, British hopes for an armed Shia revolt have been ruined. The Shia leaders in Iran called their Iraqi coreligionists to fight against English and American “satanists” and “Zionists”, leaving British without their “best card” in the plan of capturing Basra. 3 men were killed and 8 wounded yesterday.
At the North of Iraq desultory fightings between Kurdish troops “peshmerga” and Iraqi forces are going on. The morning messages about the town Kalak captured have not been confirmed yet, and according to the radio surveillance data the actions only take place at the approaches of the town. For now, Kurds are mainly busy robbing neighboring villages and transporting the stolen goods into their basic regions. According to American special forces which have recently been replaced here, sometimes after capturing a village up to half of the Kurdish squadron abandon their positions. They load stolen property into captured cars and leave for their homes to be back next morning for new salvage.
But apart from clear marauding of “peshmerga”, the coalition command has more and more problems with keeping the decent moral level of their fighting soldiers. Spite and irritability are growing even in British troops, which were always “correct enough” towards the civilians on the occupied territories. In increasing frequency British soldiers show violence and rudeness towards civilians. At a recent consultation at the British HQ, a representative of the military police command pointed at the fact that even actions of arresting people suspected in underground activities occur with unnecessary violence and publicity, and resemble rather intimidation than special police operations. The command issued a special order regarding the required behavior in the occupied regions, but even after it had been published a few analogous incidents were registered.
An event that had happened 5 days before also received publicity at the coalition HQ. During a night “cleanup” in one of suburban houses near An-Nasiriya three marines shot a man and afterwards raped and shot his wife. The command got information about this accident from one of its informers. After interrogation the marines were sent to Qatar for additional investigations.
In increasing frequency commanders find things belonging to Iraqis in their soldiers’ rucksacks. The soldiers are discontent of their commanders attempting to cease this practice, and call those items “war salvage”. Currently the command is preparing a special order regarding this issue.
[translated by Necroman] Источник: Ramzaj
(عدل بواسطة Yassir7anna on 04-08-2003, 02:32 PM)
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Re: تحليل عسكرى روسى شيق لما يجرى بالعراق معتمد على معلومات استخبارية ( يوم (Re: Yassir7anna)
Russian Military Intel update: War in Iraq, April 6 (continued) 06.04.2003 [23:01] Around Baghdad skirmishes between coalition forces and Iraqi divisions are going on. As we said before, during the next two days the coalition troops will extend the zone of blockade to the west and north-west using local strikes. Currently a part of the 1st brigade of the 3rd Mechanized Division is outflanking the city from Abu-Harraib, trying to reach the south outskirts and seize a strategic bridge across the Tigris at the north of the Tunis area (Salakh-Khasan).
Fire has not stopped near the Airport, both sides are using artillery. According to the most recent data the rush of the coalition forces toward to the southern borders of Baghdad, though expected by the Iraqi command, was tactically surprise. Hidden in the interiors of the city, parts of the Iraqi army were unable to leave their covered positions, advance and face the enemy. There arouse confusion that led to disorganization of the Iraqi squadrons that engaged their rivals “on the move”, without proper reconnaissance and concentration of forces. According to specified information in different conflicts and during the assault of the airport up to 400 Iraqi soldiers were killed, 25 tanks and 12 guns were lost.
But the coalition command also faced serious problems. Powerful Iraqi attacks aimed at the airport immobilized most of the force breaking towards Baghdad and it turned out necessary to bring reinforcements from other sectors of the front in order to succeed. In particular, up to 2 battalions of the 101st Airborne Division located by An-Nasiriya and An-Najaf and at least 1 battalion of the 82nd Division were moved there. Americans tolls at the south and south-east of Baghdad for the last 24 hours amount to: up to 30 men killed and at least 80 wounded, 15 soldiers are known to be missing. The Americans lost at least 8 tanks and 5 APC.
Marine squadrons are still incapable of breaking down defenses by the Diyala river. Currently the vanguards are trying to outflank the city from east and seize the bridge in the New Baghdad region. There are not enough coalition forces to block such a city, and the troops blocking An-Nasiriya, An-Najaf, Al-Kut and Al-Diwaniya were given categorical orders to break down the Iraqi resistance in the next 3 days, take control of those areas and advance toward Baghdad to join the blockade.
To organize offensive against Karbala the blocking troops were enforced with one expeditionary marine squadron, and another storm started this morning. There is no information about casualties from this region yet. Analogous tasks were set before the British command at the south of Iraq near Basra. For the past 2 days the British have tried to overcome Iraqi defenses from An-Zubair and the Manavi regions 3 times, but they still cannot break down the resistance. This morning an armored column was able to come up to a strategic cross-road near Akhavat-Rezan, but got under heavy fire and had to retreat. Yesterday and during this morning the British lost at least 3 armored units, 2 men killed and 6 wounded.
The coalition command and the foreign policy departments of Russia and USA are now making every effort to close all the information related to the Russian embassy getting fired near Baghdad.
