مدرسة بنات كنيوك ، إشراقه مضيئة فى تعليم البنات بجنوب السودان - تحية للأستاذه ساره كليتو ريال

We are a women-led humanitarian and human rights initiative which partners with Sudanese women as they strive for peace and work to rebuild their communities. In December 2005, the students of the Kunyuk School for Girls in Akon, South Sudan, were attending school under trees and in mud huts. That meant on rainy days—no school! The girls asked My Sister’s Keeper to construct their permanent campus. What a tough promise to keep! Building a big school in a tiny village 8000 miles from Boston, with no running water, phones or electricity, was hard work. At times, the challenges seemed overwhelming. However, encouraged by the girls’ determination and inspired by the support of our beloved Boston community, My Sister’s Keeper kept our promise! In June 2009, we returned to Akon to “cut the ribbon” and dedicate the new campus! On September 13th, we’re hosting a symbolic ribbon-cutting in Boston with lots of food, music, dance and fun activities for the entire family. We hope you’ll join us as we celebrate the hope, strength and excellence of the next generation of Sudan's leaders! The event will be held at Bethel AME Church, 38 Walk Hill Street, Jamaica Plain, 12-4 pm. Our Honorary Co-Chairs for this event are Boston’s Mayor Thomas Menino and School Superintendent Carol Johnson. For more information please go to www.mskeeper.org. You can also contact us at [email protected] or call 617.983.0909. We look forward to seeing you at the party! Remove my name from all future email correspondence Address postal inquiries to: My Sister's Keeper 215 Forest Hills St. Boston, MA 02130 Powered By eTapestry Delivra Web Bug from http://tracking.etapestry.com/do/9911943/322267565/1.gif
-- Sarah Cleto Rial Program Director My Sister's Keeper 215 Forest Hills St. Boston, MA 02130
Phone: 617-983-0900 Fax: 617-983-0991 Mobile: 617-669-8502
[email protected] http://www.mskeeper.org
Re: مدرسة بنات كنيوك ، إشراقه مضيئة فى تعليم البنات بجنوب السودان - تحية للأستاذه ساره كليتو ري (Re: Khalid Kodi)

The Akon School for Girls
In solidarity with women leaders in southern Sudan, My Sister's Keeper has supported the development of a girl's school in the village of Akon that was established in 2003. We are committed to supporting multi-phased improvements for the school from teacher training, and a feeding program for the students, through to construction of a building.
Working closely with a community advisory council, My Sister's Keeper completed a community assessment in December of 2005. This community assessment revealed great need and rich possibility. Today, the school operates with few resources: the school occupies a stretch of land located across the road from the Akon Women's Center; The teachers have no more than an 8th grade education, and volunteer their time completely; Many children walk for hours to get to school, often on empty stomachs; Classes are held under trees.
To date, with the help of many friends and supporters, My Sister's Keeper has helped supply the girls with textbooks, notebooks, pencils, and school uniforms, and has provided basic necessities for teachers. Yet, as the number of students swells to more than 400, the demands of the school have quickly outpaced available supplies.
Together with parents, children and community leaders, the women of My Sister's Keeper have crafted a vision for a school that will educate the next generation of southern Sudanese leaders and peacemakers. It includes a school building, highly trained female teachers, and a curriculum designed to meet the special needs of girls and women from this war-torn region, where 90% of women are illiterate and only 20% of schoolchildren are girls.
The school's founder and local champion, Achol Cyer Rehan, is the first female Commissioner in the history of southern Sudan. A powerful force for peace during the 21-year civil war, and dear friend of My Sister's Keeper since 2001, Achol has publicly thrown her full support behind girl's education and the Akon School for Girls.
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Re: مدرسة بنات كنيوك ، إشراقه مضيئة فى تعليم البنات بجنوب السودان - تحية للأستاذه ساره كليتو ري (Re: Ali Sirelkhatim)
الدكتور Haydar Badawi Sadig شكرا للمرور ودعم التعليم والتمنمية عبر مدرسة بنات كينوك.
الأخ العزيز على سر الختم، تحياتى ، وزمن...
شكرا على المشاركة فى البوست، ومن قمن بهذا العمل هن أخوات عزيزات من مجتمع بوسطن،
والأخت ساره كليتو مديرة البرامج فى منظمة "My Sister's Keeper" مثابرة بإجتهاد فى الارتفاع بشأن تعليم البنات فى الجنوب، فرؤية هذه المدرسة من حلم الى واقع يؤكد ان هنالك الكثير الذى يمكن لأمثال الأستاذه سارة تقديمة ...
فالتحية لها ولرفاقها الذين أحالو مدرسة أكون من دروس تحت شجره الى الفصول بجدران ومقاعد ......!!!
تحياتى لك وللأسره.
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