01-24-2016, 04:04 AM |
Adeeb Yousif
Adeeb Yousif
Registered: 05-27-2014
Total Posts: 3
Massive Human Rights Abuses in Jebel Marra by Adeeb Yousif
03:04 AM Jan, 24 2016 Sudanese Online Adeeb Yousif- My Library Short URL
Civilian populations in Jebel Marra, a district in Darfur, Sudan, is currently experiencing massive human rights abuses, war crimes, crimes against humanity and all other forms of brutal atrocities. These atrocities are being practiced by the Government of Sudan (GoS) and the GoS supported Janjaweed militia--now operating in the region as the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). Civil conflict in Darfur began in 2003, and became widely publicized--especially with the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, widespread sexual assaults, burning of villages and the displacement of millions of people from their homes to internally displaced persons (IDP) and refugee camps. Additionally, those who found themselves in these camps were faced with very limited humanitarian services and poor security. Unfortunately, the conflict is still nowhere near an end and the suffering continues. From January 15 to present day, the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), with its supported Border Guard Forces and RSF have been targeting civilian populations. In this past week, they have murdered 51 innocent civilians, burned 13 villages, displaced about 7,000 civilians from 48 villages, looting hundreds of thousands of livestock and other civilian properties. Recently the GoS and its supported militias attacked the village of Molie in West Darfur--where 15 civilians were killed, the village was burned to the ground and many others were injured. The inhumanity, rawness and tragedy are that the GoS continually uses starvation as a weapon of war against the masses of innocent civilians in Darfur. Indeed, they are also using starvation as a tool for domination in Jebel Marra. Since the GoS and its forces have seized the area, no basic human needs can enter the region, and no one can escape--or even seek food, water and humanitarian aid. Civilian populations are suffering unabatedly--especially women, children and those who are sick. Moreover, the GoS has been depriving civilians from exiting the conflict zone because of their recent policies to dismantle the IDP camps and to mislead the global community. On January 20, 2016, the GoS had suspended and expelled Tearfund—non-governmental and humanitarian aid organizations. This will increase the suffering of the IDPs whom are depending on foreign aid to survive. These crimes are neither Sudanese crimes, nor African crimes; these are global crimes against humanity which demand international intervention.
What needs to be done؟ 1. Immediately stop the aerial bombardment on civilian populations and their villages. 2. Stop all human rights abuses and atrocities against civilians 3. Allow NGOs and UN agencies to reach and provide humanitarian aid to the needy people. 4. Send an unbiased, international team to investigate what happen and hold conflicting parties accountable.
Adeeb Yousif` President of World Peace and Reconciliation (WPandR)
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