Re: يوم الملحمة و عدسات ود الجزولي ....قصة لحظة مجنونة لثورة عالمية دارفورية (Re: Kostawi)
God bless Sudan.Even jewish began to cry on it and fight for it.But we have to be very careful of that suspicious participation of people who even do not know what is Sudan mean?is it a country ?may be ?is it a name of animal? All I want to say is we have to solve our problems by ourselves and from inside sudan not from luxury seats in Mnhatin or chicago. Each time I saw Iraq on TV news I became terrified of the future of our beloved country
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Re: يوم الملحمة و عدسات ود الجزولي ....قصة لحظة مجنونة لثورة عالمية دارفورية (Re: Tragie Mustafa)
السيد: أمبدة. طيب ما تبدأ انت الحملة من داخل السودان منتظر إشارة من تراجى!!.
أبدأ من الردمية أو الجميعاب او الحارة العاشرة ما يهم من ميدان ابوجنزير المهم تبدأ من اى حتة ؟!.
لكن كونك تقول ان الناس دول بحملتهم دى يدعون الى الريب والشك وبمبرر ان ما يحصل فى العراق أكبر دليل على فداحة ما يمكن ان يحصل فى السودان , وان اليهود يشاركون فى الحملة مما يؤكد ميلك الى الشك , يا أخى اليهود دول ما امة من الناس والكلام الركبو ليك عبدالناصر تجاوزه السادات وحسنى انت تراثى اوى فى الحتة دى؟.
وقولك ان السودان دا اسم حيوان او بلد ما عارفين دى بالغت فيها يا أخى غاية المبالغة
الناس دول يعنى جايين يدافعوا عن حقوق الحيوان الاسموا ( سودان) برضوا ما قصروا؟!. كتر الله امثالهم. دول عملو اللى عليهم باقى ليك انت تبدأ لحل مشكلتك ومن خلال منظورك الوطنى الخالص اليجنب الغريب ما يقوم يتظاهر؟!.
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Re: يوم الملحمة و عدسات ود الجزولي ....قصة لحظة مجنونة لثورة عالمية دارفورية (Re: Kostawi)
salam everyone... and especial greetings to Targie and Kastowi
i was there... i was proud there i was amazed by the crowd there i was happy there happy that the 10,000 or more came for one reason to stop az one said the Nightmare of Darfur.. the Genocide of Darfur... i was there hopeful.. hopeful for the orphans the widows and the families of our Darfurans i was so astonished by the people different races and religions with one thing in common Darfur..
i was thouched by many of the speeches one of them By Mrs Targie.. but i was very ashamed by the attendence of the people of Sudan where were all the Sudanese that day???? i think that our attendence was weak... or my maybe my expections were higher???? but i was really ashamed.... dont u Kostawi, Tragie Adlan abdelaziz and whoever was there think the same????
I wish this rally would have a big affect on how things will change for Darfur...
سلام و تحايا للجميع... all togather For DARFUR
ولى قدام
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Re: يوم الملحمة و عدسات ود الجزولي ....قصة لحظة مجنونة لثورة عالمية دارفورية (Re: Kostawi)
Today is the peace agreement assignment for Darfur Yesterday was the same thing but for South sudan,Nuba mountain and south blue Tomorrow will be East sudan and it will never be North sudan or Gezira even they die of hunger and poverty simply there are many things cant be explained by words and be understood by those people. The people who pretend to be a fighter for Darfurian people by words at the same time kidding of people who live in Ombadda.Although ,many may not know,Ombadda and many if no most of khartoum and all Northern sudan has the problems of the west or even more. Iam a doctor and I swear that I saw children die of hunger(malnutrition)in heart of wealthy khartoum ,not one child or two,not for a day or so,but it is a routine image.If the angel called west and those jewish saw the photos and hear the stories of mothers and even of men who have no money to be treated I will be sure they will make a big march to support those people. Sorry my thoughts are not organized but we have to be realistic.Are those fighter Sudanese?just gaze at their photo the way they wear their clothes??we know Darfurian well even those in Soug Liybya in Ombadda city we know them as wealthy trader and some have billions of sudanese pounds....letus stop here for a while .....
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