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Articles and ViewsCAT REVENGE short story by Mohammed Alfatih Mubarak Adam
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CAT REVENGE short story by Mohammed Alfatih Mubarak Adam

03-21-2015, 01:19 AM
Mohammed Alfatih Mubarak Adam
<aMohammed Alfatih Mubarak Adam
Registered: 03-21-2015
Total Posts: 6

CAT REVENGE short story by Mohammed Alfatih Mubarak Adam

    00:19 AM Mar, 21 2015
    Sudanese Online
    Mohammed Alfatih Mubarak Adam-Kassala-Sudan
    My Library at SudaneseOnline

    chapter 1
    newyork city ;
    Once a time ,rosa was
    listening to the music.and ironing the
    cloths.suddenly, she heard
    the bill ringing.she thought
    that her
    husband is in the door_
    step.but, that was their neighbor, lewis he is
    a fishman.
    How are you , she said.
    I'm verywell,madam, he
    How about your husband, he asked.
    He is verywell, he went to
    his work , she replayed.
    He left few minutes later.
    Now days we don't have
    guests, i should bring the milk before john
    comes, she whispered.
    She daily,brings five liters
    of milk to the family from
    their small
    farm .sometimes ten, to make ;butter, cheese, or
    yoghurt.they have two
    cows,in their farm.
    She entered the house and
    complished her
    duties.cleaning the rooms of the house.
    she sat watching the
    television,thinking about
    her husband ;john.
    chapter 2
    ********************* john is a kind
    person.tall ,thin,with black
    hair and green eyes.his
    works as a taxi driver.he
    daily goes to his work
    early in the morning and returns back home at
    the evening.john
    sometimes come back too
    to his house.
    But, that day he was too late and delayed.
    what seem to be the
    matter? , she asked her
    She picked her mobile and
    phoned him.but, no answer.
    His telephone was in silence
    she became more anxious.
    Then, she went
    upstair .that she may watch
    the lights of his taxi.
    Finally, she went to her bed
    and hug the baby of the
    She went to sleep one kilometre per a
    second.because , she was
    When john about to
    returns home , he found
    her missed calls . He called back . But, no body
    answered his calls.
    He became anxious too.
    He drove 1kilometre per a
    second too!
    His body was sweat , as a result of hot whether.
    He knocked the door with
    his shaking hand,can't hold
    his breathe for a
    while but, she was
    sleeping . Then, he dialled the house telephone ,
    also, no response to his calls.what is going on?, he
    Finally, he rang the bill,
    which was forgetten! She
    wokeup and opened
    the door . They closed to each other extremly and
    entirely till , no
    space for the wind
    between them,even he
    could smell her perfume in
    his clothes. Why you are too
    late today, you should call
    me . I got worry
    and anxious. She said.
    He took her in his arm as a
    child as paul!then, they entered their
    little beautiful house. He
    opened the television to
    watch the news.
    Whereas she went to
    prepare the dinner. paul was sleeping . He is the
    only and the first son for
    them.they all
    were going to the parks,
    zoo, cinema,. . . .Etc, at the
    weekends. they love the sunday so
    much. Sometimes they go
    to the church in that day.
    Paul, was just like a
    aroma for their life.they love him so much. Because
    they have no son except
    him.since they got
    marry few years ago.
    Rosa, wokeup paul, and
    they took their meal.then , they went to sleep.
    The next day , early in the
    morning ,john wokeup
    and rosa too. But,
    paul decided to stay in his
    bed. He rejected going to the school . Why
    you don't like to go to the
    school,are you not afraid
    to loose your
    lessons for today ? His
    mother asked. I everyday dream with a
    cat saying to me :
    "i'll kill you as soon as you
    arrive to the school", he
    But, dear this is just dreams and not more. Please
    descripe it to me . She said.
    It is a black cat ,walking on
    the flame with red spark in
    his eyes and
    bigger than a dog! He told. Paul, john , and rosa . They
    all were afraid and scarred.
    Paul reached the 13th but ,
    he still feels horror!
    It followed him among
    periods of his life time. The nightmares are still
