المؤتمر الثالث والعشرين لمنظمة الإشتراكية الدولية(أثينا:30يونيو - 2يوليو2008)
Quote: Previous Congresses
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Previous Congresses São Paulo 27-29 October 2003 Paris 08-10 November 1999 New York 09-11 September 1996 Berlin 15-17 September 1992 Stockholm 20-22 June 1989 Lima 20-23 June 1986 Albufeira 07-10 April 1983 Madrid 12-14 November 1980 Vancouver 03-05 November 1978 Geneva 26-28 November 1976 Vienna 26-29 June 1972 Eastbourne 16-20 June 1969 Stockholm 05-08 May 1966 Brussels 05-06 September 1964 Amsterdam 09-12 September 1963 Rome 23-27 October 1961 Hamburg 14-17 July 1959 Vienna 02-06 July 1957 London 12-16 July 1955 Stockholm 15-18 July 1953 Milan 17-21 October 1952 Frankfurt 30 June-03 July 1951 Congresses XXIII Congress of the Socialist International, Athens Global Solidarity: The courage to make a difference30 June-02 July 2008
Under the overarching theme Global Solidarity: The courage to make a difference, the XXIII Congress of the Socialist International, when it meets in Athens, Greece from 30 June to 2 July, will address four key issues which are at the heart of the worldwide social democratic movement today and at the centre of the international community’s concerns: climate change, peace and the resolution of conflicts, the world economy and the question of migration.
The debates on the themes of the Congress will include addresses by leading key-note speakers, contributions by delegates from member parties and, additionally, panel discussions for a closer examination of some specific aspects of each Congress theme.
The first main theme ACTING NOW ON CLIMATE CHANGE: To achieve a sustainable world society will build on the ongoing work of the Socialist International Commission for a Sustainable World Society, which has already met in London in November 2007 and in Santiago, Chile, in March 2008. The debate will also include two panel discussions, firstly How to arrive successfully at a post-2012 regime? followed by How do we strengthen the multilateral architecture for a sustainable future?
WORKING FOR A WORLD IN PEACE: To resolve conflicts and overcome instability will highlight the Socialist International’s engagement in different areas of the world where there is open conflict or where peace and stability are under threat in a debate with the key actors involved. The panel discussion under this second main theme, Struggling for democracy to eradicate national conflict, will address the concerns for peoples around the world where a lack of democracy is leading to repression, violence and human suffering.
Keynote speakers will contribute to the theme SETTING THE GLOBAL ECONOMY ON A NEW PATH: To bring growth and development with opportunities for all, with a panel addressing the issue of food shortages and hike in prices, under the title Dealing with the food crisis: the long-term view. On this third main theme a report will be presented by the International’s Committee working on economic issues, resulting from discussions by member parties from different regions of the world during this inter-Congress period.
Fourthly, the Congress will tackle the impact of migration globally, with the theme GIVING MIGRATION A HUMAN FACE: To build a new migration agenda placing people first, during which a report will be discussed from the Committee which has been dealing with the issues arising due to this phenomenon in all regions around the world. A panel discussion will focus on Migration and development, looking at how both countries of origin and those of destination can benefit from migratory flows.
The Congress, hosted by the Panhellenic Socialist Movement, Pasok, the Greek member party of the organisation, will gather some 600 delegates, including party leaders, among them some ######### of government and Presidents of Republics, ministers, parliamentarians, and party representatives from over 140 countries around the world, as well as invited guests.
The Congress, the highest decision-making body of the organisation, will set the political priorities and strategies for the period ahead, and will admit new members and elect the authorities of the International.
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