نداء عاجل: مظاهرة امام منزل السفير السودانى فى واشنطن احتجاجا على زيارة المجرم على كرتى لواشنطن

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05-24-2006, 03:21 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 05-29-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 6702

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
نداء عاجل: مظاهرة امام منزل السفير السودانى فى واشنطن احتجاجا على زيارة المجرم على كرتى لواشنطن

    تنظم المنظمة السودانية لحقوق الانسان بمنطقة واشنطن الكبرى مظاهرة امام منزل السفير السودانى بواشنطن وذلك مساء اليوم 24 مايو 2006 وسيكون مكان وزمان التجمع امام المركز الاسلامى فى تمام السادسة مساء قبل التوجه الى مكان المظاهرة..

    وتهيب المنظمة بكل اعضائهاللمشاركة فى هذه التظاهرة للتعبير عن استنكارها لهذه الزيارة..
    هذا وقد بعثت المنظمة برسالة احتجاج واستنكار للسيدة كوندليزا رايس وزيرة الخارجية الامريكية للسماح لهذا المجرم بزيارة الولايات المتحدة الامر الذى يشكل استفزازا لجموع المنفيين واللاجئين وضحايا نظام الجبهة القومية الاسلاميةوالذى يمثل السيد على كرتى احد ابرز رموزه..

    نورالدين منان
    المنظمة السودانية لحقوق الانسان.
    إعتذار: نعتذر لضيق الوقت فقد علمنا بالخبر هذا اليوم..

    نص الرسالة:

    Sudan Human Rights Organization
    Tel (301)345-3408 - Fax240)757-0480 – Cell. (202)446-3906
    e-mail: [email protected]

    Honorable Condoleezza Rice
    Secretary of State
    Washington, D.C.

    The Sudan Human Rights Organization (SHRO), Washington, D. C. strongly protests and condemns the visit of Mr. Ali Katri, the State Minister for Foreign Affairs of the government of Sudan to US. Mr. Karti who was involved in cases of human rights violation in Sudan during his direct supervision of the ill famed Popular Defense Forces (PDF), as its coordinator has stated that he is coming to US to thank the US Administration for its role in bringing peace to Sudan.

    Many human rights organizations have documented vast human rights atrocities and crimes against humanity committed by these forces in southern Sudan and western Sudan.

    It is disgracing to receive this criminal in this great land which stood against genocide and ethnic cleansing in Darfur during the same month which witnessed one of the biggest rallies in support of the people of Darfur who lost over half million people at the hands of Janjawwed with the support of the Popular Defense Forces, the backbone of the Islamist militia of the ruling National Islamic Government, mistakenly called the National Unity Government.

    State Minister Ali karti made a presentation at Radisson Philadelphia on May 11, 06. He was confronted by angry and embarrassing questions from some Sudanese human rights activists who made strong comments condemning his involvement in crimes against humanity in the south, Nuba Mountain and Darfur. Many Sudanese organizations in US are now expressing their anger and condemnation to this Sudanese official and considering his visit as an insult to thousands of Sudanese asylees and refugees who escaped their country and sought refuge to US and many other western democratic nations.

    It has come to our knowledge that Mr. Karti was invited by former Congressman Siljander and was granted entry visa to US by US embassy in Khartoum. Mr. Ali Karti is inviting some sympathizers of his government to a dinner party this evening at Sudan Ambassador’s residence in Washington; D. C. Members of this organization, Sudanese civic organization will organize a demonstration in front of Sudan Residence this evening to protest this disgraceful visit to US.

    Sudan Human Rights Organization (SHRO), Washington, D. C. while decrying this humiliation against the Sudanese in exile, would like to protest and express its deepest feelings of rejection to the disrespect of thousands of refugees and asylees who were victims or lost their loved ones because of the crimes committed by this unwelcome visitor and his government.

    Sudan Human Rights Organization (SHRO), Washington, D. C. appeals to Her Excellency Condoleezza Rice, the Secretary of State for the United States to terminate the visit of this criminal and expel him outside the country and prohibit him and all other criminals from visiting US and help the Sudanese people in putting them to an international trial.

    Nuraddin Abdulmannan
    Sudan Human Rights Organization.
    Date: May 24, 2006


05-24-2006, 04:35 PM

عمر ادريس محمد
<aعمر ادريس محمد
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-27-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 6787

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: نداء عاجل: مظاهرة امام منزل السفير السودانى فى واشنطن احتجاجا على زيارة المجرم على كرتى لوا (Re: Mannan)

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    سفارة السودان وبيت السفير ...لأهل السودان

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    افضحوا مرتكبى الإنتهاك البشعة لحقوق الانسان

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