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Articles and Views Al-Bashir Is Putting The Finishing Touch To The Forgotten Darfur Crisis By Khalid Abdallah Abker
Al-Bashir Is Putting The Finishing Touch To The Forgotten Darfur Crisis By Khalid Abdallah Abker
04-13-2016, 10:19 PM |
خالد عبدالله ابكر
خالد عبدالله ابكر
Registered: 08-25-2014
Total Posts: 4
Al-Bashir Is Putting The Finishing Touch To The Forgotten Darfur Crisis By Khalid Abdallah Abker
10:19 PM April, 14 2016 Sudanese Online خالد عبدالله ابكر- My Library Short URL During his recent visit to Darfur on April 1st 2016, the President of the Republic of Sudan, Omer Al-Bashir called upon Internal Displaced Persons (IDPs) across Darfur to choose between two options: either returning back to their villages, or being located around major cities as an alternative choice. Al-Bashir confirmed that the war in Darfur has come to an end and there will not be any further peace talks with the Armed Movements. The president stressed that the only way forward to peace is the roadmap proposal submitted by the African Union High-Level Implementation panel (AUHIP), led by president Mbeki, who supports Sudan’s government National Dialogue process. Ever since mid-January Al-Bashir’s government is exploiting the silence of the international community towards the Darfur crisis to put its finishing touch to his war against civilians. Therefore, Jebbel Marra, the last populated area with over 500,000 people, has been under heavy attacks by Sudan regular forces and the Rapid Support Forces, using bombardment, shelling and ground attack. The attacks displaced around 130,000 people according to UN officials. However, these numbers are doubtful because the fighting was launched from four different points on a wide area that expanded to three States. International agencies as well as United Nations and African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID)’s operations are completely paralysed due to the government’s intimidation and the threaten of being expelled from Darfur. It is obvious that this recent fighting between Sudan Liberation Army, led by Abdel-Wahid, and Sudan’s government has no war prisoners yet, at least on the government’s side, in addition soldiers of Rapid Support Forces were seen in all cities around Jebbel Marra carrying properties, which had looted from citizens. This is a clear proof that the war is only against civilians. After displacing the civilians, Al-Bashir was planning to visit Jebbal Marra to announce the end of the war in Darfur but the presence of the rebels prevented him from doing so. The immediate priority of the government is to conduct the administrative referendum. The results of such referendum will be five states as the government had planned, because Darfur has been controlled by state emergency right from the beginning of the war and there is no possible way to conduct a free and fair referendum. Following the referendum the IDP’s camps will be dismantled by force. Therefore, a huge number of victims are yet to be witnessed as the international community has been giving the Darfur crisis a deaf ear. The regime also intends to sponsor fake tribes reconciliations with false promises for compensations for IDPs and refugees. This is the reason why a religious group has been brought from Khartoum to Darfur during Al-Bashir’s visit to campaign for reconciliation. In this visit, Darfurian people were threatened with excommunication if they comply with their preaching. Furthermore the government is constantly negotiating with the African Union and The United Nations to end the presence of the UNAMID in Darfur. If the government fails to accomplish its goals, the security authorities will conduct massive attacks on UNAMID to make their presence on the ground miserable and to force the countries that have joined the peace keeping mission in Darfur to withdraw their troops. The other agencies will be expelled. To conclude, Darfur will witness severe human rights violations, if the international community does not take responsibility in order to protect the civilian population in Darfur and bring a solution to this forgotten crisis.
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