مؤتمر حول دارفور بالجامعة الامريكية من السبت 10 الى الثلاثاء 13 مارس الحالى..

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03-10-2007, 02:25 PM

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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
مؤتمر حول دارفور بالجامعة الامريكية من السبت 10 الى الثلاثاء 13 مارس الحالى..

    الإخوة والاخوات
    ينعقد خلال الفترة من يوم غد السبت 10 مارس حتى الثلاثاء 13 مارس مؤتمر لتوحيد رؤى الفصائل الدارفورية بالجامعة الامريكية بواشنطن وسيكون يوم غد السبت والاحد مخصصا للوفود الدارفورية والاعلام ويومى الاثنين والثلاثاء مفتوحا للجميع وانتم مدعوون للحضور والمشاركة يومى الاثنين والثلاثاء بينما سيخصص يوم الاربعاء للوبى فى الكونجرس الامريكي..

    التفاصيل أدناه فى النشرة الصحفية باللغة الانجليزية وارجو من الباشمهندس بكرى ابوبكر ان يتكرم برفع الاعلان حتى يوم الثلاثاء القادم..

    نورالدين منان
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    Press Release

    Darfurian Delegates and African Activists to Hold Summit

    Darfurian leaders and African regional human rights and social activists will assemble for the 2nd Summit: Solutions for Darfur and Beyond. The Summit hosted by Darfur United, the Africa Next Project, and the Marginalized Forces Forum for Peace and Development will be held on the campus of the American University in Washington, DC on March 10-15, 2007. The first Part of the summit, Saturday and Sunday, March 10 – 11 is only open to the Darfurians, the organizers, and the media. The second part on Monday and Tuesday, March 12 – 13 is open to the public and shall take place at the Ward Building in the rooms Ward 1 and Ward 2.
    With the theme “We Wish to Plead Our Own Cause,” the conference will offer a comprehensive understanding of the crisis in Darfur, the nature of marginalization in Sudan, and political instability in Central Africa and the Horn of Africa.
    The conference will begin with weekend sessions calling for Restarting Talks on Peace and Security and a Day of Darfur-Darfur Dialogue aimed at unity of Darfurians, planning for peace, justice, and equal share of power and wealth.
    This Summit is a follow-up to the 2006 Summit held at Kentucky State University in Frankfort, Kentucky. The working group formed after that Summit will present the need for a Consortium for African Leadership Development and Training to shape leaders for Africa, transform military leaders into civilian leaders, and create modern civic societies of political and social stability and economic viability. In addition, they will coordinate Taskforces focused on Social and Economic Development.
    Also, the conference will demystify the elements of the crisis and simplify the issues with a spotlight on historical truths and the making of the modern Arab world. Khalifah Khalif, founder of United Brothers and United Sisters’ National Black Writers Alliance will host an Authors’ Dialogue titled “Islam Exposed: An Internal View of the Crisis in Darfur.” He will be featuring the books The Un-Promised Generations: A Personal Addendum on Arabization and the Historical Heritage of the Arabs by Sage Starkeeper and A Muslim Manifesto on Darfur/ Justice for the People of Darfur: Hell on Earth Must End by Imam Al-Hajj Talib Abur-Rashid.
    Lastly, the Summit will conclude with a mandate to let the crisis in Darfur be a beacon to end genocide, brutality and war on the African continent. Summit organizers will rally its supporters to initiate two movements. The first movement is to make “Rape as a Tactic of War a War Crime under the Geneva Conventions. The second movement is to make a Declaration of The Decade of the Pursuit of Peace on the African continent. For more information, please contact:
    1. Patricia-Devine Muhammad at Darfur United and the Africa Next Program at 859-523-4218.
    2. Dr. Mohamed A. Mohamed, Marginalized Forces Forum for Peace and Development at 443-812-9251

    Conference Planning Committee

    Taskforces and Working Groups

    I. Agriculture/Aquaculture Sector
    II. Civil Engineering—Water, Roads and Infrastructure
    III. Economic Development and Investment with focus on a Minimum Standard of Living
    IV. Education—Schools, Higher Education, Teacher Training and Scholarships
    V. Empowering the Tribal Council of Elders—Historical, Anthropological and Archaeological Studies
    VI. Healthcare—Hospitals, Clinics, Midwives and Homeopathic Healing; Healthcare Careers; and Economic Development in the Healthcare Industry
    VII. Media Communications, Technology and Website
    VIII. Political Affairs Advisory Council, Civil Service Training, Public Administration and Civil Society
    IX. Rebuilding Communities and Social and Family Structures, Subsistence Farming and Housing
    X. Women and Children Affairs
    XI. Executive Committee for the Integration of the Elements of all Taskforces and Working Groups

    “We Wish to Plead Our Own Cause”
    Freedom’s Journal 1827
    First Black Newspaper

    Darfur United
    “We Wish to Plead Our Own Cause”
    2nd Summit: Solutions for Darfur and Beyond

    Conference Goals
    Talking Points

    I. Restart the Peace Talks
    A. To take place in a neutral venue in consultation with Darfur Movements leaders (and not in Abuja, Nigeria).
    B. Need international Observers.
    C. Need Honest Brokers in the Negotiation Process.
    D. Addendums to Proposed African Union Peace Agreement.
    E. United Nations Peace Keepers.

