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Who covered by international community is naked by Ibrahim Sulieman
03-24-2017, 10:58 PM |
Ibrahim Sulieman
Ibrahim Sulieman
Registered: 02-23-2017
Total Posts: 2
Who covered by international community is naked by Ibrahim Sulieman
10:58 PM March, 25 2017 Sudanese Online Ibrahim Sulieman-UK My Library Short URL
What President Trump has announced during his inaugural celebration, he will give priority to the America’s interest in his all of international deals, in reality; this is what was other leaders of powerful countries are inclusively doing, without revealing, as a sort of diplomatic tact and measure of civility. This has become a part of history, right now; so many leaders do not care to cover their mouths when they feel sleepy, from the monotonous third world issues. The civilized world leaders are seem fed up with the screaming of the third world nations and get bored from their continuous calling for “SOS”. Also, they seem fed up with their negative attitudes and relying on other to deter their executioner. No doubt, this unveiling in the USA intentions is justified, although it prevailing the law of the jungle, which means humanity will be in real danger. Pessimists believe this is necessary to put an end for coming up population explosion on the planet. Certainly, this unsurprising shift in the struggle between right and wrong would have beyond. Based on this shift, wish powerful countries leave the peoples of the third world alone, in order to activate a self-survival rule of the fittest cosmic law, and rely on the laws of primitive continuity of governance, so corrupt ruling system will decay automatically, without direct international intervention to protect their interests that might intercross with hopes of these people who struggle to make their way with such of disappointment to real freedom, justice and democracy.
A serious mistake which has been committed by those peoples, they face their persecutors and their eyes pointed toward the international community, wishing their support as the crucial factor in winning their battles without glories, thus, they lose focusing and being tripped easily. From now and later on, if they wish to win, they have to adapt their revolutionary and reformist energies, on the basis the sea in front of them and the killer in behind. And they have to truly realized, the greatest countries always with a fait accompli situation on the ground, regardless of the legitimacy of who represent it, and nevertheless of their methods to stick to the power.
Who waiting for the international community to toppled a dictator regime because of their violations the human rights of its citizens, and then appoint them as governors in their adult voices of voters, those kinds of dreamer individuals, definitely their waiting will last longer. Also who expecting a leader of greatest and powerful country should not smile on the face of a slaughterer leader from the third world, certainly will die of anger. Moreover, who believe UN Security Council will not just mention “condemn and denounce” on its series of resolutions and do nothing, will be a dreamer. Furthermore, who think ICC will scare the killers to stop committing genocide, will be fictional. On the other hand, who waiting for international aid to fulfill their starvation may die of hunger. Many people do not realize “UN had paid millions of dollars to help the hunger Syrians who burned by war fires, however, the money has been sent to BASHAR’s family, mainly to his wife. UN confessed with this fact” refer to Lebanon Leader Walid Jumblatt !!
During his well-known speech in Cairo, the previous US President Obama advised the Middle East nations, they need a kind of Cultural Revolution. Not many people considered this brief advice, which we believe he means the dependency and asked for help inherent, however, no doubt the Egyptian youth got the core of this message and active it effectively, thus, they were able to achieve their self-determination. We can say in case they are not happy with their current leader Al-SISI, surely they will not looking to the international community who did not protect them from former President MABARAK’s stick, and will not stand between them and President Al-SISI in case he repeat the same scenario.
Within the exposed game of major international interests, we expect all nations will leave to face their destinies. Consequently, in the battles with their executioners, their wishes will be not more than neutral stand from the powerful and greatest states, instead of their former hopes of getting their “SOS” signals and react to them promptly. The world seems have abandoned the ideology, so it’s not necessary for a leader to be a liberal or socialist, repressive or democratic, criminal or a wise governor, the most important, their abilities to keep sticking to power cabinets and taking care of the international business hit or miss. This dramatically shift in today’s world, compel revolution leaders to forget their traditional and potential allies, and thinking about self- resources, could be (Gold mines or farms). It has been said, in politics “where there is not exit, you have to commit suicide on your terms, instead of shaking hands with executioner and then receive a stab of the poisoned dagger”
Since the eternity, the conclusions of the struggle between right and wrong has been controversial, Scholars believe the survival of the fittest, not the fascists, hence, we should focus on negatives of the corrupted regimes, work hard to expose their crimes and publish sorts of their frauds and lobbying against spoilers.
