هنا يلتقي اعضاء حزب ال (NDP) الكندي او الديمقراطيين الجدد..متابعه لاخبار الحزب!!
اعزائي اعضاء حزب الديمقراطيين الجدد بكندا ال وايمانا بضرورة اندماجنا ومشاركتنا بفعاليه في مجتمعاتنا التي هاجرنا لها دعونا نبدأ ومن خلال هذا البوست التفاكر و المناقشة بفعاليه اكبر حول كيفية اندماجنا بشكل اكثر فعاليه...وقد نفرح ان نتابع نقاش اخوتنا الليبرالين الكندين لو رغبوا في فتح بوستاتهم ونشر اخبارهم.
جاءتني الفكرة وانا اطلع على ايميلي واجد مناشدة للتصدي لحاكمنا (الليبرالي في اونتاريو) من قبل حزبي.....ال (NDP) فقلت لماذا لا نتشارك في التنسيق وتشيجع بعضنا لمزيد من الاندماج خاصة ان الاسهامات بدأها فطاحلة البورد من امثال ثروت سوار الدهب حيدر قاسم وآخيرا كبر....ومعا من اجل مشاركات فاعله وعلى فكرة تجربة السودانين في كندا جدا مشرفة في عدة احزاب لم اذكر اسماء لاني لا اعرف مدى ترحيب اصحابها بالتحدث عن انشطتهم....لكننا كبورداب فمن حق من اعلن منا نشاطه ان يكمل النقاش ونرحب بانضمام المزيد منكم للنقاش.....
هذا البوست ليس مستعجل سنلتقي فيه بمهلنا ونتابع من خلاله مستجدات حزبنا.... مرحب بعضوية ال NPD
ويا ثروت باقي انت شاط شكلك في تحميل الصور جيب لينا صور ابو شنب هنا
 
Re: هنا يلتقي اعضاء حزب ال (NDP) الكندي او الديمقراطيين الجدد..متابعه لاخبار الحزب!! (Re: Tragie Mustafa)
Quote: 1 - NDP Leader Howard Hampton says Dalton McGuinty needs to stop playing the blame game at the Council of the Federation meeting in Vancouver and take real action to help Ontario’s manufacturing maelstrom.
2 - NDP Leader Howard Hampton today called on the McGuinty Liberals to make energy efficiency and conservation the cornerstones of Ontario’s energy future as he toured a Green Home in the Hamilton area.
3 - A property tax rate increase of 3.75 per cent in Toronto announced today is the latest proof that Dalton McGuinty has failed Toronto’s working families, said NDP Municipal Affairs critic Andrea Horwath.
January 28, 2008
McGuinty should stop “blame game” and take action on manufacturing jobs: Hampton
QUEEN’S PARK - NDP Leader Howard Hampton says Dalton McGuinty needs to stop playing the blame game at the Council of the Federation meeting in Vancouver and take real action to help Ontario’s manufacturing maelstrom.
“Ontario will be windswept in the global economic storm unless Dalton McGuinty takes immediate and bold action. Working people losing their jobs don’t need a Premier who points fingers and plays the blame game,” said Hampton.
New Democrats continue to call for a comprehensive plan to keep good, high-paying manufacturing jobs in Ontario. The NDP has called for a number of initiatives that would help the manufacturing and the hard working Ontarians it employs. These include:
· The creation of an industrial hydro rate that would go a long way to reducing the costs associated with the manufacturing in Ontario, while at the same time promoting conservation and guaranteeing employment.
· A “Buy Ontario” policy that would give preferential treatment to goods manufactured in Ontario.
· The creation of a Jobs Commissioner who would bring labour, management and government to the table to avert plant closures and job losses.
“These are three concrete measures Dalton McGuinty can do now to help the manufacturing jobs crisis. Will McGuinty take action or continue to let the manufacturing sector deteriorate because he refuses to act?” asked Hampton.
Media Inquiries: Marion Nader 416-325-2601
January 28, 2008
Hampton challenges McGuinty to invest in energy efficiency
Flamborough - NDP Leader Howard Hampton today called on the McGuinty Liberals to make energy efficiency and conservation the cornerstones of Ontario’s energy future as he toured a Green Home in the Hamilton area.
“I challenge Dalton McGuinty to show some leadership and move forward with a bold, ambitious plan for energy efficiency and conservation like the Braden’s Green Home - because tinkering around the edges isn’t good enough,” said the NDP Leader.
Hampton was joined by Hamilton Centre MPP Andrea Horwath and Hamilton East -Stoney Creek MPP Paul Miller as they toured the Green Home of David and Cathy Braden. The Braden’s home demonstrates the utmost in energy efficiency and conservation by consuming 85 per cent less energy to heat than a conventional house and use 50 per cent less electricity.
