ندوة حول: أزمة دارفور.. وتداعياتها.....
دعوة لكل السودانيين المقيمين بمنطقة واشنطن الكبرى ندوة مجلس الشؤون الدولية بواشنطن دى سي حول ازمة دارفور وتداعياتها بعد اتفاق ابوجا.. التاريخ: 20 يونيو الجارى المكان: البنك الدولى Eugene Black Auditorium الزمان: الساعة الثانية عشر ونصف ظهرا الى الساعة الثانية ظهرا. الدعوة: عامة THE WORLD AFFAIRS COUNCIL OF WASHINGTON, DC AND THE WORLD BANK INFOSHOP Present
Recent developments have shattered hopes that the May peace deal between Kartoum and Dafur's largest rebel faction would lead to an end of violence in the war-torn region. The failure of key rebel leaders to join the agreement has stalled the process and conditions continue to deteriorate on the ground. Please join our distinguished panel to consider the next steps in addressing one of the world's worst humanitarian crises.
Moderated by Roberta Cohen: Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution
Kenneth Bacon: President, Refugees International
Nuraddin Mannan: Retired Sudanese Diplomat
Ann-Louise Colgan: Acting Co-Executive Director, Africa Action
TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 2006 12:30 – 2:00 pm Eugene Black Auditorium The World Bank 1914 G St, NW, Washington, DC ADMISSION: FREE