I Find This Interesting

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03-31-2003, 02:01 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-05-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 2832

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
I Find This Interesting

    In the last 50 years the US dollar is the main currency in the world.
    USD bills and coins are made in only one place Federal Reserve, USA
    (which is a consortium of private Jews banks) If France or any other
    country wants to buy anything for $50 million or more, they must"work"
    for those money. But if USA wants that money they need just to print
    those bills. That is what USA did in the last 50 years. They flooded the
    world with USD without having any gold coverage in the bank. That is why
    American terms of trades have a huge budgetary deficit, which is about
    $2.5 trillions, and it is anticipated to grow in the next years. As per
    Bush budget plan the budgetary deficit will be $3.5 trillions in next 3
    years that is 50% of the GDP.
    This is just the beginning of the problem because Iraq is the first
    country from OPEC who stopped selling oil for USD and starts to sell oil for EURO.
    On November 6th 2002 when 1EURO=0.8USD Iraq lost lots of money because
    they made this change. The investment was worth. Meanwhile EURO grew
    bigger than USD so as a result Iraq gains money. This was the big
    mistake that Iraq did and America will never forgive that. Atleast two
    OPEC countries (Iran and Syria) want to switch to EURO for the oil they
    At the end all OPEC countries will switch to EURO. Including Venezuela
    who produces 7% of world oil, already sells part of the oil for EURO.
    That means Venezuela has changed half of reserve currency into EURO.
    Russia's central bank and China's central bank did the same. That's the
    reason there is a shortage of EURO and a surplus of USD on the
    international market. That's the reason the USD is falling and EURO in
    rising. This is the worst nightmare for American economy.
    As per Alan Greenspan who prognoses a lost of 13 trillions of dollars
    just in the first phase. If EURO will become the world currency as USD
    was in the last 50 years the USD value will go down seriously.
    America won't be able to put printed USD on the market as they like,
    without gold coverage in the bank. Most countries will give away the USD and get EURO to buy oil from OPEC. The biggest investors will move from America to Europe. Living on debts and printed money will vanish.
    Already the USD is artificially kept by US political tricks with China, North Korea, Taiwan and Japan. These countries produce almost every product that USA needs. America is lending money to these countries.
    This way those countries can produce what is going to be sold back to
    America. The profits are going back to America to pay the debts. Bankers and economists have estimated long time ago that if Asia continues to support American dollar using such political tricks then American economy will go down badly. Asia will change to EURO because of the necessity of oil, which is coming from OPEC countries. So looks like Bush called "Axis of Evil" all countries, which changed
    USD with EURO. They will attack these countries (Iraq, Syria, and
    Venezuela) and change the governments with new ones, which do what
    America says. This way America will try to force these countries to use
    the USD again.
    This is the reason why Great Britain has not changed to EURO otherwise
    they could not be on American side. British are like fox as usual. If
    USA will win, than they will keep their pound, if EU stops the war
    Britain will switch to EURO which they just delayed to see what's going to happen despite that they lose money at the moment. The bet of this war is huge. If USA won't start the war then she will lose the superpower title, against the EU. That is why France and Germany would like to fight the whole battle.
    Iraq is just the beginning of the battle. Whoever is going to win this
    war will last much longer.

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