رساله من عبد القادر نورين إلى جميع السودانيين-بخصوص إخواننا الدارفوريين على حدود الأردن

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05-19-2005, 04:11 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 05-11-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 2749

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
رساله من عبد القادر نورين إلى جميع السودانيين-بخصوص إخواننا الدارفوريين على حدود الأردن

    وصلتني رسالة بالبريد الإلكتروني من الأخ عبد القادر نورين رأيت أنه من العدالة أعطاءه الفرصة لتصل رسالته إلى الجميع.....أنشر أدناه رسالة الأخ عبد القادر كما وصلتني ودون مس محتوياتها

    Brother Al-Zaki,
    I am sorry as it was not possible for me to write in Arabic.

    First of all I would like to inform that I had been deeply saddened and shocked when the group of 74 Sudanese were sent against their will back to Iraq and I take this opportunity to drop a message of support for them and hope that all the concerned sides would swiftly move to rescue them and salvage their kind families.
    Secondly, I extend my deepest thanks to you and thumps up are given to you for your honesty and correct sense of journalism. In fact, you did not rush to accuse me with unfounded guilt but on the contrary you phoned me at your cost and in the beginning you eagerly asked about the group of the Sudanese and then depicted it, as we told you, on the Net and not only that but you tried to defend me against unspecified charges written on the website. As I do not know you before, really appreciated your fair, balanced and just stand.
    My thanks also are extended to my brothers: Sideeq Rahma from Showak; Abdulallah Hussain; Sister:Hanadi in UAE and Mohammad Sulayman as they refused to put my name in the mud.
    Then, I would like to set the record straight from the start that cheating and disrespecting people is not now, nor has it ever been, nor will it ever be, tolerated by me. My advise is to reject the culture of impunity and to know the consequences of our actions.
    Sorry, but I find myself forced to tell a bit on what I do at the border: I work with WFP as Logistics Officer and my activities are focused entirely on facilitation of our food movement to Iraq and with no relation at all with refugees. I guess if I meddle out of my mandate it would trigger undoubtedly concerns and such move would be described as interference by the authorities in the area and my organization will never be happy to swim outside our known boundaries. In short that is wasting of much need time and resources by hired person. I usually shuttle daily from the border side in Jordan to the No Man's Land (NML) to do some of my job.
    Then, let me talk briefly about what happened at the border on Saturday dated 14.05.05, when the group of 74 Sudanese arrived to the NML and their composition was 5 families with 32 members and also 42 singles and their ethnic background are seemingly from Fur and Zagawa tribes. In fact, I did not know what happened in beginning but on that day as I was returning from the NML, I was stopped at a checkpoint and informed that the Deputy Director of the Jordanian Border wanted to see me exactly at the middle of the NML. When moved to that location I saw the group of the Sudanese for the first time and the Deputy told me to talk to brothers Sudanese. He informed me to convoy a message to them as they were not listening to him. That was there is no way for any Sudanese, including myself, to enter Jordan without an entry visa and said to me and to the Sudanes! e that he is not inventing this rule and its an instruction from the Ministry of Interior and they here to apply it peacefully or by force and at that time the riot police was on standby. In fact, I did what he told me and when the sun was falling down they said their force was limited and they postponed addressing the case to the morning. During this time, I helped one or two of the Sudanese group to talk with a Sudanese who works with UNHCR, the specified agency of refugees, to render any support or explanation for them. Also before leaving I gave them my phone number and my name to contact me in case they need anything or in case of an emergency. While returning I met two Sudanese also part of the group but staying separately near the Jordanian Border and they told me that their properties were looted back in Iraq and I informed them to wait until UNHCR guys arrive and I promised to bring food and! Pepsi for them and we did it.
    Also during this time I did all in my power to help but with no avail. I think its unfair to attack Jordan as they were enforcing their laws on their land and I had seen a Jordanian Ambulance treating a shocked women from the group and the Jordanian tried all the time to defuse tension. Probably they were adamant to send them back but they wanted to achieve that peacefully unlike other cases. May be calling me to talk with them is a kind of diplomacy.
    Next day, also by coincidence when I was returning from work the deputy director asked me to come with him but during that time I do not remember I talked to the group but I called the representative of UNHCR in Ruwayshed to talk and help them and she talked extensively to their leaders. In short, she informed them that according to previous experiences, there is no way to enter Jordan at all, without visa or transit visa to move from the border to the airport. As all kinds of authorities were available and after a while, work connection forced me to leave the scene. The third time I got to the scene was on the same day when our friends from UNHCR arrived to our office and asked me to help them to get to the location, so I took the 3 staffs to the place. At that point, UNHCR engaged in interviewing them and getting their names and explaining different scenarios for them. In the end,! the authorities seemed to convince the Sudanese group to move and to be housed at a refugee camp located on the NML, very close to the Iraqi border and I had seen a truck to load their bags while a bus was waiting to pick them. At that point, I was asked to come to the office and I left the location.
    Then, I was informed that the Sudanese got on the bus by themselves and when they reached the camp, the US forces ordered the drivers to take them to Baghdad.
    Its worthy to mention that I had seen recently several groups of Sudanese passing through the border and they informed that the Sudanese Embassy in Baghdad and the immigration organization arranged transit visas and tickets for them to travel via the border and directly to Khartoum through Amman airport. However, these brothers ruled out going back to khartoum or contacting the Embassy in Amman. As you are aware that at the current circumstances seeking resettlement in the West is an uphill battle and it needs years to get it. Probably, the group might have been misinformed at status of the borders and the admission polices exercised for the camps available at the borders.
    Before closing this part, just one simple question how can for Nourain to control decisions making at a war zone, in the NML, and in the presence of high ranking officers from the police and intelligence as well as the American forces. I repeat and repeat that refugees matters are not mine and this shows how few people tried to break my integrity and tarnish my picture in front of the world and so in my next message today I will argue against the false charges and to show their invalidity.
    Finally, I am asking the concerned team to immediately delete my name and phone number as contact name/number. You do not have permission from me to do so. You should stop it now.

