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06-13-2006, 06:58 AM

معتز تروتسكى
<aمعتز تروتسكى
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-14-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 9839

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين

    FIFA(OR)UN ?!?!

    صـراحة لا أُخفي إعجابي الشديد بمنظمة الامم الامتحدة (UN) لدرجة اننى احلم بالعمل بالتوغل فيها اكثر واكثر ؛
    دائما ما اقف فى مصداقية هذه المنظمة وتجاة تناولها لقضايا العالم من لضعفاء البشر والدول ؛!!
    وبغض النظر عن مسميات الاشياء (كالعقلانيه) التى نمت عن أمانى واهداف الطبقة البورجوازية الناشئة فى احضان المجتمع الاقطاعي؛
    الا ان دلالة المعنى تـفتـقده الامم المتحدة ؛
    وذلك لان حوجة الطبقات الضعيفة لها اكثر من القوى الكبيرة!!
    العدالــة :
    لغة هى الانصــاف ؛وهى مفهوم لايمكن ادراكة بذاته او بما يقال عنه التطور العام للعقل الانساني....(ويختلف مفهومها باختلاف المجتمعات واختلاف والتطور الاجتماعي)..
    فى المقابل من خلال مفهوم العدالة دائما ما اجد ان (FIFA) تطل برأسها فى نموذج يصلح كثير جدا لان يكون هى البديل للامم المتحدة
    الامم المتحده فى اعتقادي هى اشبه (بالعقد الاجتماعي) بـ(بتعديل طفيف فى معناه الاصلى)
    الامم المتحدة:- (هى العقد الاجتماعى الذى من المفترض ان تقود البشريه الى اتفاق يساعدالبشر على ان يتخلو عن حالة الفوضى ليكونوا المجتمع الذى نعيش فيه)..
    مع الملاحظ بان الـ (FIFA) بشخصية رئيسها (السويسري جوزيف بلاتر) تتمثل كامل الصلاحيات لنـفسها وبقراراتها التى تسرى على جميع الفرق والدول لافرق بين كبير صغير او كبير سوى العدالة..
    لو تحقق (ثلث) العقلانيه والعدالة التى فى (FIFA) لدى الـ (UN) لكن لهذه المنظمة بعض نجاحات الـ(FIFA)..
    (FIFA) تمثل نجاح ونفوذ اقتصادي في زي رياضي ...
    (FIFA) تمثل نجاح فى وؤد كثير من المشاكل والحروب بطريقة الروح الرياضية ..
    (FIFA) تمثل نجاح لاحترام حقوق الانسان ومحاربة العنصريه بقوة...
    (FIFA) تمثل نجاح فى فن الادارة المؤسسات والاشخاص ...
    (FIFA) تمثل نجاح معنى العدالة والعقلانية...
    وهلمـــجرا....من النجاحات..
    اذا ما الذى يمنع الـ (UN) لتقوم بنفس الدور وهى قد خُلقت له اساسا؟؟!!
    هل تمثل سيطرة الدول الكبرى على المنظمة عائق؟
    سؤال لايحتاج لاجابة..
    لكن ..اذا كانت الدول الكبرى تبغى معنى العداله والحريه والديمقراطية التى تتشدق بها ؛اليس فى تقويم الـ (UN) مكسب للجميع ولن يضيع بعدها حق اى من البشريات التى تقبع تحت الـ (UN)!!!
    لا ايفاء بالتزامات ولا ولا ...
    اذا لماذا اُنشاءت الـ (UN) ؛ونحن لازلنا نُعامل بشريعة الغاب؟!!؟

06-13-2006, 07:01 AM

معتز تروتسكى
<aمعتز تروتسكى
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-14-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 9839

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: FIFA(OR)UN ?!?! (Re: معتز تروتسكى)


    FIFA(OR)UN ?!?!

    هذه سيرة (السپ بلاتر) وانجازاته تتحدث عنه فهو انسان مثير لاعجاب..

