المذيع العنصرى Don Imus مستمر فى سب الافارقه الامريكان

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06-26-2008, 04:20 AM

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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
المذيع العنصرى Don Imus مستمر فى سب الافارقه الامريكان

    Radio host Don Imus claims a racist remark he made on his show was meant as a joke.

    On Monday, Imus' sportscaster, Warner Wolf, mentioned that football player Adam "Pacman" Jones had been arrested. Imus retorted, "What color is he?"

    "African American," said Wolf.

    "Well, there you go," said Imus. "Now we know."

    Don Imus through the years Photos In April 2007, Imus referred to the Rutgers women's basketball team as a bunch of "nappy-headed hos." He resurrected his radio career six months ago on WABC-AM with a pledge to mend the wounds caused by that comment.

    On Tuesday, he said he was following the spirit of that promise by calling attention to the unfair treatment of blacks — in this case the arrest of Jones, the suspended Dallas Cowboys cornerback. "What people should be outraged about is that they arrest blacks for no reason," Imus said Tuesday.

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