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President Mubarak receives written message from President Al Bashir on Darfur and recent developments
Cairo, June 12 (SUNA)- Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has received a written message from president Omar Al-Bashir dealing with the development of the situation in Darfur as well as the current negotiations taking place with the team of the Security Council currently on a two-day visit to the country. DR Mustafa Osman Ismail who is presently in Cairo on Sunday called on President Mubarak to hand him the message. The Sudan News Agency also learned that Dr Mustafa Osman Ismail is due to meet with, the evening on Mohamed Osman Mirghani and the Secretary General of the Arab league, Mr Amru Mussa. MA/MA |
دكتور مصطفى عثمان اسماعيل يحمل رسالة من الرئيس عمر البشير حول الوضع فى دارفور والمفاوضات مع فريق مجلس الامن الدولى!!! ماذا ترك د. اسماعيل لد. لام؟ العضم؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ يقول درس المطالعة الاولية: وكلم حسن.. عمر ,, وكلم عمر اسماعيل.. وكلم اسماعيل لام.. وما فهم لام الكلام.. وزير خارجية من منازلهم.. اى كلام.. لام.. لام.. لام..
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