بورداب القاهره هل تعلمون هنالك تظاهره في القاهره يوم 17/9 من اجل درافور؟؟؟؟
ستكون هنالك تظاهره في القاهره من اجل درافور
على كل المهتمين البحث في الموقع المذكور ادنا ومراسلتهم لمعرفة
مكان التظاهره وزمانها,ولا يفتوني التذكير بأن القاهره بها
اكبر تجمع للدارفورين خارج السودان لا تخافوا واخرجوا هذه مسيرات محميه
ومأذون لها التظاهر:
Quote: : Press Release: Circulate Widely.
Thousands to Wear a Blue Hat to Call for UN Action in Darfur
Vancouver ? Sunday, September 17 will see the largest international campaign for Darfur since the onslaught of the genocide. Thousands of people in dozens of cities will insist that their governments protect helpless civilians in Darfur.
In Vancouver, Canadian Students for Darfur, Oxfam and partner organizations will Rally on the Georgia Street side of the Vancouver Art Gallery from 2 ? 5 PM.
After the slaughter of 800,000 Rwandans in 1994, world leaders swore ?Never Again?, yet Sudanese militias are murdering its citizens with impunity. September 17th, slated for the Day of Action, is symbolic as the first anniversary of the United Nations? pledge to provide security for civilians around the world. People all over the world will gather to remind the UN of its unfulfilled responsibility and the continuing genocide by guns, rape and starvation in Darfur.
?From Abuja, to New York, this will be a chance for people across the globe to show that they care about Darfur,? said Jill Savitt, Campaign Director of Human Rights First, one of the organizations coordinating the events. ?September 17 is going to be a day of international solidarity to bring hope to the people of Darfur.?
In New York, London, Paris, Abuja, Toronto, Vancouver, Cairo, Kigali, Moscow, and many other cities, events ranging from candlelight vigils to mass concerts will bring citizens together to urge their governments to pressure the UN Security Council to take immediate action to protect the people of Darfur as it promised.
Participants in the September 17 events will wear ?blue hats,? the internationally recognized icon of UN peacekeeping forces. ?The African Union has been struggling to do its job in Darfur. The UN must deploy peacekeepers as soon as possible with a strong mandate to protect civilians? said Dismas Nkunda a spokesperson for the Darfur Consortium, a coalition of more than thirty Africa-based and Africa-focused organizations. The ?Responsibility to Protect? (R2P), passed by the UN General Assembly in 2005, has yet to be implemented. The R2P pledges to ?take collective action...if national authorities manifestly fail to protect their populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity.?
Go to www.DayForDarfur.org or www.csfdarfur.net to learn more about the range of international groups involved.
For more Information contact:
Clement Apaak, Founder and Chair, CSFDarfur 778-895-9242 or 604-291-4695
ابدأوا يا بورداب القاهره في تلميك المعلومه للذين لا علاقة لهم بالانترنت.