عاجل وظيفة :Social Development & Gender Advisor

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مكتبة عبدالجليل عبدالحليم(nadus2000)
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03-22-2006, 07:08 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-05-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 4756

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
عاجل وظيفة :Social Development & Gender Advisor

    (Very limited time)

    Social Development & Gender Advisor

    For SNV Kenya (duty station: Kapoeta, South Sudan) we are looking for a
    Social Development & Gender Advisor

    Position description

    The advisor will work within the overall practice areas on the Portfolio, focusing on Social Development and Gender. Within the context of transition from war to peace, the advisor will pay specific attention to gender and conflict sensitivity mainstreaming and other social issues. The advisor will further lead on the issues of gender, social protection, conflicts and others in influencing the preparation of organizational and institutional enhancement. A specific challenge is the support to and/or catalyzing initiatives and mechanisms that contribute to the achievement of the MDGs at the local level.

    Specific responsibilities will be:
    • Support and/or lead the facilitation of advisory services in the Peace Building and Conflict Transformation (PB&CT) practice area in the Portfolio;
    • Collect and analyze social data to update and inform SNV’s advisory practices in South Sudan Portfolio and develop database and activity projections for the Sudan.
    • Lead social analysis and impact of SNV advisory practices on overall development objectives of the clients and develop approaches or learning and sharing of the values to mainstream clients’ values in SNV advisory practices.
    • Participate in engendering the design and implementation of advisory practices in South Sudan within the context of the region
    • Develop the capacity of institutions, organizations and networks at both the local and national level that actively promote leadership positions.
    • Establish networks and assist local organizations, including women and youth civil society organizations, to establish networks with higher level organizations to mainstream social issues and scale down national level ‘MDG initiatives’.

    Additional Qualifications:

    • Advanced university degree in social development studies, political science or other similar and relevant discipline
    • Academic level of working and thinking in themes related to SNV
    • Good command of English , knowledge of Arabic will be an advantage

    • Minimum of 4 – 5 years of relevant working experience (post conflict situation, background of African social & political economic issues)

    Knowledge and skills:
    • Application of theoretical models related to development processes
    • (Inter) organization and institutional development (IDOD)
    • Knowledge of mainstreaming of gender
    • Networking
    • Lobbying and advocacy

    Description of Region:
    Kapoeta, Eastern Equatoria, South Sudan
    Kapoeta is 2 ½ hours by road from Lokichoggio, Kenya and is also accessible by regular flights. The facilities available are very basic; Kapoeta is a non-family duty station.

    Salary Scale 10: Minimum Euro 2160 - Maximum Euro 3528 gross per month (hypo tax will be deducted) depending on relevant working experience, excluding attractive secondary conditions and individual allowances.

    Length of contract: 2 years with possibility to extend

    Starting date: as soon as possible.

    How to Apply:
    You can apply on-line through the following link:


    until March 23rd, 2006.

    Reference number: SD 5651

    We do not appreciate any commercial mediation based on this advertisement.

    Job posted on: March 03, 2006

03-22-2006, 08:17 AM

Tragie Mustafa
<aTragie Mustafa
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-29-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 49964

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: عاجل وظيفة :Social Development & Gender Advisor (Re: nadus2000)

    شكرا نادوس 2000

    وتحياتي لابنوسه

    وياريت لو جندريات السودان او الظروفهم كويسه يقدموا للوظيفه دي

    نفسي كان اقدم لكن وليداتي.


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