01-18-2015, 12:50 PM |
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 85
Un-employment-a time-bomb by Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
A Dr. Salah Tayeb, a Sudanese management expert adjourned for an hour his lecture on un-employment in Sudan, We dispersed in the sprawling Gedaref university campus on leafy benches. A round us leaves rustled with sweet and warm breezes from hills that bounded university. I interrupted my visit to university due to a sudden call from mom. She always dreads an elevated blood sugar. The medical examiner smiling reassuringly said it was normal. I consoled myself by reading Dr, Tayeb thought on joblessness in Sudan in morning papers. H is article estimated un-employment in Sudan as 7% among graduate students. Dr. Salah ascribed the alarming rate to the expansion of Higher education. He remembered a comment made by a South Sudan ex-minster of Higher learning Dr. Peter Adok who alleged that Sudanese universities offer degrees of little or dubious value. He also indicated to the ironic description of Sadig Mahdi, umma party boss to Sudanese universities as a spoonful of sugar in a barrel of water. Dr. Salah Tayeb craved efficiency, on-the-job-training and betterment of work environment within Sudanese institutions. He is a devout believer in that economic saying:”If one can do why two” He explained that as recruitment of 6 employees rather than two in a medical insurance and retirees’ fund. He considered that as a disguised un-employment that leads to a diminished productivity. Dr. Salah Tayeb predicted a correlation between the rapid rise of un-employment and lack of educational and economic planning. According to him, un-employment feeds resentment, destitution and breeds crimes. He concluded his article by proposing the lay-down of visions and polices with obvious objectives. Moreover, the mobilization of private sector to develop human resources for the stability and prosperity of Sudan.