باقان أموم: يجب على الحكومة السودانية أن تعامل ثوار دارفور المعتقلين كأسرى حرب(POW)
صرح السكرتير العام للحركة الشعبية لتحرير السودان لصحيفة سودان تربيون الناطقة بالانجليزية وقال:
يجب على الحكومة السودانية أن تعامل الثوار المعتقلين من حركة العدل والمساوة الذين تم أعتقالهم بعد الهجوم العسكري الذي تم على العاصمة في العاشر من شهر مايو المنصرم كأسرى حرب. وأضاف أموم الذي يشغل أيضا منصب وزير شئون الرئاسة بمجلس الوزراء، وعلى الحكومة أن تلتزم بالقوانين الدولية التي تتعلق بأسرى الحرب ويجب أن يكون مصيرهم في نهاية الامر متعلق بالحل لمشكلة دارفور. ولقد كانت الحركة الشعبية تعامل الاسرى لديها كأسرى حرب ولقد تم أطلاق صرحهم بعد إتفاقية السلام الشامل..
Sudan should treat rebels as prisoners of war - Pagan Monday 23 June 2008. June 22, 2008 (KHARTUM) — The Secretary General of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) said government has to treat as prisoners of war (POWs), people arrested after the attack carried by the Justice and Equality Movement on the capital on May 10.
Pagan Amum Pagan Amum, who is also the cabinet affairs minister, said JEM rebels who participated in Omdurman attack should be treated as POWs. He added that the government accordingly has to implement the international law on prisoners of war.
The SPLM Secretary General further asked that their future have to be tied to the end of war in Darfur and the resolution of conflict.
Sudan formed special courts to try rebels arrested after JEM attack. Prosecutors accused the defendants of conspiring against the constitution, waging war against the state and terrorizing civilians. They face the death penalty if convicted.
Sudanese Justice Minister also announced that he will ask Interpol to arrest 20 Darfur rebel leaders accused of involvement in the foiled attack on the capital.
Pagan said that the SPLM during the war had always treated the captured soldiers as POWs who are released following the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.
He underlined that these people have a political difference in the first place.
Since the foiled coup, right groups published reports about arbitrary detention of people from Darfur in Khartoum State, cruel treatment and torture.
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