شاركوا بالتوقيع فى الحملة العالمية لإنقاذ النوبة
The text of the Appeal is available in the archaives.
1. Haggag Hassan Addoul, Nubian writer – Egypt 2. Suad Ibrahim Ahmed, former University lecturer & Nubian leader, Sudan 3. Mekki Ali Idris, Nubian musician and singer, Saudi Arabia 4. Dr. Hassan Almalik, International Nubian Forum Maintainer, Saudi Arabia 5. Nuraddin Abdulmannan, Former diplomat, human rights activist, USA 6. Akif Mukhtar, Nubian Activist, Qatar. 7. Abdelwahab Mohamed Ali Adam: Human Rights Activist: The Netherlands 8. Siddig Abdelhafiez Fadl : Geolgist, The Netherlands 9. Khalid Mohamed Adam Hakim : Banker, The Netherlands 10. Safwat Daoud Mahialdin : Chemist, The Netherlands 11. Osama Taha Hussain : Agriculture Engineer The Netherlands 12. Amgad Taha Hussain : Accountant, The Netherlands 13. Nur Aldin Mohamed Ali Shargy, Banker, The Netherlands 14. Imad Abdelaziz : Retired Major, The Netherlands 15. Mohamed Mohialdin Zumrawy. Accountant, The Netherlands 16. Mohamed Hamid Ahmed, The Netherlands 17. Ahmed Abdelmannan : Administrator, The Netherlands 18. Mohamed Abdelmannan, The Netherlands 19. Al Fatih Almisbah The Netherlands 20. Farah Hasan Sulaiman Hagana, Lawyer The Netherlands 21. Awad Sukker : Journalist, The Netherlands 22. ِEl Fatih Ahmed Mohamed, The Netherlands 23. Nadir Abdelrahim Gurundi : Accountant, The Netherlands 24. Shawgi Al Said Al Zubair : Pharmasist, The Netherlands 25. Abdellatif Ali Elimam – Vetrinarian, The Netherlands. 26. Shawgi Elsayed Elzubair, Pharmacist. The Netherlands. 27. Safeya Abdelaziz Mohamed Ali hakim, lawyer and Translator. The Netherlands. 28. Sharif salih Khairi, worker, The Netherlands. 29. Saifeldin Hassan saeed, worker, the Netherlands. 30. Abubakr Elamin Hassan Khairi. Worker, the Netherlands. 31. Ibrahim Ali Khairy Bilal, Freelance business, UK 32. Yousif Ali Khairy Bilal, Freelance business, UK. 33. Zakaria Sidahmed, Freelance business, UK 34. Ibrahim Ahmed Khairi Bilal, Cook, UK 35. Amira Abdeldayem Farah Bilal, Translator. UK 36. Muhsina Yousif Sidahmed, Housewife, UK. 37. Ikhlas Osman Hamad. Housewife, UK. 38. Khidir Hassan Khalil 39. Ali Askouri, President of Leadership Office Hamadab Dam Affected People, London 40. Omar Mohamed Ragab, the Netherlands 41. Nagat Mohamed Ali, France. 42. Yasir Zumrawi Mohamed Osman, Student 43. Luai Shammat, Sweden 44. Mohamed Hamed Elmusafir, Abu Dhabi. 45. Abdalla Bola, Writer, researcher & Artist, France. 46. Saifeldin Musaed Ali, Frankfurt, Germany 47. Sadig Elshaikh Gibril, Musician, Brussels, Belgium 48. Nasif Salah Eldein – Journalist, Sudan 49. Elkhatim Adlan, Writer and politician, UK 50. Osman Mohamed Salih, the Netherlands 51. Talha Hamed Elsayed, Qatar. 52. Ahmed Akasha Mohamed, the Netherlands. 53. Yousif Bilal Elmousley, Musician, USA. 54. Tumadur Shaikheldin, Artist, USA. 55. Ahmed Mohamed osman, KSA 56. Salwa Mohamed Seyam, Human Rights Activist, USA. 57. Ahmed Amin, UK. 58. Ishraga Mustafa, Vienna University, Political Science. 59. Mohamed idris Fadul, 60. Ahmed Abdelrahman Albashir, USA 61. Abdelilah Zumrawi, former Judge, USA. 62. Mutwali Abdalla Idris, Canada. 63.