Hampton proposed positive, realistic and achievable solutions that would help make Ontario a world leader on energy efficiency, including:
· Increased loans and grants for home-owner retrofits, and 100,000 solar hot water heaters installed by 2012;
· Amending Energy Efficiency Act regulations to achieve current Energy-Star levels for appliances, HVAC systems, and windows by January 1st, 2009
· Immediately legislating EnerGuide 80 standards into the Ontario Building Code.
NDP MPP Paul Miller was impressed by the ingenuity used by the Bradens in the design of the house: “Energy conservation is not about sweating in the dark - it's about being smarter. Ontarians can save energy without taking cold showers and drinking warm beer. We just have to provide them with the tools and financial support to do it,” said Miller.
“If the McGuinty government wants Ontario to conserve energy, it needs to put its money where its mouth is. Instead of throwing more money down the nuclear black hole, they should invest in energy efficiency and conservation,” said Horwath.
“The Bradens are to be congratulated on their work on energy efficiency. A province-wide building retrofit program to reduce energy costs, save energy, cut pollution and create jobs - now there’s an idea that works for people. If the Braden’s are doing it, Dalton McGuinty should be too,” Hampton said.
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Media Inquiries: Marion Nader (416) 325-2601
January 28, 2008
Property tax rise proves McGuinty failed Toronto
Queen’s Park - A property tax rate increase of 3.75 per cent in Toronto announced today is the latest proof that Dalton McGuinty has failed Toronto’s working families, said NDP Municipal Affairs critic Andrea Horwath.
“A political vanishing act - that’s what working families have seen from Dalton McGuinty on the important issue of Ontario’s broken property tax system. Now, Toronto families will pay the price for McGuinty’s failures in the form of higher taxes,” Horwath said.
At issue is municipal downloading, and the McGuinty government’s refusal to pay for its own programs. Right now, the McGuinty Liberals refuse to pay for provincially-mandated services like Ontario Works, childcare and social housing. Ontario’s municipal property taxpayers pay for those programs. Ontario is the only province where that happens. This is why Ontario families pay more in property tax than people anywhere else in Canada.
“We must not lose sight of the fact that Mr. McGuinty has done nothing to fix the underlying problems that are driving up assessment in the first place. So now that McGuinty’s temporary freeze is coming off, property taxpayers will get hit with two years of pent-up property assessment increases. That won’t be pretty,” said Horwath. “Seniors and others on fixed income could literally lose their homes.”
Horwath also said that if the Province had agreed to implement the NDP’s “Freeze Til Sale” assessment model, many property owners who are seeing increases would be protected.
“What frustrates working families the most is Dalton McGuinty forcing people to choose between skyrocketing property taxes and regressive taxes when McGuinty won’t pay his own bills. This has to change. Dalton McGuinty must start paying for his own programs instead of fobbing them off onto municipal property taxpayers,” Horwath said.
- 30 - Media Inquiries: Sheila White 416-902-0977
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Re: هنا يلتقي اعضاء حزب ال (NDP) الكندي او الديمقراطيين الجدد..متابعه لاخبار الحزب!! (Re: Tragie Mustafa)
أتشرف بالإنتماء السياسي والوجداني لحزب الديمقراطيين الجدد الكندي, وهي آصرة رفيعة تقيم بيني وبينهم وتمنعني من إستكمال شرف الإنتماء { التنظيمي } إليهم ... لكن برضو ما عندي طريقة, فأنا لهم ... وعساهم أن يكونوا لي ... كذلك.
شروط العضوية فى مقام هذا الحزب تبدأ ... بالقبول من حيث أخفض سلالمه ... أي أن كلمة { نعم لحزبكم } كافية للبدء فى تحضيرك للبنات القادمة ... والقادم ليس شأوا مستطيرا, بقدرما هو تواصلك معهم عبر ما تختار من العناوين { بريدية كانت أم إلكترونية } ... وما أن تنتظم في هذا السياق ... فلست مطالبا بغير دفع قيمة الرسوم السنوية وهي لا تتجاوز العشرة دولارات ... لا عندهم إجتماعات إسبوعية لا مسئول سياسي لا آخر تنظيمي ... لا بقول ليك يا زميل أفهم جيدا مقاصدنا الفكرية ولا تعدل عنها, لا بقول ليك ما تسوي الشئ الفرتكاني ولا الطامة العلانية... فسبيلهم هو التحشيد الإجتماعي حول أجلي أفكارهم التاريخية وأحضر موضوعاتهم للساعة, فقط لا غير.
