17 يوليو , اليوم العالمي للعدالة الدولية

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07-18-2007, 01:41 PM

على عجب

تاريخ التسجيل: 06-23-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 3881

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17 يوليو , اليوم العالمي للعدالة الدولية

    Posted by: "William Pace" [email protected] anagadalal
    Tue Jul 17, 2007 11:19 am (PST)

    We are resending this message
    because it has been
    further refined, and some of you did not receive it.

    The Coalition for
    the ICC observes the 17th
    of July as the World Day for
    International Justice, in
    honor of the adoption of
    the Court's founding
    treaty, the Rome
    Statute, on 17 July 1998. The
    Rome Statute establishes a new system
    of international criminal justice, now
    encompassing more than half of the
    world's nations, that ends
    impunity for the worst crimes in international law.

07-18-2007, 04:04 PM

Adil Osman
<aAdil Osman
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-27-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 10208

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: 17 يوليو , اليوم العالمي للعدالة الدولية (Re: على عجب)

07-19-2007, 08:34 AM

على عجب

تاريخ التسجيل: 06-23-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 3881

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: 17 يوليو , اليوم العالمي للعدالة الدولية (Re: Adil Osman)

    الاستاذ عادل
    تحية واحترام
    اشكرك ايضا علي الاهتمام

    اشكرك علي وضع النظام الاساس للمحكمة الجنائية الدولية

    اتمني ان تجد الوقت لفتح نقاش عن العدالة الدولية

    والعدالة الانتقالية

    ورفض احالة قضية دارفور من قبل السودان استنادا الي عدم الاختصاص

    وموضوع تسليم المشتبه بهم
    مع الود

    The referral of situations from three states parties: the Democratic Republic of Congo , Uganda and the Central African Republic;
    * The historic referral of the situation in Darfur, Sudan, to the Court by the UN Security Council;
    * Advanced investigations by the Office of the Prosecutor into the situations in DRC, Uganda and Darfur resulting in the judges issuing eight arrest warrants;
    * The opening of an investigation in the CAR that would prosecute the widespread crimes against women as crimes against humanity;
    * The arrest of, confirmation of charges and move to trial against Thomas Lubanga Dyilo for war crimes relating to the recruitment and enlistment of child soldiers in the DRC;
    * The recognition of the jurisdiction of the ICC by Côte d'Ivoire even though it is not a state party to the Rome Statute; and
    * The intensive analysis by the Office of the Prosecutor of potential situations on four continents, including Côte d'Ivoire, which is not a state party to the Court.

    In addition to the Court's progress in its investigations,
    the growing list of member states further highlights the impact of this new system of international criminal justice. Today, Japan formally deposited its instrument of ratification to the Rome Statute, making it the 105th state party to the Court. This is a momentous step forward in the campaign to ensure universal ratification of the Statute and a clear sign that the Court's legitimacy is growing in major capitals around the world.

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