Sources claim that the embassy ceased its activities in many respects because of the danger of an air strike on the embassy. The American command was utterly irritated by the presence of the Russian embassy in Baghdad and believed that some technical intelligence equipment was deployed there that provided the Iraqis with information. Moreover, some officers in the coalition HQ in Qatar openly claimed that it was on the territory of the Russian embassy that the “jammers” hampering the high-precision weapons around Baghdad were operated. Yesterday morning the Secretary of State Colin Powell demanded of immediate evacuation of the embassy from the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Igor Ivanov. Yesterday evening the Russian minister informed the Americans that on the 6th of April the embassy column would be leaving Baghdad heading for the Syrian border. This gave rise to dissatisfaction among the State Department officials who suggested that the column should move to Jordan.
The coalition special operations HQ were sure that the embassy column would contain secret devices taken from military equipment captured by Iraqis. In this connection one cannot shut out the possibility of “revenge” from the coalition command. Moreover, experts claim that the purpose of this armed assault could be to damage a few cars where the Russians would have to leave some of the salvage. This is also indicated by the fact that neither the ambassador himself nor journalists in the column were among the injured. In this case we can expect that this action was committed by coalition special forces and the column was shot using Russian-made weapons to conceal the origin of the attackers to blame the Iraqis afterwards. According to the most recent data the column got ambushed almost 30 km to the west from the city on the territory occupied by the coalition, but moving fast it escaped from fire and made a few more kilometers where it was blocked by military jeeps. On attempting to establish contact with their crews it received fire again, then the jeeps vanished.
Today at 5pm a phone conversation between president of Russia Vladimir Putin and president of the USA George W. Bush took place. Before this conversation, his assistant for National Security Affairs Condoleezza Rice, who came into Moscow today, had consulted Bush. At this time Rice is meeting Igor Ivanov, the head of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The details of this meeting are unknown so far, but we can suppose that very soon some “unknown squadrons” will be made responsible for the incident and the situation will be dampened to the maximum. Analysts reckon that the situation with the nuclear submarine “Kursk”, when a whole series of private contacts between top Russian officials and American representatives brought more questions than answers, is about to occur again to some extent.
[ translated by Necroman ]
(عدل بواسطة Yassir7anna on 04-08-2003, 03:33 PM)
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Re: تحليل عسكرى روسى شيق لما يجرى بالعراق معتمد على معلومات استخبارية ( يوم (Re: Yassir7anna)
بعد زيارة رايس لموسكو يتوقف التقرير الاستخباراتى الروسى اليومى الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله
خبر سيئ
آخر تقرير روسى عن العدوان على العراق صدر اليوم
ولم يعطى أى تحليل جديد
إنما كان تقرير الوداع
حدث هذا بعد زيارة كونداليسا رايس الى موسكو
وبعد ما ظهرت فيه كثير من المعلومات القيمة
اليوم امريكا تعترف بخسارتها لمعركتين
الاولى المعركة الاعلامية
فبقصفها لفندق الصحفيين تثبت أنها تخسر المعركة الاعلامية
وكذلك قصفها للتلفزيون العراقى أكثر من مرة
والمعركة الثانية هى المعركة المعلوماتية اى عن طريق الانترنت
توقف هذا الموقع وذكر أحد الاسباب انه الضغوطات الخارجية يبين صحة البيانات فيه
لقد تمتعت انا الآخر بترجمته
ولكن نسأل الله تعالى ان يبدلنا خير منه
أو أن يغنينا عنه
وأن ينصر الاسلام والمسلمين آمين
إليكم ما نشره الموقع اليوم
وإنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون
Events of the last 2 days have made further work of Ramzaj group in its current format impossible.
With the embassy personnel and journalists having left Iraq and most of Iraqi information services evacuated from Baghdad, analysis of the situation in Baghdad and Iraq as a whole becomes ineffective. The quickly changing course of street fights leaves any informational updates far behind. Direct TV broadcasts are far more evident than any analytics. At the same time, we do not have the right to reveal classified, “top secret” information. Apart from that, our actions meet increasing opposition from the official quarts and in fact are turning into confrontation the outcome of which is not difficult to forecast. Therefore we have to discontinue our work and thank everybody for taking part in the project.
In conclusion we would like to say:
All the “updates” came out from a compact group formed a few years ago in the framework of a special service. The group used to work for the government for a long time but all its members have left the service and now act as an independent analytical group that has kept some capabilities. This gives an answer to the most common question – about the sources of our information.
We participated in the ongoing events on a “non-profit” basis and had no object other than to stand the US-British informational blockade of the war in Iraq.
Our updates were not genuine materials from any of Russian or other special services, but rather an “intellectual product” of the group itself, product of its operative, informational and analytical abilities. But compiling the updates we used materials available from our friends from special information structures. The very form “operativnaya informatsiya” never claimed to be “military information updates” but served as additional data for self-dependent analysis.
The main goal of the project was to present intelligible military analytics on the war in Iraq, which is currently missing, to the informational space. We had both success and obvious fails along the way.
We are grateful to the iraqwar.ru and forum.vif2.ru administration that took the risk and burden of working with us and we understand how many problems they have to endure because of that. With all responsibility we state that no messages, letters, appeals and other materials, apart from the daily “updates” on iraqwar.ru and forum.vif2.ru were made by Ramzaj group and any other statement in our name is nothing but mystification. The author with the nickname “Kondor” is the only authorized source of information about the group and its “official contact person”. In cases of uncertainty or “nickname cloning” authentication is possible using his personal photo that supplements one of images published on iraqwar.ru and comes as its logical continuation.
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