    following him.but, no way
    to last forever.
    Chapter 3
    once a day he came back from the school with his
    friends. They
    intended to visit his family
    and to stay with him for
    few hours. They
    talked about the nightmares , ghosts,
    witches, the devils and
    They adviced him to
    change his bed position, and direction.
    Also , to keep a bible close to him.but, the cat
    was listening to them too!
    The nightmares stopped to
    come for ####### days . Then,
    they returned back again!
    The cat tried to come for many times . But, no
    way,Finally, rosa took
    the bible , and went to the
    church with it ,she put it in
    the cupboard
    when she returned back. Chapter 4
    John's family for three
    days , they haven't drunk
    a milk.rosa daily
    puts the milk in the kitchen . But, no longer it
    She told her husband
    about it.
    They planned to find out ,
    who is taking the milk daily,who is the doer.
    But,they fall sleeping while
    they were waiting for the
    thief with no eye glance.
    The day after, they put
    some salt into their eyes to avoid being sleeping!
    And they drunk lots of tea
    and coffee.
    A great , huge , and big
    cat , came into the kitchen
    through the window! They were looking at it,
    It was just like ,five
    month's age dog.
    And the cat too,was
    looking at them. The cat drunk the milk and
    went out through the
    window again with no
    little attention or fear.
    They followed him, by
    their eyes. They were close to the
    window observing at that
    It converted to a young
    beautiful girl ,then, a bird
    and then, flew away. Rosa, remembered her
    son's nightmare dream!
    And his description for the
    Then, she told john
    saying :this is the same exact cat which paul
    descriped and told us
    chapter 5
    once a day, paul invited to attend a party in his
    neighbor's flat.
    There, he met a beautiful
    lady.the whole youths
    started to look at her
    aspects and her well dressed.
    But, she has already chose
    her nightboy . She winked
    to paul for many times.
    He was so surprised by her
    beauty. He fell in love with her, he
    loved who takes leave of
    one's senses, "jinn".
    Few days after,she asked
    him to visit her family. He
    went there for many times. They've very nice flat .
    Containing , a big
    swimming pool , and green
    garden. Where paul liked
    to sit with her.
    Her family interested into paul. And they claim, love
    to him so much.
    Once a day they asked him to tell
    his family about their
    That day , paul returned
    home too late.
    His telephone was shutdown,while he was
    Where have you been all
    this time, what about your
    telephone , his
    mother asked him. We were so anxious about
    you, we felt so much
    worry,They said.
    I'll tell you .but, not now.
    Tomorrow in the morning ,
    he said. He kissed his parents
    gently and they did too.
    Then, they all went to
    sleep .
    At the next day
    morning's , they asked him to breathe the words
    was kept yesterday.
    Give me the 100$, which
    you promised me
    yesterday.he said. Paul , but, no body
    promised you by
    something . They said.
    Ok, i've nothing to say. He
    Ok,ok,ok, they said. She is a beautiful girl. Her
    name is laila.
    We love each other so
    much. I'm waiting for you
    outside dad, the
    school, and he left.! Chapter 6
    for many times paul asked
    laila to come and visit his
    family, but, she
    ignored that. Once a day he invited her
    to the cinema, and his
    parents too. He
    intended to make it a
    surprise to laila .
    Paul saw her, Then he moved toward his sweet
    look, john, paul is going
    through the girl cat ,rosa
    She screamed to him:paul no,no , . . . This is the witch.
    changed her shape to a
    bird, and flew away.
    He intended to make it as a
    surprise , but really, he did! All the people felt
    afraid,fear , horror and
    they ran away.
    That day , paul dreamt
    with the cat saying :
    "aleson john". Then, she laughed and dissappeared.
    Paul asked his mother
    about that name.
    I don't know him, she
    chapter 7 ********************
    few years after ,the
    president of the white
    house died. The people
    have to choose a new
