تقرير حاكم سابق لدارفور من القبائل "العربيه" عن الانتهاكات

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04-15-2004, 11:13 AM

esam gabralla

تاريخ التسجيل: 05-03-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 6116

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
تقرير حاكم سابق لدارفور من القبائل "العربيه" عن الانتهاكات

    ارسل لى احد الاصدقاء الرساله التاليه وتتضمن تسجيل السيدالتجانى اتيم او عتيم وعرف بانه حاكم سابق لاقليم دارفور وهو من القبائل "العربيه" الشئ الذى اتاح له التحرك بحريه فى الاقليم,اتمنى ان يقوم شخص بالترجمه لاتاحة الفرصه لاكبر عدد من الناس بالاطلاع على الرصد لاهميته

    Quote: As noted above, perhaps the single most terrifying single account to
    date from within Darfur comes from the Nyala region. The account has
    been forwarded to this writer by Eltigani Ateem, former governor of
    Darfur, and excerpts appear below. This very recent report was prepared by a Darfur native of Arab tribal background (only this permitted the access he was able to gain), and offers a terrifying view into the holocaust unfolding within the many concentration camps. The full 2500-word account is available upon request. Herewith the most telling excerpts:

    "Eyewitness account: The situation in Southern Darfur"

    "I have been away from Darfur for sometime, almost two years during
    which major developments have occurred in a region renowned by its
    tribal diversity. I have decided to go to the region in order to visit my relatives and to acquire first hand knowledge of the situation in the region [....].

    "I flew to Nyala, the capital of Southern Darfur State. From the
    airport you can feel the state of war in the region as the airport was heavily guarded by tanks, artillery and rocket launchers, in addition to the presence of a large number of troops. The feeling of war and tribal animosities as well as polarisation along tribal lines were obvious throughout the town [....].

    "Despite repeated warnings from my friends and relatives not to venture to travel outside Nyala because of lack of security, I decided to visit one of the so-called battlefronts along the borders of the Arab Beni Halba tribe and the Fur tribe where wide scale atrocities were recently reported in Kilkeik, Um Labasa, Shataya, Dogodossa and a number of other villages in the area

      "The sense of lawlessness, complete militia control and absence of
      government control could be felt two miles from Nyala. The whole area is full of government-supported militia on horsebacks carrying their rifles on the move to attack the Fur villages. Every village that belongs to members of the Fur tribe inside the Beni Halba area was deserted, with the exception of some Janjaweed #####ng the properties of those who fled the villages

        "The government has managed to create substantial tribal hostilities to the extent that the Arab militiamen do not contemplate to spare the life of anybody who belongs to the indigenous African tribes. This is the code of conduct the militia has been ordered to strictly observe with vigour in this mad campaign in Darfur.

        "We reached Um Labasa at a time when Shataya and 18 other Fur villages were torched. The trip has also coincided with the attack by the government troops and the militia on Sindu where the SLM had a training camp. In Um Labasa there were about 6000 IDPs all of whom were women, elderly and children who fled the joint assault of the government troops and the militia on Sindu area. The IDPs are living in the open, within boundaries of fences constructed from thorn trees and have no access to food, medicines or even water. Many of the children and the elderly have died as a result of starvation and lack of medicine. The authorities have deliberately prevented supplies of food and medicines to reach these vulnerable people despite the efforts of some of the moderate Arabs in the area. I believe many of these people will die if relief is not immediately provided.

        "The whole area has become a military zone with thousands of Arab
        militia, well armed and well organised taking control of the situation. In fact every Arab I saw that day was carry an automatic rifle. Some have much more lethal weapons. There was no presence of the army with the exception of a small contingent led by a lieutenant interrogating the IDPs after isolating the males from the rest of the IDPs. The scene was heartbreaking. The way these vulnerable people are treated is degrading and dehumanising. I read of concentration camps in the history books and I saw pictures of the Bosnian Muslims ill-treated by the Serbs in camps of barbwire. What I saw in Darfur is worse than the images I saw from Bosnia. It has reminded me with the Rwandan genocide of the early 1990s where hundreds of thousand of minority Tutsis were brutally
        murdered and the entire world was taking no notice of the genocide until it was too late.

        "The sheer magnitude of the problem in Darfur is very clear when you
        visit Um Labasa police station. A number of detainees alleged to belong to the SLM were crammed in a small cell including the elderly. Perhaps the most harrowing part of this is the presence of a number of seriously wounded among the detainees in police custody. You ask why the wounded are not taken to the hospital and the police response: is swift; 'we keep them here for their own safety. If they are transferred to the hospital, the militia will kill them in their hospital beds.' The question I asked myself is 'if this is what is happening in the tribal border areas, what would be the situation deep in the Fur land where the only witnesses to the way people are treated are the militia and the government troops?'

        "We left for Shataya, a once prosperous town in the area. On the way,
        the sign of lawlessness and brutality is evident. On the one hand are
        the militia who were everywhere checking our identities, informing their leaders via mobile and satellite phones, and on the other hand is a massive #####ng operation of the Fur villages
          . Village after village, evacuated by members of the Fur tribe after the attack on Sindu have been looted and torched. When we arrived at Shataya, the scene was sickening. The entire town, without exception was torched and gutted including the schools and the hospital

            "My journey did not end there. I decided to visit Kaileik, which has
            dominated the news over the last few days as a result of the ill
            treatment of IDPs. Kaileik is the last post in the so-called battle
            frontline in which well-armed Arab militiamen have repeatedly and
            persistently attacked and torched Fur villages. I arrived in Keileik in the afternoon and from the onset you could tell that something terrible is going on in this place. The place was overwhelmed by the militia and again there is no trace for government troops. The scenes looked chaotic and the militia have full control of the area.