الكثير حري بالقول هنا ... وشكرا تراجي على هذه النافذة الوضيئة والتي يحتاجها الكثيرون من أبناء المهاجر الكندية... أما {أقسى} إستدراك أختم به هذه المداخلة ... فهو أننى وأنت نتقافي على سبيل الإن دي بي الكندي كخيار طوعي ... لكن ربما لا يتواقع مساري ومسارك حجلا برجل فى الحالة السودانية, وربما لا تجديني { مرتاحا} لهذا ... لكن آمل من خلال تعايش أعمق وأكثر رحابة وعلما وإفادة فى حقل الإن دي بي, فربما تتغير الكثير من الأشياء هنا وهناك ... فأنا متواضع للمعرفة ومتفاعل مع التغيير نحو الأصح والأفضل ... إنت كيف؟
... ويتصل الحوار
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Re: هنا يلتقي اعضاء حزب ال (NDP) الكندي او الديمقراطيين الجدد..متابعه لاخبار الحزب!! (Re: Tragie Mustafa)
الله إجازي محنك ... يا ثروت,
غايتو يوم ... بتكتل ليك زول.
جانبا فى هذا البوست { المنبر } وقريبا لأسخن الأحداث فى مدنية تورنتو ... أرجو أن نتناول بالنقاش موضوع { تفصيل } مدارس للطلبة البلاك أو كما يسمونها { Black Focused Schools } في مدينة تورنتو.
الحيثيات ... تاريخية ... ومعنية بالأرقام { مثل أن 40 بالمائة } من التلاميذ السود يترحلون كرصيد وفاقد تربوي وعلى مدار السنين.
كما للأمر صلة { غير مفصح عنها } وتتعلق بإضطراد معدلات الجريمة التي يكون السود طرفها فيها, هذا إن لم يتسني القول بأن البلاك يحصدون بعضهم البعض فى رحى الجريمة المنظمة والغير منظمة.
صوت مساء هذا اليوم مجلس أمناء التعليم بمدينة تورنتو لصالح { فصل } مدارس للسود عن الآخرين, وقد شارك فى التصويت عشرون ونيف عضوا يمثلون أمناء التعليم بالمدينة, وقد سبقت عملية التصويت مناقشات حادة ذات طوابع مختلفة ... فيها العقلاني وفيها العاطفي وفيها كل الشجون المتلحقة بتلك الفكرة وعلى مختلف مؤثراتها.
إنتهت عملية التصويت بفوز قرار إقامة مدارس خاصة للسود بأحد عشر صوتا ومعارضة ثمانية أصوات وإمتناع أربعة عن التصويت.
فلنتحاور في هذه المسألة ... ما رأيتموها تستحق.
مع عاطر مودتي
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Re: هنا يلتقي اعضاء حزب ال (NDP) الكندي او الديمقراطيين الجدد..متابعه لاخبار الحزب!! (Re: ثروت سوار الدهب)
اعلنت الإنتخابات العامة في محافظة البرتا و بدات الحملة End 'corrupting' corporate donations, NDP says
Last Updated: Friday, February 8, 2008 | 11:23 AM MT CBC News Surrounded by Calgary's corporate towers, Alberta's NDP leader called for a ban on donations from big business and unions to the province's political parties.
Calling corporate donations to Alberta's Liberal and Conservative parties "a corrupting influence on democracy," Brian Mason proposed legislation be brought in to abolish the monetary gifts.
Alberta NDP Leader Brian Mason hopes his party will see its first elected Calgary MLA since 1993. (CBC) "Imagine how Alberta families could benefit from oil and gas if we didn't have a government beholden to oil and gas," Mason said at a news conference in a downtown hotel Friday morning.
He said the NDP's rival parties received about $1.5 million from corporations in 2005 and 2006.
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"Those funds come with strings attached," Mason said. "Those donations mean lower royalties, corporate tax cuts, and business friendly labour laws."
The Alberta NDP received $18,368 in 2006 from unions. Mason said his party would "gladly" stop accepting those donations if other parties did not receive business money.
NDP hopes for breakthrough in Calgary Mason hopes the NDP's platform for Calgary, a Conservative party stronghold, will lead to the party's first seat in the city since 1993. At a news conference Thursday, Mason outlined his party's priorities for Calgary, including:
Making Alberta more affordable through lower housing and health-care costs. Introducing a green energy plan that includes more solar and wind power. Increasing oil and gas royalties.
Don Herring, president of the Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors, said the government's royalty hike's lead to uncertainty in the industry, so the NDP's position on increasing royalties is not popular with oil and gas companies.
Mason, meeting one of his Calgary candidates Thursday, has called for greater oil and gas royalties. (CBC) "A suggestion from another party that there's even more that could be taken leaves us very concerned," he said.
But Mason dismissed those concerns: "I'm not sure that they were our biggest fans in the first place."
"One of things that we're really promoting is community, creating relationships right now, letting people know that there is someone out there that cares," said Julie Hrdlicka, the NDP candidate in Calgary-Fort.
Bob Hawkesworth, who won Calgary-Mountain View for the NDP in the 1986, 1989 and 1993 elections, said the party is still recovering and rebuilding. "It's a party of influence, maybe more than a party of government," he observed.
Barry Pashak was the other NDPer Calgary voters last sent to the legislature in 1993.
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