Urgent Memorandum: Release of Abd al-Aziz Khalid, Organizations please Sign
To: President of the Republic, Khartoum The Attorney General, Khartoum State Security Department, Khartoum The NDA Chairman, Asmara NDA Leadership Council, Cairo The IGAD, Nairobi The United Nations, New York The African Union, Tripoli The Arab league, Cairo Human Rights Watch, New York Amnesty International, London Sudanese civil society and human rights groups
Call on the President, Attorney General, and Security Department:
To ensure the Safety and Immediate Release of Abd al-Aziz Khalid
We, the undersigned human rights activists, NDA members, Sudan Friends, > peace, unity, and democracy advocates are gravely concerned for the extradition order as planned and executed vis-à-vis the opposition leader member of the National Democratic Alliance Leadership Council Mr. Abd al-Aziz Khalid by the Sudan Government’s Attorney General and State Security Department.
The extradition order obstructed Mr. Khalid’s efforts to strengthen the peace of our people and beleaguered country. The extradition clouded with political hostilities the process of peace between the government and the opposition forces as it unlawfully antagonized the previously issued general amnesty of the president to support the peace negotiations.
• We condemn in the strongest terms possible the destructive plans of the attorney general and the security authorities to disturb the climate of peace. • We demand in the strongest terms possible the immediate release of Mr. Khalid and the full guarantee of his personal freedoms and political activity.
• We appeal to the International Community, the IGAD, and the other peace mediators to exert the strongest pressure on the government to live up to the present stage of peace making, to honor the NDA partnership in the ongoing negotiations, and to respect the status and role of the NDA Leadership Council and peace supporters.
• We hold the government fully responsible for the safety and the well being of the NDA extradited leader Abd al-Aziz Khalid before the Sudanese Nation > and the International Community. Signed,
Human Rights Organization, Cairo.
Human Rights Organization, Washington.
Groups Against Torture.
Sudanese Democratic Alliance, Philadelphia.
Sudanese Democratic Alliance, Washington, D.C.
Abdelaziz Khalid Family & Friends
Please add your organization or party after consultation with the appropriate person/s.
Re: Urgent Memorandum: Release of Abd al-Aziz Khalid, Organizations please (Re: Kostawi)
نيابة الجرائم الموجهة ضد الدولة تبدأ التحقيق مع عبدالعزيز خالد الخرطوم: حافظ - هادية
تبت السلطات المعنية خلال الساعات القليلة القادمة في الوضع القانوني للعميد متقاعد عبدالعزيز خالد رئيس قوات التحالف السودانية المعارضة.وبدأت نيابة الجرائم الموجهة ضد الدولة في استجوابه أمس فور وصوله الخرطوم بعد ان رحلته سلطات الانتربول بدولة الامارات العربية المتحدة تنفيذا لطلب الانتربول السوداني
الراي العام 24/11/2004
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