مفهوم الوحدة في النظام الأساسي للحزب الإشتراكي الديمقراطي الوحدوي
/QUOTE]إقتباس من النظام الأساسي للحزب الإشتراكي الديمقراطي الوحدوي
Quote: (F) Unity: " الطبعة الإنجليزية" The Social Democratic Unionist Party shares the same opinions as others that the existing political borders in Africa and most of the third world countries are the result of imperialism which came to colonize our land. Having found it enjoyable, the colonial powers decided to stay and they did not leave except after severe struggle and a great deal of sacrifices.
Our generation has inherited the present political borders which have become an inseparable part of our national entity and loyalty despite the variety of cultures and races the intermarry of which produced our distinctive heritage and our African identity which we are envied for by those who do not have such an identity. For this reason, we declare our rejection to any tendency to separation or any discussion about self-determination. The status quo has already been decided upon on the eve of independence from the claws of imperialism .We deem it wrong to raise the issue of self-determination by some of the intelligntsia who pose as advocators of the people’s aspirations.
We have to admit the fact that there are social injustices which have to bravely be faced and eradicated. These injustices are not limited to any one region or a particular rural area. Injustice, underdevelopment, and negligence have spread all over the Sudan save for the Capital and the central areas around it. Let this, then, be a warning to all, that if we allow for such tendencies in the south, for instance, more and more such tendencies will inevitably crop up in all of the marginalized areas of the country. We must, therefore, be absolutely keen to preserve the unity of our homeland that has to be fostered through the oneness of goals and destiny.
The Social Democratic Unionists are fully aware of the difficulties and obstacles that stand in the way of the co-existence of the various cultures and the different moods; and strive for further investment of this diversity in order for the process of cultural intermarry to run its full course as spontaneously as possible; otherwise, the alternative for the promotion of the cultural development and the unique Sudanese identity will be nothing other than well-researched scientific methods.
The Social Democratic Unionist Party greatly capitalizes on the inevitable unity between men and women, which is the kernel of unity in thought and political endeavor. Accordingly, we declare that the group mad-rush which resulted in the so-called the Sudanese Women Union or the Union of Sudanese Women or any similar label, which implies a notion of racism and deepens an unrealistic misconception of the inferiority of women and their social segregation, would give the alien observer the false and unjustified for impression that the oppression of women and the violation of their rights is common practice.
Our Party believes –beyond any shades of doubt – that the working woman, on the same footing as men, is a genuinely inseparable constituent of the society. She is entitled to having access to educational institutions at all levels; she is a productive force, she struggles for the causes of freedom and social well being, and she has the right to vote and to be elected to occupy any administrative or constitutional position. If women have suffered through injustice or through the violation of their rights, so have men. Let them, then, fight their battle hand in hand and struggle for their cause together.
Our Party is aware of the need for a body that expresses the worries, aspirations and needs of the non-working women. Taking cognizance of this fact, we have innovated for this sector political circles led by Housewives Committees in order for their voice to get through to the leadership of the Organization and, consequently, to the different organs of the State. We are determined to call for this unionist faith through all possible channels. On the basis of our ethical heritage and our prevalent realities that require men and women not to mix in certain circumstances, we call for and encourage the establishment of social clubs for women. These clubs have to be well-equipped with facilities that enable women to practise the recreational activities which they can’t share with men such as athletic sports, tennis, volley ball, basketball, swimming, and any other interests specific to women. This is on the condition that these clubs are not to be changed into forums for cultural, political, literary or thought feminine massed groups since these activities of necessity do exist in the inevitable organic composure of our integrated community.
Our Party, for the furtherance of national unity, is desirous to firstly emphasize that federal governance is the ideal and most appropriate system for rule for the Sudan. Notwithstanding, we call for the reduction of the of states, provinces and municipals to the least possible number following diligent and conscientious study of the geographical, demographic and human aspects. This is to remove the consequential negative effects that resulted from the federal, state and local looseness that will never help in the promotion of the national unity; in addition to the extravagant governmental expenditure that accompanied the experience, the thing which added to the suffering of the people