There are vital Historical scenarios evidence of proof, whenever the corrupted regimes has been uncovered from their moral authority, certainly, the Physical power will not protect them longer
Ibrahim Suleiman/London
Freelance Journalist and Columnist Writer
Interested in Sudan Margin Issues
[email protected]
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الأهرامات من البجراوية إلى الجيزة من بناها ..!؟ بقلم حامد جربوزينوبة والكسرة والعرديب في مهرجان سدني الأفريقي بقلم نورالدين مدنيذاكرة النسيان؛ الحوار هو السلاح الوحيد القادر على تدمير الحرب والفتنة في السودان. بقلم إبراهيم إسماسكت الرباب واخوفي من طول الطريق أمشيهو كيف بين المغارب والمساء بقلم عبير المجمر(سويكت) عبد العزيز البطل: إلخ (1-2) بقلم عبد الله علي إبراهيم صفحات مشرقة بقلم د. عارف الركابي الكهرباء السياحية..!! بقلم عبدالباقي الظافروزارتني ليلاً !! بقلم صلاح الدين عووضةفي مفهوم الجاهلية بقلم الطيب مصطفىالكنيسة الإنجيلية : الإنتهاكات الكبيرة!! بقلم حيدر احمد خيراللهالدكتور / زاهي حواس وزير الآثار المصري السابق ومصر التي كانت ولا زالت عاراً علي الأمة العربية والإسوطن ,بلارسن بقلم بدوى تاجونجع الفرسان الاصائل شعر نعيم حافظأئمة و قادة الدواعش يسرقون الكثير و يُعطون الفتات القليل بقلم احمد الخالديالمؤتمر الوطنى وإنعدام التخطيط الإستراتيجي لإدارة الدولة-السياسة الخارجية /نموذجاً بقلم يوسف الطيحكايات خفيفة وطرائف 8 بقلم هلال زاهر الساداتي العصيان المدني هو الطريق الوحيد للتخلص من الكيزان بقلم الطيب محمد جادهابقو الصمود ما تبقو زيف ابقو الصمود ما تبقو خوف بقلم عبير المجمر(سويكتليبقى الجيش الشعبي ...أو يتفتت السودان المتبقي ..وغير مأسوفا عليه بقلم المهندس مادوجي كمودو برشم
المنبر العام
بيان من حزب مصر القوية حول منع ابوالفتوح من دخول السودان قدر شوية التصليح والعمار الحاصل في السودان حاصل بي مجهود الشعب ما مجهود الحكومة كارثة: مصر تقر بتزوير مستند بلد المنشأ لإدخال المنتجات الزراعية للسودان (فيديو)أحذر من شراء الذهب المصري .. تعرف على أنواع الغش في الذهب المصري...نعــي أليم ... الحاجة نصرة أحمد خوجلي في ذمة اللهمقاطعة المنتجات المصرية .. من أجل صحتك وعزتك وكرامتك واعتزازك بوطنكمتوجا وحاملا شهادة رضاء شعبك وما أعظمها من شهادة يا زميل(صور)تعقيب النعمان حسن على موضوع أثاره د. محمد حسن عن الاستقلال:(لأول مرة.. استيراد 5 آلاف عجل من السودان لتربيتها في مصر) حكم سودانى يحكم بالطبنجة بدل الصفارةالجالية السودانية بمصر تتنفس الصعداء على انتهاء الازمة الاعلامية بين البلدين ترامب يمدد العقوبات على دويلة "جنوب السودان" لعام آخرالولايات المتحدة تحذر دويلة "جنوب السودان" من «أساليب التجويع المتعمد»ومن يبتغ غير الاسلام دينا..عدنان الرفاعييا اخوانا ... عثمان صالح ما كفاهو كده ... حرجلنا كمل ...أكوكو الخطير تزوج من 130 امرأةأسماء حركات دارفور لماذا مُنِعَ من دخول السودان؟ عبدالمنعم أبو الفتوح الطالب الذي جادل السادات في شجاعةصدور كتاب (تحديديات بناء الدولة السودانية) للكاتب محمد الفكي سليمان الميرغني يرفض ترشيحات الحسن ويدفع بالسر وإبراهيم للحكومةسيرة ومسيرة سودانى عاش قرابة ال79 عاما فى اوربا ( العم حسن ارباب ) فايزة نقد : في ذكرى الراحل المقيم الأستاذ محمد إبراهيم نقد22 مارس (يوم الفراق المر)أم بديلة ولا أم حقيقية؟ بقلم سهيرعبدالرحيم اليوم 23 مارس: يمة – أمي – ماما بحبك بحبك بحببببببببك...... تقرير حكومي بألمانيا يقرر أن الأغنياء في ألمانيا يزدادون ثراء بينما يزداد الفقراء فقراالتلفزيون الفرنسي عاجل انقلاب عسكري في سوريا وضباط يسيطرون على وزارة الدفاع ويحاصرون قصر الرئاسة
04-01-2017, 09:19 PM |
Saeed Mohammed Adnan
Saeed Mohammed Adnan
Registered: 08-26-2014
Total Posts: 348
Re: Who covered by international community is naked by Ibrahim Sulieman (Re: Ibrahim Sulieman)
Dear Ibrahim Sulieman You are putting your finger on the correct direction of the way we should focus. Yet, I believe, it is missing the most important role for us to care for: that is, lining up with the conclusive contentions of humanity as a whole.
The state of the world community at the moment is the state of a hurricane-struck world, where, while sheltering from the storm bouts and flood sweeps, they cower in fright from meeting with the eye of the storm. It is true what you mention of natural selection being the bone of survival, given the laws of evolution, and that we should keep it close to mind if we want to think intelligently: thus, deal with the storm bouts and flood sweeps, by virtue of our extra asset: the human brains. Albeit, all life and its memories are mortal and destined to end, by the eye of that storm or of another. There is no fixing for that. Our only option is to make useful our short journey, mainly in satisfying spiritual cleanliness, if we are believers, or achieve best of happiness and satisfaction, which is only by eliminating as many unhappy experiences as we can. So, for the dancing eye of the storm, with all the lethality it visits with, we have only the law of wisdom and guile: the eternal struggle between ethics and power, to fix the lustre of our fate, by cure quelling the human insanity from the inconsistency of the power of the brain to fantasize with the power of reality to achieve these fantasies. That is how philosophers conceded that the best thing is to place the bridle of our ethics to the rein of our brains to swerve us away from mischief. Not just look at what the world can do for us, like your example of Sudan, or what we show the world how we can depend on ourselves, like your example of Egypt, but we need to be an active member of that world community to empower rationale for controlling power by ethics, not vice versa: i.e., contend with the world order. Source: andlt;a href="http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/esdb/2bb.cgi؟seq=postandboard=15andmsg=1490396312andrn=1" target=_selfandgt;Who covered by international community is naked by Ibrahim SuliemanWho covered by international community is naked by Ibrahim Sulieman
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