يؤدي الذعر الدولي من أنفلونزا الطيور إلي مزيد من الإفقار والمجاعة لدول العالم الثالث
The real threat from the spectre of ‘bird flu’ is starvation , poverty and more US domination هل يؤدي الذعر الدولي من أنفلونزا الطيور إلي مزيد من الإفقار والمجاعة لدول العالم الثالث وبسط الهيمنة الأميركية علي اقتصادياتها
Think of it. Millions of chickens are being killed or destroyed – if these cannot be inoculated – all over Asia and Turkey. The poultry industry is likewise being threatened in Germany, Austria, Italy, France, Greece, Bulgaria and Hungary, where the avian virus or H5N1 has been confirmed, not in chickens, but in other birds In France, for example, H5N1 was confirmed in some ducks near Lyon. In case you forgot, Lyon – Imagine the tons of prospective pate fois grass endangered- Next, H5N1 has been confirmed in eight swans in Sicily and in the southern mainland of Italy (the heel of the boot?). From the home island of the Cosa Nostra to the casa de mezzogiorno to Cairo chicken will be taboo – and the virus will probably threaten other feathered creatures – according to some sources In Germany, H5N1 was recently confirmed in 79 birds on the Baltic Sea island of Rugen . In Austria, the same virus was detected in several swans and one duck (This doesn’t threaten, of course, Austria’s Presidency of the European Union)
In Greece, where the outbreak occurred earlier, H5N1 was found in three swans and one wild goose. In Bulgaria, three swans got it. Ditto for Hungary and Slovenia. As expected, the Germans in typical methodical fashion have deployed hundreds of troops, backed up by Tornado reconnaissance aircraft, to fight the bird flu menace in their country’s north. The French and the Dutch have proposed injecting their chickens with preventive vaccine, certainly costing millions of euros for every European country which feels compelled to buy into the program. Other European nations are skeptical however, about the practicality – and the effect on poultry – of such "vaccinations." In fact, some EU countries may ban the importation of vaccinated chickens and other birds
The disease is apparently being spread by migratory birds. The Europeans have become the most panicky of all about the prospect of the virus jumping to humans, causing a possible pandemic that could climb to more than 100 million stricken. This has not happened, as yet, however. For the umpteenth time, the World Health Organization has said – in reassurance to Indonesia lately – that there is no evidence the bird flu virus has mutated to a form readily transmissible between humans. Indonesia has been badly affected by avian influenza, with their first confirmed human case occurring last year. Since then, the virus has killed 18 of the 25 persons infected in the sprawling Indonesian archipelago
Since late 2003, avian flu has killed 91 people and infected 169 in seven countries, mostly here in the third world ( Egypt , Turkey , Nigeria , Vietnam, China and Thailand, thus far, have been hardest hit. No case has been reported in SUDAN but let’s pray, cross our fingers, and hope our Health authorities remain wide alert.
Yesterday’s The Wall Street Journal said it best, in an opinion page column by Dr. Mukesh Haikerwal, president of the Australian Medical Association: "Be Prepared, Not Scared." The International Pledging Conference last month on Avian and Human Influenza in Beijing, attended by officials from all over the world, produced a substantial global response: $1.9 billion in pledges for a war chest to combat the killer virus. A small part of this fund (mind you, pledges in the end may – as enthusiasm fades – never be converted to cash) will be earmarked to compensate poultry farmers for their losses in their livestock.
The latter question highlights the most deadly effect of the bird flu scare. With so many million chickens being destroyed, the world’s food supplies are being swiftly depleted – and the biggest losers are the poor farmers who can ill-afford the destruction of their birds by government fiat. If bird flu doesn’t get them, starvation and poverty will. And as well- the international trading of the bird flu vaccination- will definitely result in millions of US dollars to run into to the pockets of the Americans- as the bird flu vaccination is patented by one of the giant American pharmaceutical research institutions – the whole story behind the bird flu outbreak- could be attributed- to a new era of business leading to complete US domination on the world economy by means of collecting the rest of the dollars scattered here and there through spreading wide range of international fears and anxiety