    president. Aleson john, is the leader
    of the army. So , he will be
    a president
    via eliction . The people are
    free to choose their new
    president, aleson said.
    Rosa forgetten about that
    name and paul too.
    They went to vote for the
    new election.
    There, rosa felt down. The ambulance took her to the
    two weeks she went to
    the hospital too.
    Rosa was crying and
    screaming about 15
    minutes.but suddenly that
    voice stopped.
    Congratulations for you. The nurse said.
    the new president is
    aleson john.she added.
    He is very good person. I
    will name him the same
    name too.She said. The nurse smiled and left.
    Two weeks after, paul
    dreamt with laila, she was
    reciting the name of
    his brother for many times.
    Paul told his mother about his dream.she remembered
    and he too.
    And they became so a
    chapter 8
    ***************** few months after, rosa
    was washing the dishes
    when she heard aleson
    screaming . She walked
    toward him, in the kids
    room. He was covered with his
    They all were sad and
    The ball is still rolling, after
    few months ;paul dreamt with laila.
    What do you want?
    What have we did for you,
    why are you trying to
    destroy our happy
    little family? He asked. She hasn't answered his
    question.she was just
    crying, and the tears
    rolled her face.
    When he wokeup , he
    could see her eyes water. He went to tell his mother,
    but,she was already gone
    His father decided to leave
    that house and go
    somewhere else. chapter 9
    california, autumn.
    Paul and his father went to
    live in california. They were
    very happy. Their life has been new.
    Paul became a teacher in a
    school .
    Paul , i think you should
    look for a wife now. I
    want to see your sons and your daughters. His
    father said.
    What is is your word about
    kelly. Paul said.
    she is a beautiful girl. John
    replayed. You're a teacher and you'll
    marry a teacher too, he
    said. Paul and his
    father went to kelly's
    family house. They talked
    about general life, political , then, happiness
    and sadness participant.
    Kelly's parents were very
    happy to engage them
    chapter 10 ********************
    paul and kelly soon got
    After ten months, they had
    a little daughter, she was
    named _rosa. She behaves the same way
    of laila.
    For many days paul, was
    missing the milk in the
    kitchen. He knew that
    there is a cat comes in and drink it daily.
    He put some poison on the
    milk. Suddenly, his mobile
    Are you mr.paul ,the
    speaker said. Yes i am , he replayed.
    I'm sorry to tell you that
    your father has died in an
    I'm talking to you from
    the central hospital at california. The speaker
    Paul and his wife were
    crying loudly at the
    Paul and 10 men , took his body to his new house
    eternal. They read
    some versions from the
    paul returned home . Alot
    of people were there when, his wife called
    him to come into the
    chapter 11
    paul i'm sorry. I love you. I must tell you the truth
    now , she said.
    Truth about what He said.
    I'm the one who killed you
    mother and your brother
    too. She said. May you are joking ,this is
    madness, he said.
    Do you know laila , the cat,
    the bird, and you
    nightmare. She asked.
    Then, she changed her shape to a big cat, bird,
    laila,and finally,
    kelly. He was really
    Why did you killed them,he
    asked. They did nothing , but
    your grandmother did.
    She had killed my mother
    and my brother too, with
    poisoned milk.
    Now i've took my revenge too, no more murders.i'm
    going now.she said.
    And they were crying.
    Don't worry paul , we will
    meet in our hereafter life.
    Then, we'll be together. She said.
    She diss appeared.
    Paul realized that
    everything that he had
    seen was a magic, the
    swimming pool, the green garden, and the two
    All, were magic.
    He drunk the milk and fell
    As a matter of course , the little cat came into the
    kitchen to drink the milk.
    No, no , don't drink it he
    said to his daughter.
    But she drunk it all!
    She also gone invisible. They all died and paul too.
    Mohammed Alfatih mubarak Adam, mailto:[email protected]@gmail.com

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