SAVE DARFUR: Join our rally in Washington, DC on April 30th, 2006
SAVE DARFUR: Join our rally in Washington, DC on April 30th, 2006.

The Rally to Stop Genocide will feature leading voices in the effort to stop the genocide in Darfur, including a broad spectrum of prominent faith leaders, political figures, human rights activists, celebrities, survivors of the Holocaust and genocides in Cambodia, Kosovo, Srebrenica, Rwanda, South Sudan and Darfur.
Take action, be involved. Please http://www.savedarfur.org/rally/#signup in the Rally to Stop Genocide so we can share resources and tools for you to activate your community, and make your participation a success.
When: April 30, 2006 -- Program 2:00 - 4:30 pm (Crowd Assembly 1:30 - 2:00 pm
Map of Rally Area

The Metro station nearest the Rally is Federal Center SW [Orange and Blue Lines]. Other stations are a short walk. Please visit the WMATA website for help navigating Metro and area station maps.
For more detal visit this site
Re: SAVE DARFUR: Join our rally in Washington, DC on April 30th, 2006 (Re: Yassir Tayfour)
I don't know why we are always surprised when people give our civil war and/or genocide some little attention , esp. when we are there to support them when they need the support!! I believe we suffer from extreme low self esteem , the one sent to us by the media , that we aren't worth that head line either in a news paper or their TV programs or news so when we finally make it the media we are all excited about it and appreciate it like they did us a big favor , like some kinda family abandoned child finally remembered by his family! . All the attention given to Mahmod yassen is making me sick , he didn't go out of his way , he is paid to do it and hello!!!! one visit from him to Dar fur after all these years is way less than a favor . so let us stop acting like we are not good enough to get some attention or , when we spread it to others left and right Our lives are precious just like them white people. ! will be there God willing to have the voices of the suffering children heard! with respect Rawan
(عدل بواسطة Rawan Hamid on 04-21-2006, 10:34 PM)
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Re: SAVE DARFUR: Join our rally in Washington, DC on April 30th, 2006 (Re: Najat Al-Bashir)
ألأخ العزيز عبد الباقى شحتو
Quote: الاخوة الاعزاء من علي البعد احيكم و احني رآسي لكم ، و الله يسدد خطاكم ، و الي الاما لانقاذ اهلنا في سد مروي ايضا ، و الله البلد كلها في حاجة للانقاذ من الانقاذ شحتو |
غاطس وين إنت .....وأبعد بعيد من سويسرا............والله يكفيك شر جوابات الرفد الحايمه دى. ما أخير ليك تقعد فى دى سى وناس نصر الدين ممكن يرشحوك لعموديه المدينه.
ترجع بالسلامه إن شاء الله أخوك أسامه خلف
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Re: SAVE DARFUR: Join our rally in Washington, DC on April 30th, 2006 (Re: Imad Khalifa)

The Save Darfur Coalition is proud to introduce Reverend Gloria White Hammond, MD as the Chairwoman of the Million Voices for Darfur Campaign. In this capacity, Reverend Gloria wears a multitude of hats, serving the role of spokesperson and good-will ambassador to the Darfur-activist community. She is working as the liaison to the Sudanese National community and to both communities of faith and color. Reverend Gloria will be speaking throughout the Washington, D.C. area over the course of the next two months in an effort to help further educate the community about the crisis in Darfur and help build support for the Million Voices campaign and the April 30th Rally to Stop Genocide.
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