Did you think that your feet had been bound By what gravity brings to the ground? Did you feel you were tricked By the future you picked? Well come on down
All these rules don't apply When you're high in the sky So come on down Come on down
We're coming down to the ground There's no better place to go We've got snow upon the mountains We've got rivers down below We're coming down to the ground To hear the birds sing in the trees And the land will be looked after (Come) send the seeds out in (the deep?)
Did you think you'd escaped from routine By changing the script and the scene? Despite all you made of it you're always afraid of the change
You've got a lot on your chest Well you can come as my guest So come on down Come on down
We're coming down to the ground There's no better place to go We've got snow upon the mountains We've got rivers down below We're coming down to the ground We'll hear the birds sing in the trees And the land will be looked after (Come?) send the seeds out in (the deep?)
Like the fish in the ocean We felt at home in the sea We learned to live off the good land We learned to climb up a tree then we got up on two legs But we wanted to fly When we messed up our homeland and set sail for the sky
We're coming down to the ground There's no better place to go We've got snow upon the mountains We got rivers down below We're coming down to the ground We'll hear the birds sing in the trees And the land will be looked after send the seeds out in th
We're coming down Comin' down to earth Like babies at birth Comin' down to earth
Redefine your priorities These are extraordinary qualities
We're coming down to the ground There's no better place to go We've got snow upon the mountains We've got rivers down below We're coming down to the ground We'll hear the birds sing in the trees And the land will be looked after (Come) send the seeds out in (The deep?)
We're coming down to the ground There's no better place to go We've got snow upon the mountains We've got rivers down below We're coming down to the ground We'll hear the birds sing in the trees And the land will be looked after (Come) send the seeds out in (the deep?)
Do you think your trapped racism will escape my chase? Or do you think you can debase me by race ? I will be behind you and before your face Until you hate the board although is the eid And I don’t mind to go the court and make a case if you feel we need
12-11-2008, 05:56 PM
Deng Deng
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 52725
غايتوا الحصل لك ده عارض عديل كده إلا تشوف لك فكي مكرب.
الراجل قال لك"I will be behind you and before your face Until you hate the board although is the eid And I don’t mind to go the court and make a case if you feel we need " ياربي دي محكمة شرعية ولا مدنية?
الرسائل والمقالات و الآراء المنشورة في المنتدى بأسماء أصحابها أو بأسماء مستعارة لا تمثل بالضرورة الرأي الرسمي لصاحب الموقع أو سودانيز اون لاين بل تمثل وجهة نظر كاتبها
لا يمكنك نقل أو اقتباس اى مواد أعلامية من هذا الموقع الا بعد الحصول على اذن من الادارة