    اقتصادي ومدير اعلامي ومنظم مباريات وضابط في الجيش السويسري ...
    ولد جوزيف بلاتر في 10 اذار مارس 1939 في فييج سويسرا .انهي بلاتر المرحلة الثانوية: شهادة من معهد سيون وسان موريس و الدراسة الجامعية: اجازة في الاقتصاد والادارةالتجارية من جامعة لوزان. و بدأ حياته المهنية سكرتيرا لهيئة السياحة في فاليه.و من 1964 الي 1966 امينا عاما للاتحاد السويسري للهوكي علي الجليد. ومن 1966 الي 1968 مديرا اعلاميا لجمعية الصحافة الرياضية السويسرية.من 1968 الي 1975 مديرا لدائرة اجهزة قياس التوقيت الرياضي والعلاقات العامة والتسويق في شركة "لونجين" لصناعة الساعات، وشارك في تنظيم الالعاب الاولمبية في ميونيخ عام 1972 وفي مونتريال عام 1976. وفي1975 انضم الي الاتحاد الدولي لكرة القدم فيفا واصبح مديرا لبرامج التنمية. 1981 اصبح امينا عاما للفيفا.1990 مديرا تنفيذيا للفيف. 1998-2006 رئيسا للفيفاوكان بلاتر ضابطا في الجيش السويسري برتبة كولونيل وقلد الوسام الاولمبي عام 1994.

    ذكر ان تولي رئاسة الاتحاد الدولي لكرة القدم منذ ان ابصر النور في 21 ايار مايو منذ بالشكل التالي

    1904-1906: الفرنسي روبير غيران
    1906-1918: الانكليزي دانيال وولفول
    1921-1954: الفرنسي جول ريميه
    1954-1955: البلجيكي وليام سيلدرييرز
    1955-1961: الانكليزي ارثور دروري
    1961-1974: الانكليزي ستانلي راوس
    1974-1998: البرازيلي جواو هافيلانج
    1998-2006: السويسري جوزيف بلاتر


    60(years ago for this organization and no thing why Mr. Anan(UN Secretary General ?

    اما (كوفى انان) فاعتقد بان سيرته تتحدث عنه مثل السابقين ايضا!!!
    لما ساق اليه هذه المنظمة..

    وبدون ترتيب..
    يوثانت (الأمين العام السابق، ميانمار)
    نوبل (منح جائزة نوبل للسلام للأمم المتحدة وأمينها العام)
    كورت فالدهايم (الأمين العام السابق ،النمسا)
    داغ همرشولد (الأمين العام السابق ،السويد)
    خافيير بيريز دي كوييار (الأمين العام السابق،بيرو)
    تريغف هالفدان لي (الأمين العام السابق،النرويج)
    بطرس بطرس غالي (الأمين العام السابق، مصر)



06-13-2006, 02:29 PM

معتز تروتسكى
<aمعتز تروتسكى
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-14-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 9839

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: FIFA(OR)UN ?!?! (Re: معتز تروتسكى)

    FIFA(OR)UN ?!?!

06-13-2006, 02:37 PM

abdelfattah mohammed
<aabdelfattah mohammed
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-27-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 930

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: FIFA(OR)UN ?!?! (Re: معتز تروتسكى)

    الرفيق الرقيق الأديب الأريب معتز

    سلاماتي وتحياتي

    موضُوع حيوي ، وبُوست هادف

    فاصل للتواصل


    كُلِ حَقٌ يُقَابِلَهُ وَاجِبٌ ، ولا إنْسَانِيَةَ بِدُونِ حُرِيَـة
    الحَقِيْقَـةُ فَـوْقَ العَقِيْـدَةَ .. والعَـدْلُ قَبْـلُ الإحْسَـانِ

06-13-2006, 03:20 PM

ناذر محمد الخليفة
<aناذر محمد الخليفة
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-28-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 29251

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: FIFA(OR)UN ?!?! (Re: معتز تروتسكى)

    فووووووووووووووووٌق !!

06-14-2006, 02:00 PM

معتز تروتسكى
<aمعتز تروتسكى
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-14-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 9839

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: FIFA(OR)UN ?!?! (Re: ناذر محمد الخليفة)

    abdelfattah mohammed
    ناذر محمد الخليفة

    شكرا كتير وبجيكم بى رواقه...

    التحايا النواضر.

