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Articles and Views El-Geneina Massacre - 51 between Dead and Injured so far, Direct Victims of Al-Bashir Orders
El-Geneina Massacre - 51 between Dead and Injured so far, Direct Victims of Al-Bashir Orders
01-20-2016, 05:10 AM |
Osama Mahmoud
Osama Mahmoud
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 15
El-Geneina Massacre - 51 between Dead and Injured so far, Direct Victims of Al-Bashir Orders
04:10 AM Jan, 20 2016 Sudanese Online Osama Mahmoud- My Library Short URL The escalation of the Sudan government violence against the civilians of west Darfur has resulted in a number of dead and injured persons. Over the last three days, the initial list of 12 victims has been populated with more victims, which is indicative of the level of hostility and aggression inflicted by the the government's Rapid Speed Force (RSF) on the innocents of Darfur. Below are the lists of dead and injured thus far:
Dead civilians:
Salah Adam Haroun ، Taha Hussien Adam Ismail ، Habib Mohammed Yagoub ، Abbaker Yahya ، Ramadan AbdelKareem ، Abdelaziz Mohammed Ahmed ، Mohammed Ibrahim Ishag ، AbdelRazig Ishag Jumaa، Abdelnasir Abdelkareem Abdel Allah، Mohammed Sharif Adam ، Yahya Jumaa Yagoub ، Mubarak Mohammed Yagoub ، Suleiman Yousif Khamees Musa and Mohammed Ibrahim Ishag. Injured civilians: Al-Omda Alnour Abdelaziz Abdelgadir ، Arbab Fadul Suleiman ، Hussien Ibrahim Hamid ، Fatima Mohammed Hassan ، Ramadan Alamin ، Yousif Hamid Hussien ، AbdelRazig Yousif Hammad، Ismail Jumaa Abdelrahman، AbdelRazig Ishag Jumaa ، Ali Mahdi Abdelrahman ، Adam Abbaker Adam ، Mahialdeen Yasin Ibrahim ، Alrasheed Ahmad Abdel Allah Idrees ، Abdelmajeed Abbaker ، Ibrahim Abdel Allah Mahdi ، Abdel Allah Mahmoud Hussien، Mubarak Omer Mohammed ، Shareef Adam Mohammed ، Abdel Allah Ahmed Mohammed ، Janal Mohammed Ishag ، Abdelmajid Adam Ismail ، Mohammed Abdel Allah Ibrahim ، Idrees Ahmed Alnour ، Osman Hassan Abdel Allah Suleiman ، Ibrahim Abdel Allah Mohammed ، Shareef Adam Abdel Allah Dahia، Alnour Abdelaziz ، Abdelmajeed Arbab Dahia ، Hussien Alnour Ibrahim ، Hussien Dafa Allah Mohammed ، Jumaa Abdelrahman ، Abdeljalil Ahmed Muhammed، Abdelfatah Ibrahim Adam ، Idrees Adam Idrees Suleiman، Yousif Arbab ، Abubaker Abdelrahman Mohammed and Fatouma Khalifa Adam Abbaker. Darfur Union in the United Kingdom ask the United Nation and the Security Council to open an International lead investigation with regards to the latest crimes and violations of human rights taken place in West Darfur by the government troops. It is high time for the world to turn the attention to Darfur, as it appears a second Genocide is unfolding before our eyes. Many countries in the world are still providing support to Al-Bashir regime; the international community must act by applying pressure on those governments to stop supplying war equipments, which are used directly to kill the innocents across the Sudan. Please join us in the next London Demo - Darfur is Calling - at 1pm on Saturday the 23rd of January 2016 in front of the Sudanese Embassy in Green Park, London.
A copy of this statement will be distributed to the following representative office:-
1) Office of International Criminal Court's chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda,
2) The Sudans department, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office
3) United Nation, UNAMID Central Press Office, Kenya
4) Office of Secretary General, United Nation
5) Office of Secretary General, African Union Kind regards، Osama Mahmoud Deputy Press Secretary
Darfur Union in the United Kingdom Please visit our website for the latest at http://darfurunionuk.wordpress.comhttp://darfurunionuk.wordpress.com Email us on: [email protected]
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