التحيه لكستاوي ورفاقه الشرفاء من اهل واشنطون وهم يستقبلون مسيرة دارفور.
الاخ كستاوي مسجل غياب شويه,ونفتقده ,لانه كان مشغول بالتحضير لاستقبال المسيره
التي يفترض انها وصلت البارحه لواشنطون.
التحيه عبره ل
احمد عبدالله
ومعروف سند
وكل من لا نعرفه من بورداب واشنطون الشرفاء.
ويا كستاوي زمان قبل ما اعمل عضويه كنت بفتش على بوستاتك وبوستات خالد كودي
لانكم خير من يغطي انشطة ناس دارفور.
لكم التقدير و الود وفي انتظار تغطيتكم لتلك المناسبه.
وقبلكم الشكر لصبري الشريف الذي ظل متابعا ومغطيا تغطيه جيده للمسيره.
Re: التحيه لكستاوي ورفاقه الشرفاء من اهل واشنطون وهم يستقبلون مسيرة دارفور. (Re: سفيان بشير نابرى)
الاخت تراجي لك التحية ..
الاخ سفيان نابري لك التحية ..
Quote: يا ناس واشنطون !!
ورونا الحاصل شنو؟؟؟ وكلمونا عن الاستقبال... وردود الافعال الاعلامية... وفعاليات العمل التي استقبلتم بها المسيرة ، ندوات/معارض/مخاطبات... |
رأيت قبل فترة و في خبر في نهاياته لتجمع سوداني في واشنطون اظنها تغطية لهذه المسيرة ..
و في انتظار الاخ كوستاوي و صبري الشريف وبقية اخوانهم ..لمدنا بالتفاصيل ..و الصور ..
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Re: التحيه لكستاوي ورفاقه الشرفاء من اهل واشنطون وهم يستقبلون مسيرة دارفور. (Re: شدو)
رفقاء النضال: الأستاذة تراجي الأستاذ سفيان الأستاذ أبو الأخوان محمدين حبيبنا دكتور راشد و الزول السمح أستاذ شدو
تحية نبيلة لكل الثوار الذين ساهموا في هذه المسيرة التاريخية الإنسانية العظيمة. نشكر كل طلبة/طالبات المدارس الذين شاركوا في هذه المسيرة من كل الولايات التى مرت بها هذه المسيرة.
و صلت المسيرة واشنطون دي.سي و تحركت يوم أمس الأربعاء من الجامعة الأمريكية بواشنطون حوالي العاشرة و النصف صباحا و وصلت ساحة مبنى الكونغرس الأمريكي حوالي الساعة الثانية و خمس و أربعون دقيقة .
كان في إستقبالهم مجموعة من مجلس الشيوخ الأمريكي.
و في مقدمتهم السناتور هلاري كلنتون (Hillary Clinton)
Pictures are next
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Re: التحيه لكستاوي ورفاقه الشرفاء من اهل واشنطون وهم يستقبلون مسيرة دارفور. (Re: Kostawi)
Senator Clinton Welcomes Sudanese Activist Simon Deng To Washington, DC Deng in Nation's Capital Following his 300-Mile Walk to Raise Awareness about Violence and Slavery in Sudan Washington, DC - Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton met today with Simon Deng, a Sudanese man who was enslaved as a child, as he completed his “Sudan Freedom Walk,” a three-hundred mile, 22-day walk from the United Nations in New York to the U.S. Capitol in Washington, DC. Mr. Deng’s walk was aimed at raising awareness about the genocide in Darfur and slavery in the Sudan. “I was honored to meet Simon today. His life is a story of triumph in the face of enormous adversities and he is a personal reminder that millions of other men, women, and children continue to suffer at the hands of Government of Sudan. Simon’s calls for greater awareness and a stronger international response to the crisis should be acknowledged and answered with action,” Senator Clinton said. “Unfortunately, the international community has watched for far too long, with far too little action, as the Government of Sudan has exploited, uprooted, killed and in the case of Darfur, attempted to exterminate, millions of Sudanese civilians. Simon is an example to us all – we cannot stand still in the face of continuing atrocities.” On completion of his three-hundred mile walk today, Mr. Deng was joined by Senator Clinton as well as Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Sam Brownback, Rep. Barbara Lee, Rep. Michael Capuano, Rep. Joseph Crowley, Rep. Betty McCollum, Rep. Chris Van Hollen, the Hon. Walter Fauntroy and former NBA star Manute Bol, for a press conference and rally at the West Front of the Capitol. Simon Deng is a native of the Shiluk Kingdom in southern Sudan. When he was eight years old, the Sudanese Army swept through his village. He watched them burn huts to the ground, slaughter the men of the village and steal their livestock. Though he narrowly escaped death, one year later he was abducted by an Arab northerner. He spent the next few years of his life as a child slave in northern Sudan. Mr. Deng was forced to sleep on straw, allowed to eat only leftover scraps and was beaten regularly. He made his daring escape two years later. Mr. Deng went on to work as a messenger in the Sudanese parliament and later to become a national swimming champion. Today he is an American citizen, working as a lifeguard at Coney Island and leading the struggle to stop genocide in Sudan. Mr. Deng began the “Sudan Freedom Walk” to shed light on the genocide and slavery in the Sudan, calling on the U.S. government to do more to stop the violence. His walk has spanned five states and has taken him to nineteen cities. Deeply concerned by the continuing genocide in Darfur, Senator Clinton recently sent a letter to President Bush, urging him to take steps to protect civilians and address the crisis. Senator Clinton’s letter emphasized the need to respond to the continued violence against civilians and aid workers in Darfur and the need to address escalating tensions between Sudan and Chad. Her letter reiterated the importance of a durable peace agreement between the conflicting parties, but emphasized that peace talks should not forestall efforts to protect civilians in Darfur. Last month, Senator Clinton also co-sponsored a resolution that passed the Senate, and called on President Bush to arrange for increased NATO assistance in Darfur.
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Re: التحيه لكستاوي ورفاقه الشرفاء من اهل واشنطون وهم يستقبلون مسيرة دارفور. (Re: Imad Khalifa)
بدأت المسيرة من مدينة نيويوك يوم الآحد الموافق 2006/3/5 و وصلت ساحة الكونجرس الأمريكي بواشنطون دي. سي. العاصمة الفدرالية يوم الأربعاء الموافق 2006/4/5
و هذه هي تفاصيل المسيرة من نيويورك لواشنطون:

Sunday, March 5th
Simon speaks, 10:30am at Elim Christian Assembly, 498 Manor Road (near Victory Blvd) in Staten Island Wednesday March 8th
Student March in Glen Cove, Long Island Simon begins walking from Solomon Schechter High School of Long Island in Glen Cove at 10:15 AM, walks 2 miles to public high school, which joins him half way there and gives speech at 11:15 am to joint group of students. The Glen Cove superintendent will join Simon for the entire walk along with students from Glen Cove High's mutual understanding group. March 11th
Speech with Brooklyn Parents For Peace 3 - 5 PM. Brooklyn WYCA, 30 3rd Avenue (Bet. Atlantic and State), Boardroom Lounge, 2nd Floor. Simon speaks with Yahya Osman, a member of the Darfur Rehabilitation Project. Monday, March 13/Tuesday, March 14
TV/radio appearances for Simon as pre-walk Wednesday, March 15
