18 يناير: في الذكرى الأربعين لإعدام الأستاذ محمود محمد طه كتبه محمد محمود
Re: Ishragha, Tumador, Algandria, Iman, Nada, Roada, Salwa, Nadia, Nagat, Lana Please don't for (Re: Kostawi)
Happy International Women's Day
(عدل بواسطة Kostawi on 03-01-2005, 01:06 AM) (عدل بواسطة Kostawi on 03-01-2005, 01:08 AM)
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Re: Ishragha, Tumador, Algandria, Iman, Nada, Roada, Salwa, Nadia, Nagat, Lana Please don't for (Re: Kostawi)
(عدل بواسطة Kostawi on 02-28-2005, 11:08 PM) (عدل بواسطة Kostawi on 02-28-2005, 11:11 PM) (عدل بواسطة Kostawi on 03-01-2005, 00:39 AM)
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Re: Ishragha, Tumador, Algandria, Iman, Nada, Roada, Salwa, Nadia, Nagat, Lana Please don't for (Re: Kostawi)
(عدل بواسطة Kostawi on 02-28-2005, 11:20 PM) (عدل بواسطة Kostawi on 02-28-2005, 11:21 PM)
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Re: Ishragha, Tumador, Algandria, Iman, Nada, Roada, Salwa, Nadia, Nagat, Lana Please don't for (Re: Kostawi)
Mallasi I love you too
Imagine this is the same field stadium these women use to be killed NOW THEY KICK......A
(عدل بواسطة Kostawi on 03-01-2005, 02:07 AM)
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Re: Ishragha, Tumador, Algandria, Iman, Nada, Roada, Salwa, Nadia, Nagat, Lana Please don't for (Re: nada ali)
Happy March 8th to you too Nada
my best wishes to you and the one who considers u as a hero Isn't he something
Enjoy your Eid and we will do the same
(عدل بواسطة Kostawi on 03-01-2005, 03:17 AM) (عدل بواسطة Kostawi on 03-01-2005, 03:33 AM)
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Re: Ishragha, Tumador, Algandria, Iman, Nada, Roada, Salwa, Nadia, Nagat, Lana Please don't for (Re: Kostawi)
nada ya kostawi
Quote: Isn't he something |
oh yes! he is my hero, too. greetings to Kostawia, the Nobel Prize Laureatte
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Re: Ishragha, Tumador, Algandria, Iman, Nada, Roada, Salwa, Nadia, Nagat, Lana Please don't for (Re: nada ali)
Sorrrrrrry ya Nada We corrected the mistake ya Dr. Nada alnadia al kodawiya
Sorry I was talking to Naila (3ala wazn Nadia) when I was responding to you
(Showfti altabrirat de sa3ba kaif)
...Well, I will tell you about my hero when she comes back from
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Re: Ishragha, Tumador, Algandria, Iman, Nada, Roada, Salwa, Nadia, Nagat, Lana Please don't for (Re: Kostawi)
Quote: Could we ever forget do we even want to |
keep it up
(عدل بواسطة وانجا on 03-01-2005, 04:58 AM)
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Re: Ishragha, Tumador, Algandria, Iman, Nada, Roada, Salwa, Nadia, Nagat, Lana Please don't for (Re: Nada Amin)
Thank u all but where are the others
Ishragha Algandria Roada Iman Nagat and I
well, the (I) is here
do u see how little the (i) is ?
(عدل بواسطة Kostawi on 03-05-2005, 01:43 AM)
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Re: Ishragha, Tumador, Algandria, Iman, Nada, Roada, Salwa, Nadia, Nagat, Lana Please don't for (Re: Nada Amin)
Salam to all
let us make it the day of our mothers , sisters , aunts and friends and let us remeber those who lost their loves ones
Salam Nasir eldeen , Nayla and family
Here is my Phone
W. 319 3392862
Home319 3586596
I had your Phone and I lost it if you would give me , not only, your number also the appropriate time that I can reach you
Any way I need to talk to you soon if , you would.
Mutwakil Mustafa elhussain
salam again to Aisha Mubark and family ..
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Re: Ishragha, Tumador, Algandria, Iman, Nada, Roada, Salwa, Nadia, Nagat, Lana Please don't for (Re: Kostawi)
الـنخلة مـابتـقدر تــخــون الأرض مـابتـقدر تـكون غــيـر الــمـراح لـــي هـمـبريب يـغـشى الـبـيوت عــنـد الـصـباح نُـــص الـنـهار عــنـد الـمـغيب وشـان تـدِّي ضُـل والـصـيف غـريب تـاخـد الـهـجائر بـــارتــيــاح ... عِـــز الــريـاح الـنـخلة تـنـجاسر تــــصـــون عِـش الـطيور البينا تـفـرِد لـلـجناح تــرقـص تـمـيد الـسـاق هـطـيط والــجـو بــراح وفـي الأرض مـاشي عـــرِق بـعـيـد ... يـيـبـس جـريـد يـنـحت سـبـيط والـنـخلة تـشـده بــالــجــريـد الـنـخـلة تـتـعِب فـــي الـلـقـيط الـنخلة يـاها النخلة لاب تـعـرِف تـخاف قِـــل الـمـطـر تُــقـل الـجـفاف لا فـتوة الريح العبيط طـوَّالـي فـي أجـمل وشـــــــاح وكـل الـرياح فـوقا بِـــتـــمــر ومن كلِّ أصناف الرياح الـنخلة مـابتـخبر خـــــــلاف ريـــح الـلـقاح والــهـمـبـريـب ريــح الـصـلاح ...
(عدل بواسطة Salwa Seyam on 03-05-2005, 02:44 AM)
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