برلمان جنوب السودان يقر انشاء قوة جوية ونهرية وتدريب طواقم.. خطوة ممتازة

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06-25-2008, 10:12 AM

Yasir Elsharif
<aYasir Elsharif
تاريخ التسجيل: 12-09-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 50574

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
برلمان جنوب السودان يقر انشاء قوة جوية ونهرية وتدريب طواقم.. خطوة ممتازة


    June 24, 2008 (JUBA) — Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly passed today a defence bill indicating that the army should have his air force besides ground and riverine forces.

    Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly (Photoc SSLA)

    The lawmakers approved a Sudan People’s Liberation Army White Paper on Defence stating that the armed forces should consist of "grounds force supported by air and riverine units."

    The bill deals with the security environment of South Sudan, SPLA mission and role in the defence of southern Sudan, in addition to the administrative and military structure. The law also establishes a committee to monitor the management of SPLA budget.

    According to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed in 2005, the SPLA forces shall be funded by the Government of Southern Sudan while the SAF and the joint units are funded by the national government.

    Southern Sudan government has no military aircraft and Juba does not seem prioritising such plan. However formation of southern pilots is seen as first necessary step towards a future air force.

    The demobilisation and the professionalisation of the SPLA troops have been delayed since 2005 due to the lack of funds and fears that relieved soldiers without a profession or a job can create troubles in the south.

    The White Paper tries to trace a map for the transformation of the SPLA from a revolutionary army to a regular and conventional one with the formation and training of reduced army.


06-26-2008, 01:16 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 52720

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: برلمان جنوب السودان يقر انشاء قوة جوية ونهرية وتدريب طواقم.. خطوة ممتازة (Re: Yasir Elsharif)

    Good job

06-26-2008, 03:44 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 06-06-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 4132

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: برلمان جنوب السودان يقر انشاء قوة جوية ونهرية وتدريب طواقم.. خطوة ممتازة (Re: Deng)

    خطوات جادة وموفقة وممتازة ربنا يخضر ضراعكم

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