            "However, it wasn't too long before I stumbled over the most horrific
            scenes I have ever seen in my life. In an open area surrounded by a
            fence made from thorn trees are around 6000 IDPs most of whom are women, children and elderly. It seems these IDPs have been there for sometime. They looked tormented, hungry and frail. I have come to learn that these IDPs have been there without food, water, shelter and medicines. A lot of them have died as a result of thirst, hunger and disease. That day 17 IDPs died and I believe many would in the next few days, as virtually there is nothing to eat or drink. What worried me most in the wake of this unfolding tragedy is that the militiamen behave so unemotionally as if nothing is happening. Few moderate Arabs are trying cautiously to call for feeding these IDPs and providing them with water but such calls fall on deaf ears.

            "I privately asked some people why all of the IDPs are either women,
            children or elderly? Where are the men? Some people privately admitted that the government troops and the militia have executed a lot of people when the villages were raided. Some were taken away by the government troops and the Militia in truckloads and their fate is unknown. A name of one militia leader frequently quoted is Ali Koshaib, a retired army lieutenant from Ta'aisha Arab tribe. He is nicknamed the Butcher of Western Darfur because he is the man entrusted by the government to wipe out all the villages in Western Darfur and to depopulate the area. I have come to understand that the entire villages in Western Darfur, Dar Massaleet and Dar Zagawa have been completely destroyed---more than 2000 villages.

            "The State government in Nyala has a good idea of what is happening in Kaileik but nothing has been done to avert this terrible disaster. Is this happening with the full blessing of the government? Many people including some leaders of the militia privately admit that it is the government's policy and that they are being rewarded financially for this. From what I have seen in Kaileik, the world would definitely witness another genocide in the African continent, which might probably be worse than that of Rwanda. I left the area with a lot of ill feelings. I felt extremely irritated at the way the militia treated the vulnerable IDPs most of whom are children, women and elderly, depriving them from water, food and medicine. They are dying everyday as result of hunger and diseases. I felt completely unable to expose the plight of
            these people locally as that would mean retribution against oneself and his immediate family.

            "My next stop was Id Elfursan, the capital of Bani Halba Tribe
              Next day the Minister and the Governor of Southern Darfur State visited Id Elfursan, where they have been met by the militiamen on horseback.
              Addressing the militia, Mr. Kasha praised their courage and vigour in
              confronting the rebels and teaching them a lesson. He asked them to
              continue their campaign with the full support of the central
              authorities. He donated LS100 million to the militia. The governor of
              South Darfur also addressed the gathering and donated LS10 million.

              "Perhaps the most sickening event occurred in Kabum where the Federal
              Minster of Trade visited a camp where 6000 IDPs were staying. 'Where are your leaders?' he said. 'They fled and left you behind and now you are under the mercy of these people (the militia). Why don't you ask those in London to come for your aid?' I just couldn't understand how on earth such a person address tormented IDPs who survive the attacks on their villages in this manner. A federal Minster, somebody who is supposed to be acting responsibly, instead of comforting the IDPs and calling for immediate shipments of relief to the dying IDPs, is making a mockery of the plight of the these people and is telling them that they are under the mercy of the militia.

              "At the end of my visit to the area I would like to state the

              "The IDPs in the area are kept in concentration camps with no access to food, water and medicine. At the moment the death rate stands at around 15/day. This figure would definitely rise over the next few days. These people are living in appalling conditions and the only way to rescue them is through international intervention. There is an urgent need for relief but neither the State government nor the central authorities are prepared to allow shipments of relief to the IDPs in this area.

              "The concentration camps are in the following areas:

              Kaileik, 6000;
              Umlabassa, 4,000;
              Dugo Dossa, 3,000;
              Kabum, 6,000;
              Habooba, 1500;

              "There is no doubt that the Sudanese government has organised the Arab militia, armed them and encouraged them to commit a wide scale
              atrocities against three tribes of the area, namely the Fur, Massaleet and Zagawa tribes. There is a lot of co-ordination in the field between militia leaders and the government forces and security elements.

              "There is a deliberate policy by the government to hamper relief
              supplies to the IDPs. Six truckloads of relief destined for the IDPs in Kaileik were confiscated by the security forces in Kass last week.

              "High-ranking government officials are deeply involved in encouraging
              violence against the innocent civilians as well as encouraging the
              militia to commit atrocities in the area."

04-15-2004, 11:47 AM

Yasir Elsharif
<aYasir Elsharif
تاريخ التسجيل: 12-09-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 50636

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: تقرير حاكم سابق لدارفور من القبائل "العربيه" عن الانتهاكات (Re: esam gabralla)

    شكرا يا عصام

    لا أستبعد أن تجد هذه الشهادة وشهادات كثيرة مثلها طريقها إلى محاكم العدل الدولية مثل تلك التي نشاهدها اليوم للفظائع التي حدثت بسربرنيتسا والبوسنة.. لا استبعد أن تتم محاكمة رموز السلطة الحالية كمجرمي حرب..

04-15-2004, 05:52 PM

Adil Kadees

تاريخ التسجيل: 11-20-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 98

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: تقرير حاكم سابق لدارفور من القبائل "العربيه" عن الانتهاكات (Re: esam gabralla)

    thanks Issam, i have received this message as well and i agree with you, some one is needed to translate it into arabic so more poeple know what is happening out there in Darfour
    i suggest to start a week in the board for a discussion about the root of this problem and to find out who distribute weapons and machine guns and why? why they never collect it, do they want to collect it in the first place?

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