كيث اليسون اول مسلم يفوز بمقعد فى الكونجرس الامريكي
فاز المرح الديمقراطى كيث اليسون الامريكى المسلم من اصول افريقية بمقعد فى الكونجرس الامريكى من مينيابوليس بولاية مينسوتا بعد ان قاد تحالفا عريضا من الليبراليين يضم المسلمين والمسيحيين واليهود والبوذيين مطالبا بالانسحاب السريع من العراق وتحاشى إثارة القضايا الاسلامية بقدر الامكان لضمان التأييد الواسع له..
First Muslim elected to Congress
MINNEAPOLIS - Voters elected a black Democrat as the first Muslim in Congress on Tuesday after a race in which he advocated quick U.S. withdrawal from Iraq and made little mention of his faith.
Keith Ellison, a 43-year-old defense attorney and state representative, was projected to defeat two rivals to succeed retiring Democrat Martin Sabo in a seat that has been held by Democrats since 1963.
Ellison, who converted to Islam as a 19-year-old college student in his native Detroit, won with the help of Muslims among a coalition of liberal, anti-war voters. "We were able to bring in Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists," he said. "We brought in everybody."