UN Headquarters, NYC to Ft. Lee, NJ (16 miles) Interviews: anytime in the morning until 1 PM Opening Event: Press Conference/Rally, 1 PM at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza at the corner of 47th Street and 1st Avenue Walking Route: N on 1st avenue to 77th Street. W on 77th to Park Avenue. N on Park to 125th Street, W on 125th to St. Nicholas. N on St. Nicholas to 175th. W on 175th to Broadway. N on Broadway to GW Bridge - Cross GW Bridge End in Ft. Lee NJ (ETA 6:30pm) After crossing the Bridge walkers will continue turn S onto Center Avenue, W on Main Street and South on Anderson, ending at the JCC on 1449 Anderson Avenue. Closing Event: - 7:30pm-9pm Speaking event at Fort Lee Jewish Community Center. There will be food and refreshments for the walkers. Thursday, March 16
Ft. Lee, NJ to Newark, NJ (20 miles) Beginning at 10 am at the JCC S on Anderson Ave to Central Blvd. W on Central to Palisade Avenue West on Griffith to JFK Blvd. S to Newark Ave. West to Route 1. US 1&9 Truck Route Bridges over Hackensack and Passaic Rivers 3 miles, 1:30pm to 2:30pm Ironbound (East Ward) of Newark, NJ to Downtown Newark, NJ Raymond Boulevard (US 1&9)/Ferry Street to Intersection of Broad and Market Streets under the Pulaski Skyway along the Passaic River 2 miles - W on Market to McCarter Highway-Final meeting at Penn Station in Newark Estimated Arrival Time: 3:30pm to 4:30pm Event - TBD Friday, March 17
Newark, NJ to Iselin, NJ (16 miles) Begin at Penn Station (McCarter Hwy. & Market St.) in Newark (10 AM). Market to Broad, Broad to Clinton, Clinton to Rt. 27, Rt. 27 to Oak Tree Rd. intersection. Destination: First Presbytarian Church, 1295 Oak Tree Rd., Iselin, NJ. ETA 3:30 PM. First Presbytarian Church, 7:30 PM: Simon Deng will speak along with other Sudanese. Rev. Jim Thomas is coordinating this event. Rev. Thomas will be in charge of feeding and housing the walkers. Saturday, March 18
Rahway, NJ to New Brunswick, NJ (14 miles) 10 AM: Begin at First Presbytarian Church. Rt. 27 to George St., George to Livingston. Destination: Anshe Emeth Memorial Temple, 222 Livingston Ave., New Brunswick, NJ. ETA: Unknown. Anshe Emeth Memorial Temple, 7:00 PM: Simon Deng and other walkers will speak to the Temple's community members. Nathan Kleinman (who went on a two-week hunger strike for Sudan) will be speaking. Debbie Schlossenberg is organizing this event. Ms. Schlossenberg will be in charge of food and lodging for the walkers. Sunday, March 19
New Brunswick, NJ to Princeton, NJ (20 miles) 10 AM: Begin at Anshe Emeth Memorial Temple, 10 AM. Livingston to How Ln., How Ln. to Rte. 27, Rte. 27 to Princeton University. ETA: 3:30 PM. Group dinner, 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Organized by Elisabeth Wolfe (location TBD). Roberston Hall, Princeton University, 8:00 PM: Candlelight vigil around the fountain outside the Woodrow Wilson building. Speakers include Simon Deng (others TBA). Monday, March 20
Princeton, NJ to Trenton, NJ (20 miles) 10 AM: Depart corner of Rte. 27 & Washington Ave. Rte. 27 becomes Nassau St. then Stockton St., then Lawrenceville Rd. to Princeton Ave. Princeton Ave. to Stony Hill Rd., Stony Hill Rd. to New Falls Rd. Destination: Bailey's Bar and Grille, New Falls Rd. @ Woodbourne Rd., Middletown, PA. ETA: 5:00 PM. Tuesday, March 21