06-14-2006, 06:03 PM

Yassir Tayfour
<aYassir Tayfour
تاريخ التسجيل: 08-18-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 10899

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: FIFA(OR)UN ?!?! (Re: معتز تروتسكى)

    Quote: Re: FIFA(OR)UN ?!?!

    Barcelona hosts European soccer's anti racism conference
    By Stephen Mackey

    MADRID, Spain (AP) _ FC Barcelona stars Ronaldinho and Samuel Eto'o are taunted with monkey noises at Spanish matches. AS Roma fans display banners with neo-Nazi and anti-Semitic slogans. Gypsies are targeted by Romanian supporters.

    Racism is still alive in European soccer.

    UEFA will aim to tackle the problem Wednesday when it holds its second ``Unite Against Racism'' conference at Barcelona's Camp Nou stadium.

    In a pre-conference message, UEFA president Lennart Johansson called racism a ``scourge'' and ``one of the most abject forms of disrespect towards fellow human beings.''

    ``It has no place in our society and even less so in team sports like football, where all members of the team are as equally important when it comes to achieving the desired result,'' he added.

    UEFA wants European leagues to have anti-racism sanctions by next season and is threatening to exclude clubs guilty of sustained racism from its competitions.

    Meanwhile, FIFA's legal experts will decide later this month what measures need to be taken to strengthen the world governing body's anti-racism laws, possibly including relegation, suspension or expulsion.

    Organized in conjunction with the Football Against Racism in Europe (FARE) network and Spain's soccer federation, the international gathering provides a chance ``to map out the quickest route to a game free of racism and discrimination,'' FARE spokesman Piara Powar said.

    Among an expected 200 participants are delegates from UEFA's 52 member associations, players, representatives of European clubs, members of FARE and European representatives of political institutions.

    The first conference was held nearly three years ago at Chelsea's Stamford Bridge and led to a 10-point code of conduct for clubs.

    However, some countries have seen the problem persist.

    The worst case in Spain occurred in November 2004 when thousands of fans taunted England's black players with monkey noises during a friendly at Real Madrid's stadium.
    Spain coach Luis Aragones was blamed for provoking the trouble with a racist comment about Arsenal striker Thierry Henry a month before the game.

    Italian soccer stadiums are also tough places for non-white players. The taunting was too much for Messina's Ivorian defender Marc Andre Zoro, who threatened to walk off the field in November when fans of visiting Inter Milan insulted him.
    And in Hungary last month, the country's federation fined Upjest FC after fans chanted anti-Semitic slurs during a league match.

    ``Racism is one of the visible fault lines of changing European identities,'' said Powar, who is also director of the British anti-racism group Kick It Out. ``It is evident in all areas of popular culture. As a mass spectator sport with enormous amounts of media coverage, it will be reflected in football.''

    ``Some administrators in the game are in denial, or are paying lip service, or do not understand what action to take,'' he added.

    i watched a "documentary" about this issue in the TSN tv, and i really appreciate the effort that Mr. Blatter is paying and the actions/punishments is planning to take to stop this racism.

06-14-2006, 06:11 PM

Yassir Tayfour
<aYassir Tayfour
تاريخ التسجيل: 08-18-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 10899

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: FIFA(OR)UN ?!?! (Re: معتز تروتسكى)

    Blatter wants points docked for racism

    Associated Press

    1/26/2006 9:22:53 AM

    DAVOS, Switzerland (AP) - Soccer clubs should be docked points if their fans or players use racist abuse because fines don't have enough effect, FIFA president Sepp Blatter said Thursday.

    "I am so disappointed. It is a shame for football that in the year 2006, you still have racism," Blatter told a news conference at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum.

    "The only way to fight this is to do exactly what we have done when it came to violence. We have to take away the points because it happens in those leagues where the money is sufficient so, even if you gave a fine of US$100,000, it would be paid the next day.

    "That does not change the attitude, so you have to go into a sporting sanction."

    Legal experts at soccer's world governing body will decide in February what measures need to be taken to strengthen FIFA's anti-racism laws, possibly including relegation, suspension or expulsion.
    FIFA's executive committee will then recommend possible sanctions to national soccer federations at a March 17 meeting.

    Former star Pele said the problem of racism in soccer grounds appeared worse than when he was playing because top-class teams contain more non-white players now.

