18 يناير: في الذكرى الأربعين لإعدام الأستاذ محمود محمد طه كتبه محمد محمود
خطر داهم يهدد اجهزة الكمبيوتر غداً احذروا
دودة كونفيكير confiker worm تتسلل الى اجهزة الكمبيوتر غداً الاول من ابريل الى 50 الف موقع عشوائياً من اصل 150 الف موقع في قائمتها، خطورتها انها ستجعل كمبيوترك مملوك تماماً لمطلقها فيتصرف فيه علي كيفه كما انها لا تحتاج لجهاز مركزي لذا سيكون انتشارها واسع جداً ولها القدرة على تكييف نفسها وتطويرها ولها القدرة على الاتصال بالمواقع العالمية لمعرفة التوقيت في حالة اذا ما اردت خداعها بتغيير التاريخ في جهازك. لمعرفة اذا ما اصيب جهازك حاول الدخول على اي موقع مضاد فيروسات وسوف لن تتمكن من ذلك. فيا باشمهندس بكري خلي بالك عشان ما يكون موقعك دا من ضمن ال 50 الف موقع. والجماعة المعانا اذا اصيبت اجهزتكم فانا ما عارف الانتي فيروس البينضف شنو فشيلوا شيلتكم وما تجونا باكر وتقولوا ما كتبنا وكنت "مدود" بضم الميم وتشديد الدال الاولى عشان ما تجيبوا لينا الهواء.
Re: خطر داهم يهدد اجهزة الكمبيوتر غداً احذروا (Re: ود العجمى)
New homeland security tool to detect Conficker worm
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The US Department of Homeland Security released a tool on Monday to detect whether a computer is infected by the Conficker worm.
The department, in a statement, said the detection tool for the Conficker worm, also known as DownAdUP, had been developed by the US Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT).
"While tools have existed for individual users, this is the only free tool -- and the most comprehensive one -- available for enterprises like federal and state government and private sector networks to determine the extent to which their systems are infected by this worm," said US-CERT director Mischel Kwon.
"Our experts at US-CERT are working around the clock to increase our capabilities to address the cyber risk to our nation's critical networks and systems, both from this threat and all others," he added.
The worm is suspected to have infected million of computers running the Windows operating system and Windows maker Microsoft has offered a 250,000 dollar bounty for those responsible for the worm.
US-CERT recommended that Windows users apply Microsoft security patch MS08-067 to help provide protection against the worm.
The patch is designed to prevent an attacker from remotely taking control of an infected computer system and installing additional malicious software.
Malware could be triggered to steal data, generate spam attacks or turn control of infected computers over to hackers amassing "zombie" machines into "botnet" armies.
The worm is programmed to modify itself on Wednesday, April Fool's Day, according to computer security specialists.
Conficker had been programmed to reach out to 250 websites daily to download commands from its masters, they said, but on Wednesday it will begin connecting with 50,000 websites daily for instructions.
The hackers behind the worm have yet to give it any specific orders.
"That's the interesting thing. The only thing the worm is being asked to do is to ask for further instructions," Steve Trilling, vice president of security firm Symantec, told the CBS program "60 Minutes" in a story aired on Sunday.
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Re: خطر داهم يهدد اجهزة الكمبيوتر غداً احذروا (Re: محمد عمر الفكي)
As April 1 Deadline Looms, Researchers Advance On Confiker Worm
printable version send your friend add comment (0) Encyclopedia of Social Science
Tuesday, 31 March
2009Researchers have discovered the first easy way to detect the presence of the Conficker computer worm on networked computers, just days before the worm is scheduled to morph into a new form that could seriously compromise millions of computers, PC magazine reported Monday, according to dpa.
Approximately 10 million computers are believed to be infected by the Conficker virus, which is programmed to contact its creators on April 1 and receive new instructions that could create a massive spam-spewing botnet, or other actions that could compromise millions more machines.
The deadline has prompted fears of a Y2K-like occurrence, though most experts say that similar to the meltdown fears at the turn of the century, COnficker's April 1 deadline will hardly be noticed by most computer users.
The virus can infect PC's running Microsoft's Windows operating system, but Microsoft issued a patch to fix the vulnerability last October. However millions of computers that are running pirated versions of Windows are unpatched.
Computers on corporate networks are also thought to be vulnerable, because of the difficulties faced by system administrators in identifying and neutralizing the Conficker worm.
According to PC magazine, researchers have now found a way to identify infected computers on the network. The technique works by identifying unusual error messages that are generated when infected computers are contacted over a network. The report said that major enterprise security software systems such as those from McAfee and nCircle have been updated with the new information.
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
Trend News Agency
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Re: خطر داهم يهدد اجهزة الكمبيوتر غداً احذروا (Re: أحمد الشايقي)
لا يا اخ احمد الموضوع جاد
كذبات ابريل اتوقعها من بعد ثلاث ساعات بتوقيت مكة المكرمة "زي ما قالت الجزيرة القاعدة في قطر!!!" وشوف براك لو ما جاء واحد وقالك خبر عاجل "اختفاء طائرة البشير فوق الاجواء الدولية قبالة البحر الاحمر" وبعد داك يقول لك دي كذبة 1 ابريل لكن قدمناها لزوم السبق الصحفي
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