Trenton, NJ to Northeast Philadelphia, PA (20 miles) 10 AM: Depart corner of New Falls Rd. & Woodbourne Rd. New Falls to Bensalem, Bensalem to Rte. 13. Rte. 13 becomes Frankfort; Frankfort to Robbins, Robbins to Rte. 1 (E. Roosevelt Blvd.), E. Roosevelt becomes W. Roosevelt. Destination: Corner of W. Roosevelt and W. Broad St. ETA: 4:00 PM. Walkers will stay with parents and friends of Sasha Kinney and Nathan Kleinman. Wednesday, March 22
Northeast Philadelphia, PA to downtown Philadelphia, PA (15 miles) 10 AM: Begin at N. Broad St. & W. Roosevelt. Broad to Temple University. Event @ Temple University, 12 PM to 2:30 PM. (More information available here.) Walkers will stay with hosts organized by David Gibson. Thursday, March 23
Open day - rally @ Independence Hall 10 AM: Meet at Temple University. Walkers will be joined by Peter Larson and students. Walk to Market Street,through City Hall, Market to 5th Street. Destination: Independence Hall 12 PM: Rally at Independence Hall (organized by Nathan Kleinman). Speakers include Nathan Kleinman, David Bredhoff, Simon Deng, Stephanie Nyombayire (Swarthmore student and Rwandan genocide survivor), Dr. Ibrahim Imam Mahmoud, Burt Siegel (Chair of the Philadelphia Jewish Community Relations Council). 2:30 PM: 5th to Walnut Street, Walnut to University of Pennsylvania. Destination: Walnut & 38th Street. 4:45 PM: Dinner with photo exhibit and discussion with Simon Deng et al. @ UPenn. Organized by Zenaida Santos and Tiffany Wagner Housing will be arranged by David Gibson. Friday, March 24
Philadelphia, PA to Swarthmore, PA (15 miles) 10 AM: UPenn (Walnut & 38th St.) to Rte. 13. Rte. 13 becomes Baltimore Avenue. Baltimore Pike to North Chester Rd., N. Chester to Swarthmore College. Walkers will be driven to Villanova University. Dinner, film and discussion at Villanova University, organized by Tiffany Wagner Housing will be organized by David Gibson. Saturday, March 25
Swarthmore, PA to Wilmington, DE (15 miles) 10 AM: Gather at Swarthmore University. N. Chester Rd. to Providence Ave., Providence to Kingsman @ I95, Kingsman to Concord, Concord to Baynad Blvd., Baynard Blvd. becomes Washington. End at Washington & E. 4th St. Possible event at Swarthmore University, organized by David Gibson. Sunday, March 26
Wilmington, DE to Newark, DE (15 miles) 10 AM: 4th St. to Madison, Madison to Maryland Ave. Maryland becomes E. Newport Pike, becomes W. Newport Pike. Maryland to Main St., Main to Delaware Park Blvd., Delaware Park becomes Main St., Main to Hillside Rd., Hillside becomes Barksdale. Barksdale becomes Brewsters Bridge Rd., Brewsters Bridge to Rte. 277. Monday, March 27
Newark, DE to Havre de Grace, MD (24 miles) Rte. 277 to Russel Rd. Russel becomes Elk Mills Rd., Elk Mills becomes Leeds Rd. Leeds to Union Valley Rd., Union Valley to Union Church Rd., Union Church to Stevenson Rd., Stevenson to Mechanicks Valley Rd., Mechanicks Valley to Rt. 7. Old Philadelphia Rd. to Roundhouse Dr., Roundhouse to Thomas Hatem Memorial Bridge. E on Rt. 763 to Erie St., Erie to Adams St., Adams to Rt. 7, Rt. 7 to Union Ave. Destination: 101 S. Union Ave (United Methodist Church) Tuesday, March 28