    Best regards. A/Gadir


05-19-2005, 07:08 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 05-11-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 2749

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: رساله من عبد القادر نورين إلى جميع السودانيين-بخصوص إخواننا الدارفوريين على حدود الأردن (Re: nile1)


05-19-2005, 07:21 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-05-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 35211

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: رساله من عبد القادر نورين إلى جميع السودانيين-بخصوص إخواننا الدارفوريين على حدود الأردن (Re: nile1)

    الأخ مهندس الزاكي أولاً شكر الله صنعك
    والشكر موصول للأخ عبد القادر نورين
    ونسأل الله أن يخفف على أخواننا السودانيين في العراق من جحيم التشريد ومماطلة الحكومات
    وكنت قد تمنيت أن لا يذكرون بأنهم دارفورييون بعد أن تجاوزنا ذلك في بوستات أخرى وبعد أن ظهر أن المجموعة تضم مواطنين من جبال النوبة وكردفان ودارفور
    وخارج الوطن نحن كلنا سودانييون
    Quote: بخصوص إخواننا الدارفوريين على حدود الأردن

    اللهم فرج كربهم وسهل أمرهم وأمنهم واحفظهم برعايتك ولطفك


05-19-2005, 07:42 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 05-11-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 2749

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: رساله من عبد القادر نورين إلى جميع السودانيين-بخصوص إخواننا الدارفوريين على حدود الأردن (Re: Frankly)

    الأخ فرانكلي

    لك التحية والود والتقدير

    الفقير إلى ربه ولد ولله الحمد متجاوزا العرقية والقبلية.....ولم أتطرق إليها في البدء ولكن رأيت بعض من قد حرصوا وشددوا على ذكرها...وعلى كل فمن أي شبر من السودان كانوا فهم أهلنا وأخواننا وأخواتنا نتألم لما أصابهم..وليت الأمر بيدنا ولكن ما باليد حيلة سوي الدعاء والتضرع ألى الله أن يكون معهم وأن يردهم سالمين

05-19-2005, 08:35 AM

Tragie Mustafa
<aTragie Mustafa
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-29-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 49964

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: رساله من عبد القادر نورين إلى جميع السودانيين-بخصوص إخواننا الدارفوريين على حدود الأردن (Re: nile1)

    الاخ الزاكى


    ومعذره للغياب

    الشكر للاخ عبد القادر

    وبنقول ليه نتمنى تتطلع على البوست التالى

    الشهم عبد القادر نوريين والمهمه المستحيله على الحدود الاردنيه[/

    الاخ عوض الله احمد شكرا للمرور ولا عدمناك يا اخى.

    الاخ فرانكلى

    شكرا للمرور وربن يقبل دعواتك الخيره

    اخى ذكرت انهم من دارفور

    ومتمسك بها لان الغالبيه من هناك

    حتى اوضح سبب رفضهم للعوده للسودان

    لانه خيار طرح من قبل بعض الاخوة ونثق فى صدق تعاطفهم

    لذلك احببت ان اوضح لهم ان هذا الخيار غير وارد عندهم.


    وربنا يخفف عليهم.


05-19-2005, 09:15 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-05-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 35211

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: رساله من عبد القادر نورين إلى جميع السودانيين-بخصوص إخواننا الدارفوريين على حدود الأردن (Re: Tragie Mustafa)

    الأخت تراجي
    وأشكرك أنا بدور على مرورك وتقبل الله صادق دعائنا
    Quote: الاخ فرانكلى

    شكرا للمرور وربن يقبل دعواتك الخيره

    اخى ذكرت انهم من دارفور

    ومتمسك بها لان الغالبيه من هناك

    حتى اوضح سبب رفضهم للعوده للسودان

    لانه خيار طرح من قبل بعض الاخوة ونثق فى صدق تعاطفهم

    لذلك احببت ان اوضح لهم ان هذا الخيار غير وارد عندهم.


    وربنا يخفف عليهم.


    وآسف جداً لكن بجد لم أفهم أي شيء مما ذكرتي أعلاه
    الرجاء التوضيح


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