Hamadab Dam forced resettlement continues

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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Hamadab Dam forced resettlement continues

    Hamadab Dam forced resettlement continues

    Dspite our continuous calls upon Khartoum government to postpone the implmentation of Hamadab dame until peace and democracy are achieved, it continued its efforts to displace the people and resettle them in the desert. Two days ago another 330 families have been focibly moved from their homes and resettled in the desert.We in the leadership office of the Hamadab affected people call upon all political parties and individuals to support our campaign to get this project postponed.We call on all supporters to sign our petition addressed to Lahmeyer International ( the German company which is providing the technical expertise to the government. We have already sent a similar letter to Alstom ( the French Company ) which has been awarded the contract to supply turbine g=enerators.
    Please sign the petition at the following link:

    Thanks for your support

    President,leadership Office of Hamadab Affected People(LOHAP

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