Havre de Grace, MD to Edgewood, MD (16 miles) 10 AM: Union St. to Revolution, Revolution becomes Old Post Rd., Old Post to Rte. 40, Rte. 40 to Rte. 24, Rte. 24 to Edgewood Rd. Destination: Edgewood Assembly of God Church, 803 Edgewood Rd., Edgewood, MD 21040 Wednesday, March 29
Edgewood, MD to Baltimore, MD (13 miles) 10 AM: Rte. 40 becomes Orleans St., Broadway to Fayette St., Fayette to President St., President to Pratt St., Pratt to Inner Harbor. Destination: Inner Harbor (ETA: 6:30 PM) Thursday, March 30
White Marsh, MD to Baltimore, MD (13 miles) 1 PM: Assemble at Inner Harbor. 2 PM: Rally/Press Conference. Route: Charles St. to Johns Hopkins University. 8 PM: Evening event @ Johns Hopkins. Housing provided by Ned Van Allen, Patrick Blair, friends of Helena Eilenberg and members of Schecter School. Friday, March 31
Baltimore, MD to Laurel, MD (20 miles) 10 AM: Pratt St. to Rte. 1, Rte. 1 to Cherry Lane, Cherry Ln. to Van Dusen. Destination: Oseh Shalom Religious School, 7250 Van Dusen Rd., Laurel, MD 20707 Housing provided by Rabbi Joanne Heiligman. Saturday, April 1
Laurel, MD to College Park, MD (15 miles) 10 AM: Assemble at Oseh Shalom Religious School. Van Dusen to Virginia Manor Rd., Virginia Maor to Ritz Way, Ritz to Rte. 1, Rte. 1 to Campus Dr. Destination: Campus Dr. & Regents Dr. 5:30 PM: Event @ University of Maryland. Organized by UMD STAND. Sunday, April 2
College Park to NW Washington D.C. (Through Tacoma Park) (15 miles) 10 AM: Begin at Campus Dr. & Regents Dr. Campus Dr. becomes University Blvd. University Blvd. to Rte. 212, Rte. 212 to 410 EW Hwy. Cross New Hampshire Ave (410 is now called Ethan Allen). Continue until Firehouse. Do not follow 410 - continue on same route (now called Carroll Avenue). Three blocks on Carroll to intersection with hanging traffic light (S. Carroll). Turn right, proceed two blocks, then right on Maple Avenue NE. Maple for 4 blocks until Philadelphia Ave (a.k.a. 410). Left on Philadelphia, continue until Wisconsin Ave. Wisconsin to Nebraska Ave. Destination: American University. ETA 6 PM. Monday, April 3
Open day Afternoon speech at grouping of high schools, organized by Jaime Bergerson. 7:30 PM: Evening event at Temple Sinai, 3100 Military Rd., NW Washington, D.C. 20015 Tuesday, April 4
6 PM: Event at American University organized by Talia Fraiman. Wednesday, April 5
To Capitol (5 miles) 10 AM: Begin at Nebraska Ave. & Massachusetts Ave (4400 Massachusetts Ave.) SE on Massachusetts to 22nd St. SW, 22nd St. to Pennsylvania Ave., past the White House, to Constitution. Destination: Capitol. 3:30 PM: Major rally at Capitol.
For more information visit this site http://sudanwalk.iabolish.com/logistics.html
(عدل بواسطة Kostawi on 04-07-2006, 07:41 PM)
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Re: التحيه لكستاوي ورفاقه الشرفاء من اهل واشنطون وهم يستقبلون مسيرة دارفور. (Re: خالد العبيد)
الأخت نجات البشير الأخت آمنة مختار و الأخ خالد العبيد
فرح أنا بوجودكم هنا لكم تحياتي
و سودانا فوق
الأخت أمنة للإجاب على سؤالك عن منوت بول أهديك هذه الصورة:

الصوره دي عمرها 15 سنه, نشرت في معظم الصحف الأمريكيةآنذك عشان منوت بهدل الزول اللابس فنلة صفره. و الزول أبو فنلة صفره ده كان جكسا بتاع أمريكا و سؤالي لك: الزول أبو فنلة صفرة ده إسمه منو?
Deng بكري Adil Osman الكوز الظلامي أحمد الريح و آخرين
إطلبوا الله و أطلعوا من هنا

أها يا بت مختار الأصفر واضح و ما فاضح.
