Re: منبر قورتونج الجنوبى: إنفصـــــــــالى أم وحدوى؟ (Re: Biraima M Adam)
Biraima M Adam Thanks Gurtong is the oldest South Sudanese electronic news dispatcher and a treasure for those seeking scholarly information about South Sudan and its peoples. The Newspaper has its mission statement on its site and if you would like to know more, you just need to take a few minutes and will enrich yourself, if patient, with the best well-sourced info. about all South's ten states, including the WES. The new governor is a female, and she succeeding the late commander Samuel Abu John Kabashi, the very women you dedpicted here as merely submissive objectified sexula beings, loyal good breeders.
انفصالية و غير انفصالية ليست القضية الهامة للاعلام فى South, و هو مستقل, بل إعادة تاهيل المواطنين و بناء المدارس و المستشفيات و تطوير البنيات التحتية هى االاولية للإعلام. اغلب ال citizensلديهم الفكرة العامة عما سيفعلون عام 2011. قل لى, من اين سياتى اهل اقليم غرب الإستوائية بمندوكور, يستوردو يعنى?
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