    "When I started to play, we didn't see black people in other national teams, only in Brazil," Pele said. "Today you have black players all over the world

06-15-2006, 00:25 AM

Ali Alhalawi

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-10-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 1467

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: FIFA(OR)UN ?!?! (Re: Yassir Tayfour)

    سلامات يا معتز

    و ماذا قال كوفى عنان

    At the United Nations, how we envy the World Cup


    11 June 2006

    YOU may wonder what a secretary general of the United Nations is doing writing about football. But in fact, the World Cup makes us at the United Nations green with envy. As the pinnacle of the only truly global game, played in every country by every race and religion, it is one of the few phenomena as universal as the United Nations. You could even say it’s more universal.
    Fifa has 207 members; we have only 191. But there are far better reasons to be envious. First, the World Cup is an event in which everybody knows where their team stands, and what it did to get there. They know who scored and how and in what minute of the game; they know who missed the open goal; they know who saved the penalty.
    I wish we had more of that sort of competition in the family of nations. Countries openly vying for the best standing in the table of respect for human rights, and trying to outdo one another in child survival rates or enrolment in secondary education. States parading their performance for all the world to see. Governments being held accountable for what actions led them to that result.
    Second, the World Cup is an event that everybody on the planet loves talking about, dissecting what their team did right, and what it could have done differently — not to mention the other side’s team. People sitting in cafes anywhere from Buenos Aires to Beijing debate the finer points of games endlessly, revealing an intimate knowledge not only of their own national teams but of many of the others too, expressing themselves on the subject with as much clarity as passion.
    Normally tongue-tied teenagers suddenly become eloquent, confident, and dazzlingly analytical experts. I wish we had more of that sort of conversation in the world at large. Citizens consumed by the topic of how their country could do better on the Human Development Index, or in reducing the amount of carbon emissions or the number of new HIV infections. Third, the World Cup is an event that takes place on a level playing field, where every country has a chance to participate on equal terms. Only two commodities matter in this game: talent and teamwork.
    I wish we had more levellers like that in the global arena. Free and fair exchanges without the interference of subsidies, barriers or tariffs. Every country getting a real chance to field its strengths on the world stage. Fourth, the World Cup is an event that illustrates the benefits of cross-pollination between peoples and countries. More and more national teams now welcome coaches from other countries, who bring new ways of thinking and playing.
    The same goes for the increasing number of players who, between World Cups, represent clubs away from home. They inject new qualities into their new team, grow from the experience, and are able to contribute even more to their home side when they return. In the process, they often become heroes in their adopted countries — helping to open hearts and broaden minds. I wish it were equally plain for all to see that human migration in general can create triple gains — for migrants, for their countries of origin and for the societies that receive them. That migrants not only build better lives for themselves and their families, but are also agents of development — economic, social and cultural — in the countries they go and work in, and in the homelands they inspire through newly won ideas and know-how when they return.
    For any country, playing in the World Cup is a matter of profound national pride. For countries qualifying for the first time, such as my native Ghana, it is a badge of honour. For those who are doing so after years of adversity, such as Angola, it provides a sense of national renewal. And for those who are currently riven by conflict, like Ivory Coast, but whose World Cup team is a unique and powerful symbol of national unity, it inspires nothing less than the hope of national rebirth. Which brings me to what is perhaps most enviable of all for us at the United Nations: The World Cup is an event in which we actually see goals being reached. I’m not talking only about the goals that a country scores; I also mean the most important goal of all — being there, being part of the family of nations and peoples, celebrating our common humanity. I’ll try to remember that when Ghana plays Italy in Hannover on June 12. Of course, I can’t promise I’ll succeed.

    Kofi A. Annan is Secretary General of the United Nations. This article first appeared in the International Herald Tribune

06-15-2006, 07:20 AM

معتز تروتسكى
<aمعتز تروتسكى
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-14-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 9839

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: FIFA(OR)UN ?!?! (Re: Ali Alhalawi)


    Yassir Tayfour
    Ali Alhalawi

    لوربكم ادانا العافية اكيد بجيكم صادى ماقصرتو تب البيت بيتكم ..

    التحايا النواضر..

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