    II. Support the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in Sudan
    A. Emphasize the desire for a political solution to the problem of war and marginalization in Sudan
    B. Emphasize the need to call for elections in Sudan and recruit election observers and democracy experts.
    C. Situation in Eastern Sudan and lessons learned
    D. Emphasize the fact that the problems in Sudan are related to the regional political problems.

    III. African Leadership Training Program and Social and Economic Low Technology Taskforces
    A. Need to train new leaders for marginalized areas in Sudan/Africa, political administrators, civil servants and teachers.
    B. Transform military leaders into civilian leaders.
    C. Need scholarships for functional training and degrees programs
    D. Need to make a transition from dependency on humanitarian aid to self-sufficiency of the region.

    IV. Movement to term Rape as a tactic of war as a War Crime of the Geneva Conventions
    V. Movement to file acts of Genocide committed by Government of Sudan with the International Criminal Court
    VI. Movement to Declare the Decade for the Pursuit of Peace in Africa

    Preliminary Conference Schedule
    Summit: Solutions for Darfur and Beyond
    The American University

    Saturday, March 10, 2007
    12:00-5:00 p.m Darfur-Darfur Dialogue-I
    Unity of Darfurians
    Enumeration of demands
    Strengthening the Ethnic Council

    Sunday, March 11, 2007
    10:00-1:00 p.m. Darfur-Darfur Dialogue-II
    Preparation and preconditions for Elections in the Sudan
    Engaging Social and Economic Planning

    2:30-5:30 p.m. Informational Town Hall Meeting
    Video Presentation: News from the Battlefield
    Status of the Peace Talks
    Chad, Government Representative
    Arabization: The Stolen Heritage of the Arabs

    Monday, March 12, 2007
    9:00 a.m.-9:15 a.m. Welcome Remarks, American University
    9:15 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Solutions for Darfur Working Group and Taskforces
    Marginalized Forces Forum for Peace and Development
    The Vision of New Sudan and recognition of Cultural, Ethnic, and Religious diversity in Sudan
    Kentucky State University, Frankfort, Kentucky
    Establishing an African Leadership Development and Training Program
    Creating a Civic and Human Rights Center
    Integrating Human Rights into the Teacher Education Program
    Activating Social and Economic Development Taskforces
    Establishing a Consortium of Universities, NAFEO representative
    Dr. Lucian Yates, chairman, Department of Education
    Mr. Don Offutt, assistant professor, Department of Education
    Mr. Deng Deng Nhial

    1:30-3:30 p.m. The Push toward Democracy: Regional Political Efforts in Sudan, Central Africa, and the Horn of Africa
    Mr. Webster Brooks, IndePac, moderator
    Dr. Mohamed A. Mohamed, Marginalized Forces Forum for Peace and Development
    Mr. Nuraddin Abdulmannan, Marginalized Forces Forum for Peace and Development
    Dr. Gebreye Rufael, Coalition for Unity and Democracy Party in Ethiopia

    Tuesday, March 13, 2007
    10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. The Role of Americans in African Affairs
    A Declaration: The Decade of the Pursuit of Peace in Africa
    Movement to Divest from the Sudan
    The Rev. Walter Fauntroy, National Black Leadership Roundtable
    Mr. Joe Madison, Radio One
    12:30-2:00 p.m. Authors’ Dialogue: Brown Bag Lunch Roundtable
    Muslims Exposed: An Internal View of the Crisis in Darfur
    Khalifah Khalif, UBUS
    National Black Writers Alliance

    The Un-Promised Generations: A Personal Addendum on Arabization and the Heritage of the Arabs by Sage Starkeeper

    A Muslim Manifesto on Darfur/ Justice for the People of Darfur: Hell on Earth Must End by Imam Al-Hajj Talib Abdur-Rashid

    2:30-4:30 p.m. Rape and Reality
    Darfur Representatives, Taskforce on Women and Children
    The Call for Rape as a tactic in War as a War Crime under the Geneva Conventions

    The Case for Genocide at the International Criminal Court

    Wednesday, March 14, 2007
    LEFT]Left Aligned Left Aligned

    Taskforce Meetings
    Lobbying Congress
    Reception on Capitol Hill

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