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Articles and ViewsThe trick of US sanctions is only collusion with the Sudanese tyranny...؟
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The trick of US sanctions is only collusion with the Sudanese tyranny...؟

07-27-2017, 02:26 AM
Adaroub Sedna Onour
<aAdaroub Sedna Onour
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 120

The trick of US sanctions is only collusion with the Sudanese tyranny...؟

    01:26 AM July, 27 2017

    Sudanese Online
    Adaroub Sedna Onour-
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    In the aftermath of the bombings of the New York Towers, carried out by al-Qaeda under the leadership of Osama bin Laden, The US administration under president push, haunted any suspect that could possibly be behind the disaster that it had not anticipated , and divided the universe into two camps: either with America or against it, Of course, the Sudanese tyranny ranked top on the list of suspects, for hosting terrorist groups of every description ,and on which territory, Sheikh Osama bin Laden was residing as a most-welcomed extraordinary guest ؟ Afraid of the vengeance of the wounded American beast, the Sudanese regime arrested a group of innocent people ,selected at random ,and who had nothing to do with terrorism or with Sheikh usama bin Laden and handed them over to the United States ,to bait the beast and save the necks of those who were hosting bin Laden؟ Surprisingly, America swallowed the bait and did not demand the extradition of those who were hosting bin Laden؟؟؟؟؟؟ From that day on began a game of cat - and- mouse, which we were and will continue to be its victims and all-time –losers (irrespective of if the sanctions were eased or altogether annulled؟ Ever since, America began to exploit the weakness of the regime to squeeze concessions. Today, the USA is engaging with the regime run by the very people who are still at the helm of Sudan since then, which clearly indicates that any argument that there is a rivalry between the USA and the Sudanese tyranny is just stupid and ridiculous. Take a quick glance at the fighting among the tribes in Darfur, and the so recent expulsion of 2,000 students from the Darfur region on shameful and flagrant racial and ethnological basis؟؟ In fact, I dare say unreservedly that the USA and the regime are two faces of the same coin and are pulling in the same direction, I hate to say that, but all indicators back my argument, therefore, no body should expect any good from this evil alliance. The regime which neglected to alleviate poverty in Sudan, or improve the living conditions of its hard up people ,during the oil boom time and the huge cash flows from oil and gold revenues , is logically unlikely to change its anti-people attitudes ,whether the sanctions remained or were removed . Likewise, America does not have any clear vision or strategy of rehabilitating the war-torn country. Such being the case, the deadline of next October will most likely be missed , and our tragedy will drag on for keeps. So, let us not be put off or disencouraged , but press a head , remain focused and re-define who is friend and who is foe , till we rid our country of this isolated and unfriended tyranny …now that we knew the sanctions to be a hoax and a filthy trick based on flimsy evidence .
    Adaroub sedna onour.

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