وقع من أجل أستقرار وسلام فى دارفور
الاخوه والاخوات هذه مبادره من مجموعات ضغط غير حكوميه تعنى بدعم السلام فى دارفور. نرجو التوقيع على الخطاب الموجود فى الرابط أدناه. الخطاب ببساطه يحث كل مجموعات مقاتلى دارفور غير الموقعين على اتفاقية ابوجا التوحد حول موقف واحد من أجل:
فرص افضل لاتفاقيه سلام مستدام ايقاف نزيف الدم وتشريد لاجئيى دارفور داخل وخارج السودان حتى لا يمارس نظام الخرطوم سياسات فرق تسد المعهودة الرابط: http://www.rebelletters.org/
Unite for Darfur: Write a Rebel Letter
Despite international awareness about the ongoing crisis in Darfur, the situation has greatly deteriorated over the past year. With hundreds of thousands dead, countless women raped and over 2 million people forcibly displaced, Darfur remains one of the world’s worst humanitarian emergencies. And there is no end to the conflict in sight.
There is no hope for an end to the violence and suffering in Darfur without a renewed peace process that can find a political solution to the conflict. But the splintering of the rebel movement in Darfur over recent months has become a major obstacle to the resumption of peace talks. Unless the rebel groups come together to unite and create a common platform to negotiate with the Sudanese government, a peace process will not be possible.
You can make a difference. Concerned individuals from all over the world have pressured their governments and international institutions to work to bring an end to the conflict in Darfur and protect civilians. Now you can lend your voice to call for rebel unity in Darfur and help build an effective peace process, the only solution that will sustainably resolve the crisis.
Take action now by signing the letter below to rebel group leaders in Darfur urging them to unite. Please click on this link to sign in support of rebel unification:
الفاضل الهاشمى
