آخر لقاء صحفى لقرنق فى يوغندا

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مكتبة د.مهدى محمد خير(Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir)
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08-03-2005, 02:44 PM

Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir
<aDr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-25-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 5328

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
آخر لقاء صحفى لقرنق فى يوغندا

    هذا آخر لقاء صحفى للدكتور قرنق باللغة الأنجليزية , أجراه معه الصحفى آنى موغيسا من جريدة "الرؤية الجديدة" اليوغندية.

    وكان اللقاء الصحفى قبل صعود الدكتور قرنق الى الطائرة مسافرا من مطار عنتيبى الى مزرعة الرئيس اليوغندى موسيفنى فى رواكيتورا.


    Dr Garange Last Interview:
    Anne Mugisa

    First Lt.Gen. John Garang arrived at Entebbe Airport at 1:05, on Friday
    and was met by Vice-President Gilbert Bukenya. Anne Mugisa
    interviewed the jovial and towering Garang just before he boarded the
    plane to Rwakitura

    Mugisa: Congratulations on your promotion to Lt. Gen., Your Excellency

    Garang: Thank you. How are you

    Mugisa: I'm fine, Sir. How are you and how is the Sudan

    Garang: Quite alright

    Mugisa: I have just a few questions to ask you, General

    Garang: Sure. Here take a seat

    Mugisa: Your Excellency, what are your plans for rebuilding southern

    Garang: Oh! (laughs) We have put in place a plan to rebuild the southern
    Sudan. You know that area is very big (widens his eyes and smiles). Bigger
    than Uganda and Kenya together and there is no infrastructure to talk
    about. For example, there is no tarmac road since (rolls his eyes) Adam.
    We have over 12 million people there and they all need services.
    Our first priority is to resettle the people and remove them from the
    internally-displaced people's camps and also return home refugees living
    outside Sudan. There are between three to four million Sudanese refugees
    outside the country. We need to provide peace, security and stability and
    disband all the militias. There are external and internal militias
    including those who were formerly supported by the government. There are
    many militias in the Sudan, including the LRA
    So our priority is that and the infrastructure which includes roads,
    opening up waterways, rehabilitation of the railway line to Wau in the
    north, relinking the region with Uganda and Kenya.
    We also need to rehabilitate the government infrastructure there. The
    southern Sudan has 10 states. Ten supervisors have been appointed and in
    the next seven days they will put in place a team to oversee the
    government infrastructure rehabilitation there. Then we need to put in
    place the financial infrastructure. There are only three banks there

    Mugisa: When do you intend to start on the infrastructure building; what
    period do you envisage to have a respectable amount of development in

    Garang: We have started now, but you know that that place had been
    destroyed. It will take time

    Mugisa: What do you intend to do with Joseph Kony (the leader of LRA
    rebels) hiding in southern Sudan, where he recently ambushed Sudanese
    returning home and killed them

    Garang: He won't be hiding there for long. It is not only Kony, but also
    all the militias who have been operating in the area. We need to provide
    peace, security and stability. So the militias, including those that were
    formerly supported by the Government, must be disbanded.

    Mugisa: What have you come to discuss with President Yoweri Museveni

    Garang: We have not discussed yet

    Mugisa: But you surely have an agenda for the meeting
    (At this point, Ugandan foreign affairs officials ask us to end the
    interview because Garang must proceed to Rwakitura where Museveni is

    Garang: (Laughs and says to me as he stands up) That is too early. I have
    come to meet President Museveni not you

    Mugisa: Thank you very much sir, and have a safe journey

    Garang shakes my hand, still smiling and everybody moves out of the VIP
    lounge on to the tarmac where he boards the presidential chopper to
    Two days later, my friend rings me and says, "Sorry, your
    friend is dead. Garang is dead."

    Published on: Tuesday, 2nd August, 2005


08-04-2005, 03:14 AM

Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir
<aDr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-25-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 5328

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: آخر لقاء صحفى لقرنق فى يوغندا (Re: Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir)

    Garang, pilots bodies found

    PRAYERS: Garang’s wife Rebecca (far right) sits in front of his coffin during a funeral service attended by thousands at New Site yesterday

    By Emmy Allio

    THE charred bodies of the Ugandan crew killed on Saturday when the presidential helicopter crashed were yesterday flown to the southern Sudanese capital of Juba, sources said.

    The Ugandan chopper was taking Sudanese 1st Vice-President Dr. John Garang back home after talks with President Yoweri Museveni at his country home in Rwakitura, Mbarara. All on board died when the plane crashed due to bad weather.

    The crew’s next of kin and Uganda government officials fly to Juba today to try to identify the bodies.
    “Once the bodies of the Ugandans have been identified, they will be flown to Uganda. The bodies were burnt so badly that they need careful identification,” the source said.

    The dead Ugandans are: Col. Peter Nyakairu (pilot), Capt. Paul Kiyimba (co-pilot), Major Patrick Kiggundu (flight engineer), Lt. Johnson Munanura (jet officer), Corporal Hassan Kiiza (signaler), Lillian Kanaije (stewardess/hostess) and Samuel Bakowa (protocol officer).
    The dead Sudanese are: Dr. John Garang, the man who had led the SPLA rebels for decades and had just signed a delicate peace deal with Khartoum in Nairobi earlier this year.

    The other Sudanese who died were lieutenant colonels Mayin and Amat Malwa, lieutenants Aboki Abur, Juma Mayin and Majok Deng Knany.

    Sudanese President Omar el-Bashir and Dr. Garang were due to form a new government by August 9.

    Garang, 60, who did not drink or smoke, was married with six children.

    A serene atmosphere hang over the airforce staff quarters in Entebbe, as mourners gathered in the homes of the dead officers to share their grief.

    By morning, a few people were still at Col. Nyakairu’s residence where a large number of mourners had kept vigil all night.

    Some 50 metres away, Kiggundu’s residence was crowded with relatives among them Col. Nathan Katagara. A bon-fire was still burning in the middle of the compound at midday.

    Kiggundu’s brother John Rukanda said Kiggundu was one of the soldiers captured in Tanzania in 1979 while on a bombing raid. He was released in 1983. “We remember him for being very hardworking, generous and patriotic.”

    Kiyimba’s home, across the road from Kiggundu’s, was crowded with mourners. The youthful widow, Sarah Kiyimba, said his three children would miss him. “He was a quiet but serious man,” said former airforce worker Godfrey Katende.

    Museveni said a committee of three would investigate the accident.
    Garang and his entourage left Museveni’s home on Saturday heading for his base, New Site, in southern Sudan aboard a presidential MI-172 helicopter which crashed in the Imatong mountains.

    The valley in which the helicopter crashed on the Sudan side is situated near the Uganda-Kenya border and just kilometres from New Site (New Kush), where Garang lived for years before moving to Khartoum recently.

    A search by military forces from Kenya, Uganda and Sudan recovered the bodies early on Monday and moved them to New Site. Both President Bashir and SPLM/A spokesman, Dr. Samson Kwaje, denied foul play. “The helicopter hit a rock and crushed, killing all 17 on board,” he said. The official figure of the dead stands at thirteen.

    Meanwhile, the army has deployed at the crash scene, army spokesman Shaban Bantariza said yesterday. “The scene has to be guarded for the purpose of insurers and investigators,” he said.

    A State House source said the bereaved families were provided with supplies. “We are happy with the assistance,” Maj. Kiggundu’s relatives said.

    Published on: Wednesday, 3rd August, 2005



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