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Re: التحيه لكستاوي ورفاقه الشرفاء من اهل واشنطون وهم يستقبلون مسيرة دارفور. (Re: Kostawi)
Sudan walk to go through Bucks
Bucks County Courier Times
The Sudan Freedom Walk is scheduled to pass through Bucks County today on its way from New York City to Washington, D.C. Walkers and their supporters are trying to bring attention to the bloody civil war in western Sudan and encourage the United Nations to send a peacekeeping force to the war-torn nation.
Walkers are expected to depart at about 10 a.m. from the corner of New Falls and Woodbourne roads (Five Points) in Middletown and proceed into Philadelphia.
The walk began in Manhattan Wednesday and is scheduled to end in Washington April 5. Manute Bol, the former Philadelphia 76ers star who is a native of Sudan, is an organizer and supporter of the walk. For more information, visit the event Web site at www.sudanfreedomwalk.org[/B.
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Re: التحيه لكستاوي ورفاقه الشرفاء من اهل واشنطون وهم يستقبلون مسيرة دارفور. (Re: Kostawi)
Hundreds of Youth March for Sudan Ahead of 300-Mile Walk
Thursday, Mar. 9, 2006 Posted: 7:58:49AM EST
NEW YORK - High school students in Long Island spent their late Wednesday morning out of the classroom and onto the public streets for a two-mile march that opened the community's ears to the humanitarian crises in Sudan.
Sudanese Simon Deng.
"It was really wonderful," said Helena Eilenberg, faculty member at Solomon Schechter. "The kids were really enthusiastic and spirited. They really felt that it counted."
Driven in inspiration by Deng and his testimony, the entire student body and faculty from Solomon Schechter, a private Jewish school, along with students from the public institution Glen Cove began their hour-long walk at 10:15 a.m. The local community was met with signs and chants from the youth whose voices rang out until they reached Glen Cove where they were joined by another 200-plus students for an assembly.
Eilenberg, teacher of Global Studies and Jewish history, said the Sudan walk helped empower the kids, enabling them to really make a difference. "They really felt that."
"When youth get involved, they have passion. It's infectious," she commented. "Our kids have learned about the Holocaust and always heard the words 'never again.' And to be able to act on the words [as] another group is being brutalized, our kids were saying, 'We won't let that happen again.'"
The student walk came ahead of the 300-mile Sudan Freedom Walk Deng will kick off mid-March in New York with participants raising awareness on Deng's planned journey to the nation’s capital by foot.
"We want to encourage the people of Long Island to take action so that the phrase 'Never Again' which is so often recited is not an empty one," said Eilenberg.
More religious groups have become increasingly involved in raising the Sudan issue, particularly the Darfur genocide, to the public and global platform. Elim Christian Assembly just recently hosted a speaking event with Deng in Staten Island and organizations such as the National Association of Evangelicals, the Anti-Defamation League, Jewish Community Relations Councils and synagogue social action committees have taken continual action on the crisis.
On Mar. 15, Deng will walk from New York to Washington, D.C., to shed light on the genocide and modern-day slavery ravaging his homeland. He is expected to reach the capital on
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Re: التحيه لكستاوي ورفاقه الشرفاء من اهل واشنطون وهم يستقبلون مسيرة دارفور. (Re: محمدين محمد اسحق)
Quote: أدو ضهرم للخرابة...بيت الأمم المتحدة |
لكم الحب والتقدير جميعا
شكرا كوستاوى
وخالد كودى
والتحية لكل المشاركين فى هذه التظاهرة الكبيرة
ونشكر الله على التشريد رب ضارة نافعة
وزمان اجدادنا قالوا انشاء الله فى كل بلد ولد
ان الضعفاء لا احد لهم الا الله وانتم ايها الشرفاء
هناك جيش من الارامل واليتامى وضحايا الاغتصاب
لا لهم الا الله وأنتم
معا من اجل تحقيق العدالة لهؤلاء الضعفاء
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